Team Members:1. Conana
2. Kokashot
3. Tyrsis
4. Yourpalmal
5. Lux
6. SGC
7. Rayzar
8. Sindustry
Since I have now played this game for a good week I'm qualified enough to post about it.
This game is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) map for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and is a
Free to Play game. The object of the game is simple: Destroy the other side's base. In order to do that you take on an avatar called a champion and battle it out on a map. The symmetrical map has turrets strategically placed on each side hindering the advancement of your troops throughout three different lanes. You will be assisted by minions that periodically spawn from your base into each lane.
This real time strategic game involves a more simplistic approach compared to starcraft or warcraft since it focuses more on your champion. You have no control over your minions and focus your entire round on how you gain ground and defeat other players. All rpg-elements are focused on building your champion as it levels and obtains gold through kills.
If this isn't addicting enough you have a ridiculous amount of champions available to use. There's something like over 70, and they freely rotate the free ones available by week. Every champion is tremendously different. You also advance yourself by levels, which are dependent on the amount of experience you obtain. This level never drops and is used to help blind pick you with other teammates during matchmaking. The top level is 30. I'm currently at 11.
Finally, the game largely focuses on teamwork and strategy. You are free to talk to your side only, or both sides. The game uses a strict anti-quitting policy. There are also ladder matches and an ELO ranking system if you choose to participate and a new type of game called "Dominion".
So try this out. It took me one round before I knew that I would spend most of my time playing this game. Thank you Tyrsis for introducing me to my new obsession (he's a level 30). Use this thread to discuss stratgies, smack, and to find each other.
My name is: MallyMalPal or Yourpalmal. Please make sure you PM me telling me who you are because I always deny friend requests unless I know the person.
I am in the DOTA2 beta and enjoying it so far. So far it isn't full of the whinging retards you speak of. I just like the way DOTA plays compared to its couterparts. There's a lot more to it then HON -> Fast game + stack DMG or LOL -> Easy creep kills lets all level up together
Each to their own though.
I swear each character they make has a stun/cc, nuke and some form of escape.
Around early and mid game she's decent if fed because that ultimate is just so damaging. But by late game she just sucks.
starcraft is like 1000x better tho