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The Official League of Legends Thread (Starcraft is for silly asians)



  • It's just a game...

    Too many forget that.
  • It's just a game...

    Too many forget that.
    Thats why we play SK
  • MalMal
    edited February 2012
    In response to your post:

    -Establishing early game ganks on carries is pretty damned important - stunting their growth inhibits their ability to carry

    It's all about economic progression but ganks are a tradeoff. If you fail a gank then you're out valuable experience and gold if you are a jungler. If you gank from, say mid, then you lose out on cs. But you have to factor how much you take out of their money pool by at least harrassing or denying. Sometimes unsuccessful ganks are still acceptable because they are needed. For example, if bottom is getting harrassed badly, they're pushed to their turret and being outlaned... then even if a gank is unsuccessful it at least relieves some pressure and prevents the other team's free farm. Early successful ganks can sometimes snowball to a huge advantage by either killing the team (gold to your team, denied cs to the other) or just stunting the ad carry by helping to zone them out. This is why good junglers are so important.

    -Save your carry from encounters if need be - getting that extra kill and letting a carry die isn't worth it [unless you are the/a carry]

    If your carry is on a kill streak then if your carry dies that's a lot of gold the other team gets. Generally, your carry's life will determine who wins team fights. If you get that extra kill then you get gold and your carry dies. That means the other team gets more gold. And your carry is a very important player. It's like having your queen die in chess at the expense of taking their bishop. It's a judgment call and people get very greedy at times for those kills but it's best to keep your carry alive. This is also very situational. Are you ahead in kills or below? Are you right next to a turret and that enemy you're killing is the only one guarding it? Will this make an ace?

    -Baiting people to gank with someone with the support mastery of decreased port time is a good way to ease a push. Destroying a turret is a sure-fire way to get the opposing team's attention, then port back right after. People are greedy.

    Might work, but very situational. Backdooring is a semi-legitimate strat and if used correctly can do a lot of damage. This is mostly seen during mid/late game. Other champs that can escape really quick and do major damage to turrets can do this (yi, rammus with ult). Your way, however, is very risky because you are deep within enemy territory and if you don't have the place warded up then you may be ganked before you know it.

    -Getting the last hit on minions is very, very important. Do it. A lot.

    It's what determines who is a better carry for the most part. I constnatly am tabbing to see if i'm beating my lane opponent in cs. You get a certain amount of cs over them and it's like adding extra kills. A more advanced strat is knowing how to deny cs of your opponent. This is done with scare tactics, harras, kiting... One thing I like to do on top is if I know the opponent is afraid of me I like to run up to them when they are about to close in for a last hit. It's one of my fav things to do as Malph on top. If you're on bottom and can cs AND harass well then you can really zone your opponents out of cs, and if you're lucky, exp. Mid has a much easier job doing this. For example, I usually take xerath mid because of his powerful ranged abilities. I can cs AND harass with his Q, forcing my opponent away from valuable cs.

    -Calling out MIAs can really save your team's ass early game.

    You'd be surprised how many people don't do this even in level 30 games. Every lane can benefit from MIAs. If you're pushing hard on bottom for whatever reason and you get that MIA from mid, then you may want to back off. Some people also call mias by making pings that leave a trail. This is helpful sometimes, especially when you're somewhere like, taking your blue and an enemy jungler is spotted coming your way.

    -Even if the kill count is 20/60 not in your favor, you can still win.

    The more experienced you get the less you'll see this. Games are won based on economic factors. And that's a lot of gold the other team has that you don't. If the enemy carry has an infinite edge, bloodthirster, 2 PD, and whatever else built and your carry has little more than a doran's and boots then you've got problems. The "snowball" effect is very real. That's why people scream "GG!" when it's something like 5-1. Your advantage gives you better leverage to increase your advantage. Now if you're pretty even or slightly losing that is different. Let's say you're 50-60 close to end game... This is very winnable still. I've been on several teams that DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUSH. They have a huge advantage and they squander it by doing something stupid like farm when they should be taking the nexus. The longer the game lasts, the lower your advantage is. If, let's say, the kills are something like 120-150 and the game is an hour in, the difference is almost nothing because everyone has their max build. You'll get teams like this that waste an ace and all recall, or jungle farm when there's one turret left and the nexus. It's very frustrating.

    Hope this helps.
  • I'm learning - reading up and such as well + from personal experience. I want to buy some more champs : rizen looks fun. Rizen off-tank = godly
  • er
    I don't play.
  • Patch notes nerfs/buffs

    Fixed a bug where Triumphant Roar was not granting assists

    Fixed a bug where Despair was dealing less damage with Ability Power than intended

    Base health increased to 474 from 438
    Base armor increased to 14.9 from 12.7
    Mana per level increased to 35 from 27
    Volley cooldown reduced to 16/13/10/7/4 from 20/16/12/8/4
    Enchanted Crystal Arrow now grants vision while in flight.

    Fixed a bug where Headshot did not trigger while Taunted or Silenced

    Fixed a bug where Feast would fail to kill shielded targets

    Trueshot Barrage now grants vision while in flight.

    Fixed a bug where Barrel Roll immediately detonated when Gragas died

    Fixed a bug where his turrets would not be demolished when he died if the turret was being teleported to (by Summoner Teleport)

    Jarvan IV
    Fixed a bug where Cataclysm immediately crumbled when Jarvan IV died

    Mana regen per level increased to 0.7 per 5 seconds from 0.45
    Fixed a bug where Empower's cooldown was higher than stated at earlier ranks

    Counter Strike
    Dodge duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5

    Now additionally reduces the damage from area of effect abilities by 25% while Jax is dodging

    Now can be activated again after 1 second to end the effect early

    Damage adjusted to 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 bonus attack damage) from 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.8 bonus attack damage)

    Now deals 20% increased damage for each attack dodged (up to a maximum of 100% increased damage) instead of 10/15/20/25/30 bonus damage per dodge
    Cooldown reduced to 18/16/14/12/10 seconds from 22/20/18/16/14

    Grandmaster’s Might duration increased to 8 seconds from 6

    Lee Sin
    Flurry attack speed bonus reduced to 40% from 50%
    Sonic Wave missing health damage reduced to 8% from 10%

    Soul Shackles ability power ratio reduced to .7 from .8
    Fixed a bug where Soul Shackles would sometimes fizzle
    Master Yi

    Fixed a bug where Meditate's ability power ratio was shown as lower than it actually was

    Fixed a bug where Absolute Zero's slow did not grant assists

    Minor tweak to Rammus' dance to actually rotate around his center axis when on his back

    Fixed a bug where Glacial Prison did not detonate if Sejuani died

    Boomerang Blade
    Damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 from 70/115/160/205/250
    Bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 1.0 from 1.1
    On The Hunt
    Movement speed bonus reduced to 20% from 25%
    Duration reduced to 10 from 15

    Fixed a bug where Power Chord did not trigger while Taunted or Silenced

    Fixed a bug where Swain had reduced mana regeneration while in Raven form

    Power Transfer missile speed increased to 2000 from 1400
    Chaos Storm persistent damage per second increased to 50/75/100 (+0.25 ability power) from 40/60/80 (+0.2 ability power)

    Also, there were item changes: wtf @ taking away stark's fervor?
  • srsly. need to paste the whole patch log........ people honestly don't come to sk forums to read LOL patch notes.......

    mal i'm sure wat u said might be useful, but tl:dr.

    we should all play. i'll be opposite side of default, at least it'll be more even then, lol
  • hurrr you didn't expect LoL talk in a thread titled "The Official League of Legends Thread (Starcraft is for silly asians)"

    Anyway, I bought Ziggs. Most fun I've had with a champ yet :D
  • If anyone here uses lolreplay please help. I just did a game today and I wanted to post a clip on youtube. It involves the other team attempting to steal our blue at the start and the end result being four of them dead and none of us. (I was blitz and kept pulling them into the nearby turret through the wall). It was pretty crazy and I'd love to post it but my replay keeps saying "failed to connect" and won't ever connect with retry. Here's the link:
  • :( this fails.

    I remember for SC2 it was like MASS skypage and like I post one thing, everyone gets on and starts playing! This is why we need real man like BotD, Fade and newbiemode lol people that are not AFRAID to play the damn game. People here just talk about playing. LAMEO.
  • i'm on every day dammit
  • teach me to be good
  • you guys need to get 5 people together. I can get 4 people to play on my side on command. Then we can do inhouse ya?

    :) organize a time!
  • i'm on every day dammit
  • I win about 80% of my matches with karthus.

    trololol. Yesterday I got 5 AAs. Ults for ~1800dmg on everyone is pretty sweet, especially when scrubs STILL don't get banshee veil.
  • Never played anything like this. Just installed it yesterday not sure I can get used to "point and click" for moving. I think it's gonna take me a week just to get comfortable with the controls.
  • If you hold the left click down you'll move where the pointer is. Click the minimap to move across large distances.
  • edited February 2012
    I win about 80% of my matches with karthus.

    trololol. Yesterday I got 5 AAs. Ults for ~1800dmg on everyone is pretty sweet, especially when scrubs STILL don't get banshee veil.
    how does a match last so long....
    the only reason y scrubs don't get banshee veils. is you r playing against scrubs.

    must be elo hell :( feel sorry for you
  • What is for srs azns?
  • I met a chick who plays LoL. Good strong nerd chick.
  • I have a friend who is a fairly strong nerd chick as well.
  • If any females I knew knew that I played games like League of Legends and Starkingdoms I would be laughed at so hard.
  • Its not something i brag about
  • I win about 80% of my matches with karthus.

    trololol. Yesterday I got 5 AAs. Ults for ~1800dmg on everyone is pretty sweet, especially when scrubs STILL don't get banshee veil.
    how does a match last so long....
    the only reason y scrubs don't get banshee veils. is you r playing against scrubs.

    must be elo hell :( feel sorry for you
    Wall of pain negates the BV until its next CD?
    Anyway, I'm not playing ranked as of yet. Most matches do not last until I get 5 AAs...I just had a lot of farm and kills

    So no, no elo because I'm not participating in ranked yet. I'd rather get more familiar with some champs before I start playing ranked.
  • If any females I knew knew that I played games like League of Legends and Starkingdoms I would be laughed at so hard.
    My gf plays LoL with me.
  • every female I know makes fun of people that play video games. Thus I have these two dirty secrets.
  • More and more attractive girls are turning into part time gamers ive noticed. My gf plays CoD with me haha, and a bit of mario kart
  • More and more attractive girls are turning into part time gamers ive noticed. My gf plays CoD with me haha, and a bit of mario kart
    She could play a game with me :) Im sure she could make good use of my joystick. As long as I get to do the shots :)
  • More and more attractive girls are turning into part time gamers ive noticed. My gf plays CoD with me haha, and a bit of mario kart
    She could play a game with me :) Im sure she could make good use of my joystick. As long as I get to do the shots :)
    She doesnt like the childsized ones. Youre shit out of luck, yo.
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