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Recent Activity

  • Forlorn

    Is Phen still alive?

    July 15
  • Easter Bunny

    Come to the discord, sklone's. It's good, lots of oldies there

    February 5
  • Easter Bunny

    Kev, hope you are well. We are hanging out in the sklone discord, come say hi

    February 5
  • Easter Bunny

    Come to the sklone discord and @ tag meadows and Cory

    February 5
  • dank

    You do not speak and I do not know what has happened but I have not let your legacy die. It can live on with the community. Sell me the domain name and join us. Name your price but please be reasonable and let's come to an agreement.

    January 2023
  • Easter Bunny

    What is your word of the day today?

    October 2022
  • Forlorn

    I haven't spoken to you since about 2006, how's life?

    March 2022
  • SongSi changed her profile picture.
    August 2021
  • SongSi


    August 2021
  • Cya

    Sir, I have been around this game in one way or another for Close to 19-20 years now. I started shortly after the original Betas.I was just a teenager. You had a great thing going here, and a dedicated following. I am not going to chastise you other then to say I am disappointed you let this game die. I know that they were people who were willing to purchase this game from you as well. It’s a shame you never took them up on their offer. I do want to say thank you though, I’ve met a lot of good people through this game and become friends with them outside of the gaming world. The people that I met through this game I helped bring me through some really rough times in my life. I have you to thank for bringing us together. I hope someday that Will find a way to re-launch this game. There’s a large group of us still playing together in other games now, and we would love the opportunity to come back someday. Good luck, best wishes, and a good life to you.

    April 2020
  • Easter Bunny

    Hope you are well!

    February 2020
  • dank

    Come back to and play sk with us. We fixed everything, Omni is dev now. I appologize for our falling out but we do want you back.

    November 2019
  • dank

    Come to and play sk with us.

    November 2019
  • Narshe

    Yo whats up Loonie toonie? How's life been treating ya?

    June 2019
  • dank changed his profile picture.
    January 2019
  • Veii

    i still can't log in, sir! please help?

    December 2018
  • ken1978

    i am buzzkillz 1-15, can i at least have sl so i can buy stuff, man i was gone for like 10 and this game went to shit what happened?

    December 2018
  • dank

    FuckYouImDank 2:1

    December 2018
  • Hazza

    Option 3, u use all Pas on thrm. 1 day per hit to Rob their banks.

    But seriously, I thinks Darius Idea.

    November 2018
  • CountDankula

    Playing as fear and loathing 2:6

    November 2018
  • Hazza

    Hi Rob, I screwed up.. asked for 80 TCs instead of SMs
    So Zaxx is Hazza us in deletion, I remade

    Kingdom Name: Hazz is Zaxx
    Located in Galaxy #2 and Sector #11.

    Is the remake.

    November 2018
  • Lynog_LFC_x2ndCx

    wassup pops. been a long ol time. Hows things?

    October 2018
    • cumgitsum
      hows the new Wife-style m8?
      Oi got time to play this next round (1 week away)?
      Heap of old crew, including Kes, gunna make it.
    • goldmedalist
      I love team killing my own team mates it's funny.
    • cumgitsum
      Sad case. Now fuck off.
  • Drankhof

    I play as chabza 1:17

    November 2018
  • dariusayyy


    November 2018
  • Veii

    don't kill me, overlord! = veii el jefe 1.20

    November 2018
  • Hazza

    Yo, Rob I created

    The kingdom of Zaxx is Hazza (1:13) November 10, 13:18:40
    That all you need?

    November 2018
  • Lynog_LFC_x2ndCx

    waddup my brother from an asian mother

    October 2018
    • TJx2ndCx
      Saaaaap!!!! Sent you a pm! Was playing with the boys for the past year and then quit after the bot nonsense.
    • goldmedalist
      I'm Asian.
  • I love team killing my own team mates it's funny. Then I film it for youtube.

    November 2018
  • Hazza

    I assume you're xmyxrules? Can you give me sl in 1.5.

    September 2018
  • CountDankula changed his profile picture.
    September 2018