Oh please. If you play DW and get a big offense going, you know this is going to happen. The game has a competitive nature, I think we can agree on that. So why should the person making people mad by taking land from others be left alone, while the guy who can't do it gets punished.
By more realistic. You play DW you know what you're getting in to, no need to cry about it here.
It didnt have to be this way
Its hard as it is for dws playing catch up with turtles withthis so called bonus
Oh please. If you play DW and get a big offense going, you know this is going to happen. The game has a competitive nature, I think we can agree on that. So why should the person making people mad by taking land from others be left alone, while the guy who can't do it gets punished.
By more realistic. You play DW you know what you're getting in to, no need to cry about it here.
It didnt have to be this way
Its hard as it is for dws playing catch up with turtles withthis so called bonus
I dont see the reason why a dw had to hit a dw
Its like saying plz kill me
6 of the top 12 land kds are FW anyway, it's not like the DWs were doing their job if they were trying to smash turtles.
this is all your plan to steal sl from me , " lady rainbow" isn't it CSMZ?
also- I've build a lot of tanks since they started the kt- also sending out half my tanks was risky but I think worth it- all 250 of them. seems like more at the tkme
Oh please. If you play DW and get a big offense going, you know this is going to happen. The game has a competitive nature, I think we can agree on that. So why should the person making people mad by taking land from others be left alone, while the guy who can't do it gets punished.
By more realistic. You play DW you know what you're getting in to, no need to cry about it here.
It didnt have to be this way
Its hard as it is for dws playing catch up with turtles withthis so called bonus
I dont see the reason why a dw had to hit a dw
Its like saying plz kill me
6 of the top 12 land kds are FW anyway, it's not like the DWs were doing their job if they were trying to smash turtles.
They were building goons and "somebody" declared them AT and oh they get KTed for free :O
I don't remember saying my kd was great ( you can ask my mates I said it was trash many times) I was just saying to Jones how sucked my probes were and how if I live it would hurt me late game
ya I shielded my attack- I didnt think war would come quite so fast. the "weak d" and " weak o' comments are what they are. i cant build a godmode kd... ( other tban that million+ tank monster kd that was bigger than your best s2 kd you posted) I was rank 6 and overall happy with my kd. for such a crappy bonus I had a pretty fun round.
p.s. I will be ," Lady rainbow" if you want to find me next round.
Jesters told us his kd is trash but so are all the dws this round. cobras is prolly the least bad lol. and I've seen 3 4ths.... and people defending barricade for his crap hg kingdom then laugh at jestet is kinda lol
Barracades kd was bad but jester was worse imo, up until the last day or so i have see his sok in the AFs and iam quite shocked he never got smashed into the floor. It had high land with no offense and no defense, it was just pitiful to say the least, I knew he wasnt a great builder but what was just a woeful attempt at a DW.
All the dws were shit. Every last one of them was/are trash, the round bonus lends to dws being shit. To much exploring not enough offensive capabilities yadda yadda. I'm not defending any kingdom, i'm just saying every single dw is shit
Fun for all was 37k DW SL.3 WL break. And still had the offence to hit anyone up to 350-400 land easily. Only way jester even had a chance to break was sending 1/2 his tanks aswell. Even tho he was within 50k NW of fun for all and same land. And fun for all rolled him right back easily enough.
So jester at 950k and fun for all at 950k jester had to send 1/2 tanks just to break and then gets broke right back. Not to mention he was the only AT even now that could touch fun for all. So jester would have got grabbed 3x by the 3 dws in that kd. And the next day not been able to break any of them again. Because they would outgrow his offence potential since he was already running 40% land as Rax to maintain his army.
idk what you've been looking at, but I've been top 10-15 in nw and like 40th in land- Lynog- ya my kd was bad all round. no excuses, It wasn't up to par, that being said, I was starting to turn it around.
also its so cute when lynog and darius agree on things
im not agreeing with anything buddy, and yeah you are right your kd was starting to look better but it was hard to get any worse. You got really lucky not being rolled out with that kd tbh bud, if you can get away with it though well done. I did however hear you was supposedly a really good builder nowadays so i was kinda expecting alot more.
im not agreeing with anything buddy, and yeah you are right your kd was starting to look better but it was hard to get any worse. You got really lucky not being rolled out with that kd tbh bud, if you can get away with it though well done. I did however hear you was supposedly a really good builder nowadays so i was kinda expecting alot more.
Its hard as it is for dws playing catch up with turtles withthis so called bonus
I dont see the reason why a dw had to hit a dw
Its like saying plz kill me
this is all your plan to steal sl from me , " lady rainbow" isn't it CSMZ?
also- I've build a lot of tanks since they started the kt- also sending out half my tanks was risky but I think worth it- all 250 of them. seems like more at the tkme
Name: Sir Quick Ben
Land: 5,105
Networth: 934,028
Honor: 2,663
Money: 10,287
Power: 58,721
Population: 64,824
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Desert Wasteland
Soldiers: 7
Troopers: 0
Dragoons: 32,913
Laser Troopers: 8,590
Laser Dragoons: 15,290
Tanks: 8,174
Scientists: 4,012
Probes: 22,680
i should probably be a better detective
January 20, 07:01:48 Ben Adaephon Delat (1:11) Spy on Military 22,722 114 The probes have come back with a report that is 100% accurate:
Home Leader War Leader #1 War Leader #2 War Leader #3 War Leader #4
Soldiers 943 0 0 0 0
Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
Dragoons 533 14,893 14,894 2,593 0
Laser Troopers 8,590 0 0 0 0
Laser Dragoons 15,290 0 0 0 0
Tanks 4,664 1,755 1,755 0 0
I was just saying to Jones how sucked my probes were and how if I live it would hurt me late game
ya I shielded my attack- I didnt think war would come quite so fast.
the "weak d" and " weak o' comments are what they are. i cant build a godmode kd... ( other tban that million+ tank monster kd that was bigger than your best s2 kd you posted) I was rank 6 and overall happy with my kd. for such a crappy bonus I had a pretty fun round.
p.s. I will be ," Lady rainbow" if you want to find me next round.
A single KT could last the whole round.
So jester at 950k and fun for all at 950k jester had to send 1/2 tanks just to break and then gets broke right back. Not to mention he was the only AT even now that could touch fun for all. So jester would have got grabbed 3x by the 3 dws in that kd. And the next day not been able to break any of them again. Because they would outgrow his offence potential since he was already running 40% land as Rax to maintain his army.
Lynog- ya my kd was bad all round. no excuses, It wasn't up to par, that being said, I was starting to turn it around.
also its so cute when lynog and darius agree on things
meh better than this I supose