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The Official League of Legends Thread (Starcraft is for silly asians)



  • To give you an idea, my friend list for sk people is:

    1. KoKa1ShOt
    2. Noodlebob
    3. Szaxachii (Lux)
    4. OfficerCautious (Tyrsis)
    5. BCartfall (Jayr)
    6. Sindustry
    7. Conana
    8. Mitch0z
    9. iV587 (Default). I haven't seen him on yet.

    I'm on roughly every day for at least a game as I usually have at least an hour to spend. Most everyone on this list is regularly on. I never not see at least one person online from sk.
    The problem you have is that you are on the wrong server
  • pretty sure you have to pay?
  • nope...all servers are open
  • why on page 2 now? ....
  • why on page 2 now? ....
    I don't know; too busy playing LoL.

  • Took me longer than it should have to understand Irelia. Now I'm glad I purchased her. It took like 5 minutes to understand AD Sion and I think I've lost like 1/10 games with him. Now i'm trying to master AP Sion which is fun in a different way.
  • Sion is very interesting! Same with Morde. Still trying to work them both out
  • edited March 2012
    So without reading through 6 pages how many people actually play LOL? Like play every day?

    Depends, theres 3 servers one for NA/Canada, one for Asia and one for EU. About 2,000 players constantly.
    Europes community was too big so we got split into 2 ages ago
    eu west and eu east

    edit: i play virtually every day
  • Sion is very interesting! Same with Morde. Still trying to work them both out
    AD sion is super easy. He's similar to gangplank with a stun and more hp and not as much focus on crits. Thing is that if you're against a good team they know how to cc you well.

    AP sion takes more skill and is bursty. His early game is superior as well. But his ult is meh. Because he's bursty enemy cc isn't as big of a deal. It's really fun to do top lane with him, throw a stun and explode your shield for like 1/4-1/3 of their health.

  • I don't have much experience with Morde. I tried him a free week a long time ago and sucked with him and didn't much like him so I haven't tried him since.
  • Oh I finally picked up Shaco. Never got around to using him, really. I tried him once and now know that I wasn't near as good as I thought I would be with him since I can tell pretty quick how good a shaco on a team is. His jungle is just super crazy but I lost my internet connection early and if he's behind he sucks horribly. Can't wait to have those super ganks and counter jungles.
  • aw man, I got the Dota2 beta key, i dont want to use it, tbh i dont want it, but annoyingly i can't somehow gift it either...
  • Volibear is the most unoriginal champ name ever.

    HE's a bear that throws people. Volibear.
  • i highly doubt volibear is getting nerged anytime soon... hes hardly a beast :P
  • home page looks ugly
  • edited March 2012
    More of a Volibeast if you ask me. I wouldn't be surprised if he picks up a nerf soon. I've been playing with zilean and he is a lot of fun! if you pick up blue often enough, just spamming those bombs all over the place is brilliant. Also, that ult has to be the best way to induce rage in a teamfight lol.

    Zilean's bombs drop off hard hard HARD mid/late game. laning phase, yes a pain in the ass. He's a great non-healing support champs. yes, his ult is fantastic if used correctly. A lot of zileans I've played against use it on themselves too often though. It's better used on your carries.

    Volibear's throw is easy as hell to dodge and imo one of the weakest champs in game.
  • zilean is fun, but youd need a lanemate with some sustain as he cant actually support during lanephase... he just doesnt fit in the current meta so youd need a team to play him properly
  • I have been playing with voli a lot. I have been destroying with him. Its funny watching yis think they can take you 1v1, popping a frenzy and seeing half their life disappear. With his slow as well its then too late for them to get away.

    Been using Fiora too. She is a lot of fun.
  • you CAN destroy with every hero, if youre good enough with it. the point is just that in his role..... theres so many stronger picks :P
  • very true.

    When you playing with me a Prime? Taity on EU West btw.
  • ill probably be online this weekend
  • I've seen some good ZIlean supports (dat ult!) but there are better choices. Volibear is really situational imo. If he doesn't have good feed he's practically worthless. Otherwise he feels like a downgraded Singed to me, who I much rather prefer. Fed, he's a monster tank with crazy regen which can make him unstoppable, but you can say that about a lot of champs. I don't hate on him as much as most people do, but I don't see the big deal about him either. I've had some good kill lane combos with him before, my favorite being Voli/Blitz (instant tower range!)
  • I find once you hit lvl 4 (lvl6 if solo) you can target one champ and always win. Its so easy to gank with his q. I spend a lot of time in the brush waiting for that time to gank. once you have a couple of kills, you get a warmogs. Your W starts doing some serious damage, not to mention you can take some serious punishment. Gets to the stage where you can take on 3v1.

    i go warmogs, frozen mallet, atmas impaler. Generally teams have surrended by this time. But sometimes ill chuck another warmogs in at the end just for lols.
  • yeah but literally every situation where volibear is usefull.... you could have had a singed. the voli blitz combo would work better as blitz singed, of course this combo would also means you dont have a jungle, or no proper / top AD carry... hugely messing up your late game and teamfights, aswell as your own farm capabilities. only way to fix that is having a blitz or singed jungle and one top. but thatd seriously limit the amount of times you can pull it off :P

    the metagame excists for a reason, you want to break it youll need cooperation of the entire team on something usefull
  • Im still only lvl 25 so not at ranked team play yet. So I am still playing some noobs. Maybe i will realise soon why you are right :P
  • Well if you like voli then definitely try singed out. You have to be careful with him the first few levels but past that he's even more of a beast than voli is imo for so many reasons. His aoe slow is just awesome if you use it correctly and it's better than voli's increased speed for a flip.

    Jayr and I had a few rounds doing a blitz and singed combo and if I remember right it worked well. I've done it to perfection with a few others. It really destroys the bottom lane meta but Cere4l is right that you have a rough time with dps. I had a decent team together once that did a Singed/blitz combo on bot, ranged ad in mid, and a Cass on top. This was actually very effective because we had all the right roles filled and top's ap countered the bruiser champ well as did a ranged ad against an ap character. It's rare you get a good non-meta combo like that though. We also had a nocturne as a jungler so all together we had awesome damage with a tank and offtank.
  • edited March 2012
    Dude support champs are effing boring, especially Soraka/Sona.
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