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The Official League of Legends Thread (Starcraft is for silly asians)



  • edited June 2012
    Because I'm a particular persons with particular tastes. I started games with mana bars and that is what I like. And I can activate my spells instantly based on my mana instead of having to charge up with rage and that other crap.
  • Makes sense. I like to be my own individual as well, just wanted to know if you knew something I didnt :). Im still very new to the game yet. Doesn't Ezreal use a Mana bar?
  • MalMal
    edited July 2012
    I dont like manaless characters (like renekton and tryn) because of that stupid rage crap. Charging up your stuff for abilities is just a pain in the ass for me. The only champ I deal with any charging up is Draven, because even though he's mana, you have to juggle your first axe for a bit before getting two going.

    However energy characters are great. It's almost like having free abilities because of the super high recharge rate. The only time you notice it as different is when you are using them in quick succession, then it's more like a general cooldown limit. But when you just use them regularly it's like free harass and just great. (Kennen's Q is just awesome). You notice the total energy issue more with Shen because his costs are high,especially if you miss a taunt... but his ult is free which is just insane really. Kennen you have to be careful because you could use all your energy and then not have enough to hit your E or W, meaning you miss out on stuns, extra damage, or an escape. But this isn't really a big factor because you can use all your skills once for a good combo before running out and the regen is so high you don't have to wait long. I rarely notice a difference in lee sin because his skills cost so little and the regen is super high. It just feels great to have no limits to your skills because for the most part you are cooldown dependant only unless you burst a combo. And if you are a mana character then you still have cooldowns to worry about after your burst.

    I have yet to even try shy and have no desire to.
  • btw just got Guardia and SmilingHippo on board!
  • I've been gone from LoL for about two weeks I think. Can someone tell me how Jayce is.
  • Crim I forgot to say but you should probably spectate Tyrsis when he plays skarner. He's definitely one of the best I've seen and his lux is top notch too. My favorites are tanks and solo top but it's so frustrating to play tanks because it feels like my teams never work well with me (running away when I initiate and then yell at me) so I just end up dying a lot. Solo top is rough to play too because you're stuck up there forever while the rest of your team sucks through early game and all you can do is hope your jungler is at least competent enough to be better than there's when they gank top and hope that you can get a huge advantage early and start helping mid. More likely than not your jungler won't help at all and you're stuck 1v1 or 2v1 most of the game while mid feeds and bot feeds and you can't do anything about it. Granted you have these issues everywhere and in every position but you're most helpless in top to help your team as you can only help mid, an occasional jungler counter jungle (if they even do it) and mid maybe. If you're lucky you can teleport bot and help but I only do that if they are really hurting and I can afford to leave for a sec. So in other words I rarely play top or a tank. It's harder to carry when you play those positions than if you are mid (who can help all lanes and all jungle positions) and ad range (that can turn into a late game beast).
  • He said Janna AD, like it was a legit build.
  • Parrrley
    Now refunds half the mana cost if Parrrley kills the target

    lol this makes GP so much better
  • I miss playing GP top. Now I get to again!
  • edited July 2012
    I miss playing GP top. Now I get to again!
    Just please don't play critplank anymore, lol.
    To be honest, the champ that I'm enjoying the most for quite some time now is Nocturne.
  • Also, I'm not a very big fan of Skarner. If mid uses mana, rule him out. He's useful in a comp that has a lot of poke and against a team with not too much hard CC. He USED to be top tier, but nerfing the blue buff... I don't know, I find him very situational. There are quite a few more junglers available that offer more with more versatility.

    Most underplayed jungler imo - Jarvan 4th
  • I would play but my ex plays and hmmm would be fun to murder her.... Na I cbf investing my time.

    But if I were, is it a game one can play without spending any money and still hve fun?
  • New additions to my f-list are devildan, guardia, smilinghippo, zamerano, puppy, walls. Maybe I should revive the sk team...
  • Nuff Said.

  • Should add me in League. Tag is Knightmare53
  • My AP Malph Guide

    AP malph is so freaking fun. I didn't think it would work but if you really treat him like a different champ (much like AP sion, who is viable BTW) then it works pretty well. I actually saw Dyrus use an AP malph build in a tourny which made me smile. Here's my AP Malph build.

    AP Malph
    1. boots
    2. dorans x2
    3. kage pick
    4. ROA/glacier shroud
    5. ROA/glacier shroud
    6. Deathfire
    7. Frozen heart (or later if doing great)
    8. Rylais/deathcap/void/abysmal
    9. deathcap/void/abysmal
    10. Hourglass/void/abysmal

    I use defensive masteries and AP/AP pen runes

    (I usually don't get a rylais ever. It's kinda a waste because you get slow from Q anyways so it's only helpful on your E, which is useless really. The mix of health and ap is great though but not as helpful as other situational items. Get void for major MR teams, ABysmal for less MR or if your team has more AP than usual. Hell, drop the frozen heart and just use glacier if you're doing phenomenal.

    You don't waste your abilities because you're actually building some armor, your burst is still strong, and you get awesome CDR from deathfire and frozen heart. CDR is just fantastic because you can use your ult so often then, which is key to ap malph burst. I've tried many versions and this works the best for me now because I like getting those early surprise kills. Seriously. When you hit 6 no one even guesses you can burst them to nothing as malph and with a couple doran's and kage you can.

    My general strat for early game is harass with Q, which does ridiculous damage, and then surprise burst them. If they get close chances are you're against a bruiser so just pop your E as well, which also scales with AP so it does some decent damage. The Q will slow them enough for an escape as well.

    When they are around 1/3 health or more during early game from harass you can easily QRE/ignite/w and they're dead. They never expect this.

    Teamfights are funny because you're tanky enough to still at least offtank, and your ult will devastate an entire team even more than before since it does major damage on top fo the CC (1.0 ap scaling).

    Top lane or mid works. I get an early abysmal if i'm in mid though. Top lane is where he shines because Ap malph really destroys bruisers. Just start burst killing before they can get lifesteal stuff so you can snowball or else it'll be a boring trade lane.

    What are you giving up? Armor/health/ad... AD never is a big deal imo because malph is supposed to be a tank anyways. Armor, which helps AD is a problem, thus the Glacier/frozen which also give mana and CDR. Health is why the ROA is there too, but even though it's noticeable that Malph isn't as an unstoppable tank anymore it makes up for the sheer amount of damage you can do. If your team is full squishy then this probably won't work well even though you can still tank well with your Frozen heart proc, E, ult, and Q to chase/escape.

    Just think of him like AP sion, but not useless after using only two skills, one that can be popped too early by damage.
  • Dianna OP atm.
  • thankfully diana was nerfed.
  • Leave LOL and come to DOTA.
  • Dota sucks ass and creep denial is boring.
  • edited September 2012
    Why would you want to allow the other dude to farm? Deny ftw.
  • You box them out or trade with them, which is much more challenging and interesting.
  • Everyone in DOTA is super OP and there's too much cc. I saw a video for that will o wisp like champ though and that's pretty neat.
  • One time I played DOTA and everyone yelled to kick me because I had to download it so I never played again. I'm just not an elite/cool enough player to handle that game.
  • You box them out or trade with them, which is much more challenging and interesting.
    L O L

    aka lol is casual trash
  • edited September 2012
    One time I played DOTA and everyone yelled to kick me because I had to download it so I never played again. I'm just not an elite/cool enough player to handle that game.
    Without a doubt the rudest player base I've encountered. Even worse than SK. I love it. You should group up with me sometime I put a lot of hours in now and I'm pretty good with certain characters. Good enough to carry you to a win so you can enjoy a match without being noob stomped and screamed at, which is common to a new player.
  • Fuck lol and dota. Everyone throw in their wc3 disk and come play a nice super unbalanced game of footmen frenzy 5.4 with your pal doggie.

    And dank actually knows what he is talking about for once. Dota players can be total dicks.
  • One time I played DOTA and everyone yelled to kick me because I had to download it so I never played again. I'm just not an elite/cool enough player to handle that game.
    Without a doubt the rudest player base I've encountered. Even worse than SK. I love it. You should group up with me sometime I put a lot of hours in now and I'm pretty good with certain characters. Good enough to carry you to a win so you can enjoy a match without being noob stomped and screamed at, which is common to a new player.
    This was back in warcraft 3 haha. It scarred me for life!
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