I only think Yi can carry a team if the other team is just incredibly bad or has absolutely not hard cc. If you cc him he's dead in a second and if he gets to the point of carrying a team then the other team just needs to cc and kill him first, which is relatively easy. Now I've been in teams that have been destroyed by a yi, we all have. But there's always a good reason for it.
lol, fiora reposte and yi's alpha strike are "identical"? Hilarious.
Anyway, neither champ fits the meta: Yi is: -Easily harassed in lane. Fiora heals for free and with her harass. -Ganks are meh, no CC, sets up opponents for a simple 'walk away' or Stun+Burst combo. Fiora is a better counter jungler. -Ultimate requires a Kill to actually put into use. Fiora's ult cleans up an enemy team if your team doesn't completely focus a champ and can't be CC'd while doing it. -Stun Plus focus in team fights makes him an easy first kill. Melee + super squishy. -Bad top, meh mid if playing troll AP yi [which is fun as hell btw ], bad bot, not a great jungler. Fiora is a deadly top. -His only sustain is a channel.
The only time I play yi is to trololol as AP yi. Almost always have most damage done.
Last day I watched a friend playing some games with Fiora. I concluded ... Fiora has insane attackspeed than most champions if not the most (for a short time). Fiora has the most constant movementspeed (for a short time). All you need to do is smack something and lunge to your enemy. Fiora can clean an entire enemy team at full health with her ultimate and 4 tiamats in team fights. I have never seen penta-kills done so easily. I can imaging people find it 'fun' to play her ... but saying it takes more skill?
Clearly, you have never seen a fed kat before...
Erm, hard CC? But you're right, AP Kat on normals = lolol
Base Health increased to 530, up from 510. Base Armor increased to 20, up from 17. Janna
Monsoon now costs 150/225/300 Mana, down from 200/275/350 Mana. Kayle
Divine Blessing now increases movement speed by 18/21/24/27/30% for 3 seconds, up from 15/17/19/21/23% for 2.5 seconds. Divine Blessing now heals for 60/105/150/195/240, up from 45/85/125/165/205. Divine Blessing now costs 60/70/80/90/100 Mana, up from 60/65/70/75/80 Mana. Orianna
Command: Attack now costs 50 Mana at all levels instead of 50/55/60/65/70 Mana. Sejuani
Arctic Assault now costs 70/75/80/85/90 Mana, down from 70/80/90/100/110 Mana. Swain
Ravenous Flock now costs an extra 5/6/7 Mana each second to sustain, down from 5/7/9 Mana. Ziggs
Hexplosive Minefield now slows enemies for 1.5 seconds, down from 2 seconds. Zilean
Chronoshift now costs 125/150/175 Mana, down from 200 Mana at all ranks. Time Warp now costs 80 Mana, down from 100 Mana. Item Changes
Atma's Impaler now grants Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of your maximum Health, down from 2%. Doran's Blade now grants +80 Health, down from +100 Health. Doran's Ring now grants +80 Health, down from +100 Health. Hexdrinker shield effect now lasts 5 seconds, up from 3 seconds. Wit's End now has a 2150 Item Cost and 700 Recipe Cost. Up from 2000 Item Cost and 550 Recipe Cost.
FINALLY nerfing doran items. I hate the whole stacking of them. Also I'm glad they nerfed atma's. It's just a core for way too many people to do atmogs. I was PISSED that they nerfed warmog's because of the atmog combo a while ago and stated that it was atmas and not warmog's that needed the nerf.
The buffs are great too. Those champs needed those buffs.
Teemo's run speed buff has not been announced, but it took an almost 1000 page thread on the forums to get it. Riot does not like buffing champions that can invis
Been buying the champs from release since they've been coming out and snagged Varus, Darius, and Draven.
Varus is fun, nothing too special.
I can see where the qq about Darius is valid because well... his ult freaking refreshes (mega true damage) and that passive is crazy. Having played a lot of games with him and him on my team though it's obvious that he's a huge KSer. It's not like most KS that just even up the gold a little and actually benefit teams in some situations (more total gold). It's so frequent that he starves the rest of your team. So normally I just hate having him on my team. He's also a beast top lane, being able to be very tanky and dish out insane damage at the same time.
It's release day for Draven so I only got in a game with him. He's FUN as hell to play because he's so different. Definitely a great ad range champ. I like the extra skill cap with juggling his Q and all but I have yet to be good enough with him to figure out how you can effectively use it during teamfights. I mean, it's great during laning phases with that harass but it's a big target telling everyone where you'll be and that's just dumb because you're the freaking carry and you'll explode on impact. Like I said, one game. But damn is he fun. I also think his early game is just intensely strong (see base stats wtf that's high).
Been destroying people with ap sion lately. idk why he isn't played as much as ad sion is. Ad sion is crazy strong with that ult but he can be ignited and CCed just like a fed critplank, yi or fiora and taken down with enough focus. AP sion is just FUN. Clearing creep waves with just one burst of his shield... a strong nuke... It's just like playing a different champ really. Problem is when I play him everyone constantly trolls me and yells at me for running into fights (my freaking shield is half of my skills that do damage!)
Tried Kass for the first time. Can't believe I haven't tried him yet. Crazy good against mid ap champs. Have yet to master him by far but you gotta love that free flash every few seconds. It's been great getting kills by having a surprise initiation. I got a kill today where I used my flash and my ult back to back to get a surprised foe for a nice first blood. (I actually accidently had flash that was left on from a previous game. I actually find ignite/teleport, ignite/exhaust to be much better).
So glad Darius got that nerf. Still think he needs a little more. I find the whole true damage thing a little too much. Was going to buy him, but he doesnt really interest me, not even sure why! Might take a closer look at Draven though.
Started playing with mundo which is very fun. 2 warmogs and a Force of nature = crazy health regen. He gets kills purely because its so hard to kill him
EUWest is so dumb right now because everyone is just a smurf from NA (including me). In fact, all my games are composed of roughly 8-9 smurfs that are clearly level 30 quality, sometimes with extremely high elos and 0-2 newbies. Because of the server issues it's not even worth playing NA for me right now. Even if I sat through the 2 hour queue line I don't have any champions other than free week to play. Hell, at least I have my runes (lots of people don't). If you're following the forums, I'm in the 20% Hopefully this'll be fixed soon. Even though 149 ping isn't too bad I get occasional lag spikes
I've had some matches with lots of other people not from NA. I didn't understand how EUwest could work with all the languages but I've found most people at least know a little english. Also, apparently SS is the equivalent of MIA, which threw me off for a few games until I caught on. There's still some lingo I don't get here and there but it's overall fun.
I forgot what it was like to have no runes and masteries. Makes jungling near impossible with most champs (or at least less practical). Every game is with free week champs or the occasional 450/1350 ip champ. (I bought sion to pupstomp with and got the free tristana for AP trist lols). I've also noticed that people surrender less often or at least much later in the game. Not sure if this is a low level thing or an EUWest thing yet.
ANyways it's lots of fun across the atlantic. Hopefully Cere4l Prime and taity hit me up mofos!
Hello Everyone, I've rescently just started Playing LoL. Level 13ish I think. I've never been so bad, or feel so far behind in a game before I started this one. Its weird, but everyone says i'll get better in due time. The chars I have right now are Alistar, Ryze, Fiddlesticks, Tristana, Tryndamere, Veigar, Master Yi, Darius, Kog'maw, Jax, Skarner . . . . Which the only ones im somewhat good with is Darius, Kog'maw, Jax, and Ryze. I've seen people do way better with them than myself though . . . the next character I want to get is Graves, i was playing him when he was ftp and was alot of fun. Also, can someone teach me how to play with Skarner, I think he ulti is nearly useless, you can't drag them for very long. Idk. I loved the way skarner looks so I bought him, and then soon regret it cause I feel he's awful. So people, Teach me how To LoL :P
First off the first like 10 levels especially are full of people that are actually level 30 but playing on low level accounts. So don't despair if you don't do well just try to tough it out and learn as much as you can.
Skarner's ult is really fantastic because you can grab an important target and drag it to your teammates to kill making it an instant 4v5. The problem is that the cooldown is very high and he's very mana dependent. He's definitely a champion that requires a good team to take advantage of him the most.
Skarner is a bit more advanced I think because of his dependency on a team. Most skarners are tankish so they don't do much damage on their own.
I recommend starting with champions like tryn, yi, sion, garen. Then maybe try out some ranged carries like graves, trist, caitlyn and perhaps some AP characters that are simplier. Avoid tanks, supports and assassins for now because assassins are played differently and tanks and supports are team dependent.
Anyway, neither champ fits the meta:
Yi is:
-Easily harassed in lane. Fiora heals for free and with her harass.
-Ganks are meh, no CC, sets up opponents for a simple 'walk away' or Stun+Burst combo. Fiora is a better counter jungler.
-Ultimate requires a Kill to actually put into use. Fiora's ult cleans up an enemy team if your team doesn't completely focus a champ and can't be CC'd while doing it.
-Stun Plus focus in team fights makes him an easy first kill. Melee + super squishy.
-Bad top, meh mid if playing troll AP yi [which is fun as hell btw
-His only sustain is a channel.
The only time I play yi is to trololol as AP yi. Almost always have most damage done.
But you're right, AP Kat on normals = lolol
Base Health increased to 530, up from 510.
Base Armor increased to 20, up from 17.
Monsoon now costs 150/225/300 Mana, down from 200/275/350 Mana.
Divine Blessing now increases movement speed by 18/21/24/27/30% for 3 seconds, up from 15/17/19/21/23% for 2.5 seconds.
Divine Blessing now heals for 60/105/150/195/240, up from 45/85/125/165/205.
Divine Blessing now costs 60/70/80/90/100 Mana, up from 60/65/70/75/80 Mana.
Command: Attack now costs 50 Mana at all levels instead of 50/55/60/65/70 Mana.
Arctic Assault now costs 70/75/80/85/90 Mana, down from 70/80/90/100/110 Mana.
Ravenous Flock now costs an extra 5/6/7 Mana each second to sustain, down from 5/7/9 Mana.
Hexplosive Minefield now slows enemies for 1.5 seconds, down from 2 seconds.
Chronoshift now costs 125/150/175 Mana, down from 200 Mana at all ranks.
Time Warp now costs 80 Mana, down from 100 Mana.
Item Changes
Atma's Impaler now grants Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of your maximum Health, down from 2%.
Doran's Blade now grants +80 Health, down from +100 Health.
Doran's Ring now grants +80 Health, down from +100 Health.
Hexdrinker shield effect now lasts 5 seconds, up from 3 seconds.
Wit's End now has a 2150 Item Cost and 700 Recipe Cost. Up from 2000 Item Cost and 550 Recipe Cost.
The buffs are great too. Those champs needed those buffs.
Where's that teemo fix?
Teemo is a good counter pick to some champs and is great for extra free wards, setting up team fights, and stealing objectives.
Varus is fun, nothing too special.
I can see where the qq about Darius is valid because well... his ult freaking refreshes (mega true damage) and that passive is crazy. Having played a lot of games with him and him on my team though it's obvious that he's a huge KSer. It's not like most KS that just even up the gold a little and actually benefit teams in some situations (more total gold). It's so frequent that he starves the rest of your team. So normally I just hate having him on my team. He's also a beast top lane, being able to be very tanky and dish out insane damage at the same time.
It's release day for Draven so I only got in a game with him. He's FUN as hell to play because he's so different. Definitely a great ad range champ. I like the extra skill cap with juggling his Q and all but I have yet to be good enough with him to figure out how you can effectively use it during teamfights. I mean, it's great during laning phases with that harass but it's a big target telling everyone where you'll be and that's just dumb because you're the freaking carry and you'll explode on impact. Like I said, one game. But damn is he fun. I also think his early game is just intensely strong (see base stats wtf that's high).
Been destroying people with ap sion lately. idk why he isn't played as much as ad sion is. Ad sion is crazy strong with that ult but he can be ignited and CCed just like a fed critplank, yi or fiora and taken down with enough focus. AP sion is just FUN. Clearing creep waves with just one burst of his shield... a strong nuke... It's just like playing a different champ really. Problem is when I play him everyone constantly trolls me and yells at me for running into fights (my freaking shield is half of my skills that do damage!)
Tried Kass for the first time. Can't believe I haven't tried him yet. Crazy good against mid ap champs. Have yet to master him by far but you gotta love that free flash every few seconds. It's been great getting kills by having a surprise initiation. I got a kill today where I used my flash and my ult back to back to get a surprised foe for a nice first blood. (I actually accidently had flash that was left on from a previous game. I actually find ignite/teleport, ignite/exhaust to be much better).
Started playing with mundo which is very fun. 2 warmogs and a Force of nature = crazy health regen. He gets kills purely because its so hard to kill him
Figured I'd try it out. Hit me up with your EUwest names
I've had some matches with lots of other people not from NA. I didn't understand how EUwest could work with all the languages but I've found most people at least know a little english. Also, apparently SS is the equivalent of MIA, which threw me off for a few games until I caught on. There's still some lingo I don't get here and there but it's overall fun.
I forgot what it was like to have no runes and masteries. Makes jungling near impossible with most champs (or at least less practical). Every game is with free week champs or the occasional 450/1350 ip champ. (I bought sion to pupstomp with and got the free tristana for AP trist lols). I've also noticed that people surrender less often or at least much later in the game. Not sure if this is a low level thing or an EUWest thing yet.
ANyways it's lots of fun across the atlantic. Hopefully Cere4l Prime and taity hit me up mofos!
Skarner's ult is really fantastic because you can grab an important target and drag it to your teammates to kill making it an instant 4v5. The problem is that the cooldown is very high and he's very mana dependent. He's definitely a champion that requires a good team to take advantage of him the most.
Skarner is a bit more advanced I think because of his dependency on a team. Most skarners are tankish so they don't do much damage on their own.
I recommend starting with champions like tryn, yi, sion, garen. Then maybe try out some ranged carries like graves, trist, caitlyn and perhaps some AP characters that are simplier. Avoid tanks, supports and assassins for now because assassins are played differently and tanks and supports are team dependent.
NasusJUN - armor/5pot, boots/riggles, sheen, warmogs, atma
Janna - doran, mr boots, rod, any aura item
JannaAD- blade, zeal, boots, infinity/phantom, blood
Malphite - philo, boot/trinity, firecloak, atma, banshee
MalphiteJUN- philo, boots/sheen, firecloak, atma
Nidalee - archangle, magic resis, sheen, guinso, lich, rabadons
Sion - philo, sheen, magic resis, gunso, atmas, trinity
Karma - ring, magic resist, rod, ryail, hat
Ezreal - sheen, boots speed, bloodrazor, infinity, trinity, blood
Kassadin - dorans, mejai/magic ,rod , sheen, rabadons, lich
Shen - heart, boot, ageis, warmog
Skarner - philo, magic resis, sheen, ageis, atmas, trinity, etc
SkarngerJUN - philo, lifesteal/riggles/mr boots, sheen, sunfire, banshee/atmas
Lux(clarity) - dorans, grail/boots, hat, ryals
LuxSUP - philo, boot, kage, hat
Veigar(clarity) - 3pot/boot, grail, hat, ryials
Pantheon/Talon - boots/3pot, riggles/boots, infinity, mallet/zeal, phantom/frozen
PantheonJUN - armor/5pot, lifesteal/riggles/attk boots, mallet, infinity, frozen
Poppy - shield, magic resis, sheen, trinity, vamp, zeal, phantom, blood
PoppyJUN - 5pot/armor, riggles, sheen, belt, atma/frozen
Maokai - doran, rod, zonya/aybss, banshee/hat
Swain - ring. magic, rod, spell revolver, spirit, ancients, hat
Xerath - ring, magic, rod, hat, spell vamp
Gangplank - zeal, phage, boots, trinity, infinity
Leblanc - doran, boots, doran, spellvamp, hat
YiAP(clarity)- doran, magic, sheen, hat, zonya, lich, ryial
YiJUN - scepter, mr boots/riggles, zeal, phantom, frozen, infinity
Miss Fortune - doran, zeal, boots/blood, phantom, infinity, etc
Kat/Vlad - shield, boot, spell vamp, hat, ryals
TeemoHYB - 3pot/boot, malady/boot, phage, madreads, frozen, ax
Morgana - doran, boots, rod, hat, etc
CassJUN - armor/5pot, dorans/boots, dorans, gun, hat, will of ancients
Karma - philo, boots, belt/ryials, frozen, banshee/frozen, hat
ShacoJUN - 5pot/armor, riggles/boot, malady, infinity, madread, phantom
Some of these might be outdated but a majority are decent.