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xLTx Cheating is our LifeStyle xMGx



  • Sounds pretty accurate :)

    He also avoids still waiting for an explanation on my "bot farming". Does that mean I have a bot that can farm suiciders for me? Why am I never killed for farming then?

    Pretty impressive if anyone has a bot that can actively grab people and actually build top kingdoms.

    Please explain o' fountain of sk knowledge
  • edited January 2014
    Qwj, ask Ned what my response was when he asked why I was barely growing. I aint the one to talk shit at if you grow princess kingdoms. I have been dropping hints at ya. Notice how I have put many of your buddies in their place since I came back. All that washed up shit stopped on a dime.
    Your number is up. You have a little over a month to convince everyone you can handle me. Then I am coming for you. xFCx will never die as long as I exist. I give respect to Lynog I am after you princess.
  • I believe you are a good player but Qwj is another Hihaters and I will prove it.
  • while i think a dank vs qwj would be fun to watch for a time....qwj would actually have to play next round and live through newb. I don't believe this could happen
  • Last time dank "came for me" I 1 WLed him several times...he KTed me and grew through it.

    So excuse me if I dont shit my pants with fear mate.
  • Qwj, so many excuses. Face the facts, dank can outbuild you, hes just above that shit.
  • Wish u all just realize dank is the greatest SK player of all time. A true legend and untouchable god.
  • Dank for prez
  • Wish u all just realize dank is the greatest SK player of all time. A true legend and untouchable god.
    Only second to Darius
  • I would like to see a build off between Darius and dank. The god strat vs the "god" strat we never actually seen.
  • Qwj, so many excuses. Face the facts, dank can outbuild you, hes just above that shit.
    haha must be like Darius as these guys have said... he just "knows" he can so doesnt have to bother actually doing it.
  • PLease share your bot QWJ, it would be fair i think!
  • Yeah this bot sounds like I'd never have to log in again, apart from when war kicks off and I have to start going rawrawrawr. Sharing is caring!
  • Thats why I have so many posts. I dont have to build so I can sit around the pfs talking shit.
  • Interesting...its the exact same strat as yours!
  • Interesting...its the exact same strat as yours!
  • So what's up with this rank 1&2 nap?
  • Just trying to stop a early war
  • By farming #3 & 4 alliances and g2? Seems like a good way...
  • By farming #3 & 4 alliances and g2? Seems like a good way...
    Not their job to look after other alliances. Smart play IMO, focus hits on robs on everyone rlse and let people calm down. When war does come, it should be even better! :)
  • I'm just saying war could break out regardless, especially if 1&2 aren't hitting each other.
  • Ya but I think everyone tired of week 1-2 wars. Sucks to sign up to play foe 10 days and die. Might still be war but maybe everyone will calm down a bit and just kill the turtles!!!!!
  • Ya but I think everyone tired of week 1-2 wars. Sucks to sign up to play foe 10 days and die. Might still be war but maybe everyone will calm down a bit and just kill the turtles!!!!!
  • I dont build so I can sit around the pfs talking shit.
    Qwj strat revealed

    Interesting...its the exact same strat as yours!
    :)) Boom

    Flawless victory
  • man faithless owned darius
  • edited January 2014
    I would like to see a build off between Darius and dank. The god strat vs the "god" strat we never actually seen.
    I am not a good builder but I am very good at conspiracy and friend flipping. I'll turn your best friend into a spy and you will never notice. I rarely even use an attack calc I just launch that shit.
  • I would like to see a build off between Darius and dank. The god strat vs the "god" strat we never actually seen.
    I am not a good builder but I am very good at conspiracy and friend flipping. I'll turn your best friend into a spy and you will never notice. I rarely even use an attack calc I just launch that shit.
    Does anyone believe you ever though?
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