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The Official League of Legends Thread (Starcraft is for silly asians)



  • edited February 2012

    I applied for that when when you guys started talking about it and just received the invite today.
  • awwwww. now u can finally play with us
  • edited February 2012
    Games confusing as hell it's not exactly noob friendly.
  • People who play dota2 are hardly noobs.
  • Never tried dota2. My short stint on LoL showed me its newb friendly, long as you grasp the basics somewhat quickly. Can play vs AI to hone.your skills before playing real bros.
  • edited February 2012
    I'm starting to catch on now but boy did I get my ass handed to me walking around with a sniper rifle into enemy territory. I never played warcraft or any other game like this so I'm a total noob. I thought we were winning until the comment was made that I shouldn't be handing 13 kills to the enemy in the first 5 minutes of the game... and I'm a stupid f'ing noob. :)

    Oh yea I also fell asleep on the floor next to the computer last night which I've never done. My wife said she walked out and saw my feet hanging out from the corner. I'm ezwip on steam if anyone wants a noobie friend with narcolepsy.
  • I added you on steam.

    I haven't tried DOTA2 but from what I'm told it's very un noob friendly. League of Legends is different in that the game itself is noob friendly but the community is not.
  • Mal whats your STEAM, pm me
  • Mal or Flourz. I'm not sure which it is now.
  • Oh geez theres over 50 pages of players named
  • send me your name and i'll add it then.
  • So without reading through 6 pages how many people actually play LOL? Like play every day?

  • So without reading through 6 pages how many people actually play LOL? Like play every day?

    Depends, theres 3 servers one for NA/Canada, one for Asia and one for EU. About 2,000 players constantly.
  • will try to check the game over the weekend :D
  • I play on NA as OnlyInDreams
  • Remember to use my link. I want those referral rewards dammit
  • Hhaa dont give him referrals :P
  • do you guys have a team of 5 to play vs my friends and I?
  • iV587

    add me then. And as long as you guys have 5 people i can get a team together whenever.
  • MalMal
    edited February 2012
    To give you an idea, my friend list for sk people is:

    1. KoKa1ShOt
    2. Noodlebob
    3. Szaxachii (Lux)
    4. OfficerCautious (Tyrsis)
    5. BCartfall (Jayr)
    6. Sindustry
    7. Conana
    8. Mitch0z
    9. iV587 (Default). I haven't seen him on yet.

    I'm on roughly every day for at least a game as I usually have at least an hour to spend. Most everyone on this list is regularly on. I never not see at least one person online from sk.
  • edited February 2012
    Warning: Mitch and Tyrsis are ragers & baddies
  • BTW, my current try is Kennen. Basically he's a ninja rat that is energy based instead of mana based. I'm working on getting exceptionally good at him. He's very easy to be good with but it takes more skill to master him. I've just been getting tired of playing tank characters (which i like the most) because your performance depends so much on your team's performance).

    Conana told me that the key was the double stun, and he's pretty much right. I usually let my W passive build up to get a blue star, hit the person with it, then either hit w and a close range q, or hit him with q and follow up with w. If I'm further away I use E for a blue mark, and q if I can or e or whatever. Whatever best gets me a 3 mark stun without using my ult, hopefully using q the earliest possible. Sometimes I don't start with my blue star from W passive and I start with a good placed Q. The next step is to hit the ult for me, then I usually try to follow that up with ignite and autoattacks. If they are still alive after the doublestun my Q is usually refreshed by then and I use that, and if I'm chasing them and lucky I get another EW combo. If I'm chasing them then it's possible to land a delayed triple stun. Flash if ever needed to close the gap if they fall out of the ult range.

    This dominates people especially if they are overextended and they give you room to work with. It's easier to do this on top because of the room but it's still doable in mid. I've been playing normals mid with Kennen and I usually go at least 2/0 or 2/1 by the time laning phase is over. When I play against ad range characters it's easy domination. AP characters are much more difficult but doable. My last game was against a Teemo and even though he was a great Teemo, he couldn't help but go 0/4 by the end of laning because Kennen is just a great counter to him.

    Q is such a great harrass tool anyways. If you hit them with that (skillshot) it's an easy W usually to get extra damage. I've baited tons of people by running away and doing a backshot Q then rushing them with E and W which stuns them.

    During teamfights his ult is just great. When you have an hourglass it just gets funny (Similar use to Morgana).

    I build a doran's shield first if it's an ad character, else something else. I rush hextech unless i'm just dominating and then I go into unneccesary huge rod. Depending on my needs I get a chain mail or just finish my death cap. Hourglass is last of my core usually as I don't need it until teamfights occur. Then I usually top it off with either a rylai's or abysmal depending on my needs. WoTA is somewhere in there but I commonly forget it.
  • And Kennen is pretty fucking amazing. His Ult + Zhonya's Hourglass if he's focused = GG to enemy team in a team fight.
    You'd be surprised how many people still focus. It's like when Tryn first pops his ult. Everyone frantically attacks in hopes that the ability will shut off and they get the kill. Every once and a while I go against a bad team that doesn't realize that when my character turns gold it's invincible.
  • Haha tyrsis rages at everything. He would make a fun hockey player.
  • Yeah Prime sucks
  • Haha tyrsis rages at everything. He would make a fun hockey player.
    You should see me play Gears of War 3. No contest at the amount of rage.
  • I saw a pie chart labelled Reasons FpS gamers die.
    5% was shared between things like "grenade" "hedshot" "outskilled". 95% chunk? "FUCKING LAAAAAAAG!!!!"
  • To give you an idea, my friend list for sk people is:

    1. KoKa1ShOt
    2. Noodlebob
    3. Szaxachii (Lux)
    4. OfficerCautious (Tyrsis)
    5. BCartfall (Jayr)
    6. Sindustry
    7. Conana
    8. Mitch0z
    9. iV587 (Default). I haven't seen him on yet.

    I'm on roughly every day for at least a game as I usually have at least an hour to spend. Most everyone on this list is regularly on. I never not see at least one person online from sk.
    10. Unreliable Pain (still learning though...kind of)
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