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Clicker Heroes



  • i want king midas gilds, because i'll have a reason to spam him and buy the gold bonus...he's not very strong
    No, you want your gilds on the strongest heroes because that's where you get the most bonuses. You only need to level king midas to 125, and once you've gotten a level or two in 2-3 heroes past hiim, the cost to level him to 125 is negligible. Then you can just forget about him.

    King Midas is actually the worst hero to put gilds on. Follow this list:

    But you shouldn't be attempting any re-gilds until you have 40-50 hero souls, just leave them where they land. It's not worth the loss in DPS from hero souls at that point. Personally, I wouldn't bother until you have a couple hundred. When you start getting a 100 hero souls in a single run (zone 200-300) it's a good time to start re-gilding the lower heroes on the priority list above and trying to get the higher ones.

    Wish I didn't re-gild now, went from ~25 to ~5 :(
  • hum...point taken
  • it wrong to let gold accumulate and just upgrade your guys? I have not gotten any of this ascension stuff or reset stuff yet.
  • go to town with the gold for whatever, its what you get from ascensions that matters, which is when you ascend
  • that assuming he understands buying 200 from a certain hero gives less dps than buying 1 of the most expensive available to him
  • getting a bunch of whatever still leads to soul stuff
  • but if he starts buying them ahead of time he might end up wasting gold too soon
  • if hes just staying in a spot though to farm its not really wasting
  • edited November 2014 it wrong to let gold accumulate and just upgrade your guys? I have not gotten any of this ascension stuff or reset stuff yet.
    First time you reach 135, that's a good time to ascend. At this point, you should be getting enough gold from the enemies to level up all your heroes. At this point (and not before), you should level all of them until you have 1400 level ups (you can find this number in the statistics tab). Before then, all but the most expensive 2-3 heroes (that you can see in the list) aren't worth the money or the effort to click. But as new heroes are appearing, you should upgrade heroes that are cheaper than this to 100-200. This is so you can get their upgrades. You can ignore the +1XX% to hero x upgrades usually if you want to, but get all the skills, bonuses to gold, criticals, and bonuses that affect all heroes. Eventually you'll come back to the earlier heroes, but youll be levelling Frostleaf until you can get Brittany/Ivan to 1000 and Masked Samurai to 850; at this point Frostleaf will be between 60-120 (I forget)

    This is intended for later levels, but . Works fairly well at low levels, the only consequence is it'll tell you to wait until so-and-so to get a level in a hero that's slightly more efficient for your gold than another one but it takes forever to get the previous one. You can see a list though, their costs, and the damage increase, so you can decide for yourself.

    Once you find you're not leveling up as quickly, it's time to ascend. The only exception is your first run, you want to ascend at 135 with 8-15 hero souls. 140 if you want to put in a little extra time, but it's generally not worth it on the first run. I use my skills on boss fights (except 4 and 5, which I use whenever I can, and 8-6-9 whenever), once I'm waiting for cooldowns for a minute or two just to beat a boss, I usually ascend.

    For first ancients, I recommend Vaagur (which is guaranteed to be in your first set of ancients). Vaagur lowers your cooldowns 5% per level. Very nice, and it's easy and cheap to max out (75%). There's a tier list in the FAQ of the sub-reddit you might want to look at, but there's some ancients you want to ignore depending on whether you're playing by idling, or playing by actively clicking.

    Here's a good central location for a lot of advice:
  • it wrong to let gold accumulate and just upgrade your guys? I have not gotten any of this ascension stuff or reset stuff yet.
    First time you reach 135, that's a good time to ascend. At this point, you should be getting enough gold from the enemies to level up all your heroes. At this point (and not before), you should level all of them until you have 1400 level ups (you can find this number in the statistics tab). Before then, all but the most expensive 2-3 heroes (that you can see in the list) aren't worth the money or the effort to click. But as new heroes are appearing, you should upgrade heroes that are cheaper than this to 100-200. This is so you can get their upgrades. You can ignore the +1XX% to hero x upgrades usually if you want to, but get all the skills, bonuses to gold, criticals, and bonuses that affect all heroes. Eventually you'll come back to the earlier heroes, but youll be levelling Frostleaf until you can get Brittany/Ivan to 1000 and Masked Samurai to 850; at this point Frostleaf will be between 60-120 (I forget)

    This is intended for later levels, but . Works fairly well at low levels, the only consequence is it'll tell you to wait until so-and-so to get a level in a hero that's slightly more efficient for your gold than another one but it takes forever to get the previous one. You can see a list though, their costs, and the damage increase, so you can decide for yourself.

    Once you find you're not leveling up as quickly, it's time to ascend. The only exception is your first run, you want to ascend at 135 with 8-15 hero souls. 140 if you want to put in a little extra time, but it's generally not worth it on the first run. I use my skills on boss fights (except 4 and 5, which I use whenever I can, and 8-6-9 whenever), once I'm waiting for cooldowns for a minute or two just to beat a boss, I usually ascend.

    For first ancients, I recommend Vaagur (which is guaranteed to be in your first set of ancients). Vaagur lowers your cooldowns 5% per level. Very nice, and it's easy and cheap to max out (75%). There's a tier list in the FAQ of the sub-reddit you might want to look at, but there's some ancients you want to ignore depending on whether you're playing by idling, or playing by actively clicking.

    Here's a good central location for a lot of advice:
    Thanks! and so when do I start seeing the option to ascend?
  • Ok i literally just got this new eye-pyramid thing that lets me summon an "ancient," but I have no hero souls...
  • You will get the option to ascend when you get Amentohep or whatever his name is to level 150.
  • you get hero soul at lv 100 and past or for every 2000 lvs that you have in heroes (total so 100 of 20 heroes will get you one)

    there is a hero called Amenhotep and his lv 150 ability resets the game and gives you hero souls for it. at the top right of the box where you hire heros where is a number 0 this is your hero soul #. It will add a small +# to tell you how many you will get if you reset at that point.

    Keep on playing and leveling your heroes and you will see everything in due time.
  • But does resetting have the same effect as "prestige mode" in COD? I hated that -_- starting over for nothing.
  • prestige = perks based on performance

    so you'll be reseting with some perks, called hero souls

    each of them give 10% dps and click damage while you hold them, and they are also cash for summoning and upgrading ancients, as well as recicling gilded heroes.
  • plus you cant reach the end levels without doing it.
  • omg, dejavu...this thread fking happened before
  • found myself ready to comment on grant/shinatobe dps difference, and it struck me...i have said it before here
  • Hehehehehe...

  • edited November 2014
    But does resetting have the same effect as "prestige mode" in COD? I hated that -_- starting over for nothing.
    You lose your gold, hero levels, upgrades, and damage.
    In return you get hero souls (each of which gives you 10% extra) and it makes your runs a lot faster. You keep your ancients and gilds. You buy ancients with your hero souls, but don't dump all of your hero souls into ancients right away. Ancients will speed up your runs and let you get further, but you don't want to give up your extra hero soul dps right away because doing a run with no bonus takes forever.
    My first ascension took 3 days. Went to lvl 140, got lucky with primals so I had 16 hero souls for the second run.
    Second run only took a few hours to reach 140, so I went a little further.

    Eventually, it takes only 10 or so minutes to get up to 140, and you're going to 200-300 (~500 hero souls) each run, then 400-700 (Thousands of hero souls) or so. So ascend regularly.
    I think I got to 500 in a few hours yesterday. As you can see, ascending's really the only way to progress. If I didn't ascend, 500 could probably take months or even years of farming. Instead, it took a few weeks of building up hero souls and ancients, and then was doable in a few hours.

    They're working on implementing what they're calling 'superascensions' where you'll also lose your ancients, gilds, and hero souls, but they haven't announced details on what the bonuses will be yet.
  • Gonna do a few runs to ~100-120 for hero souls till around ~50, then push for more gilded.
  • If you go to 120 might as well hit 140 for the gilds
  • My first time to level 100 and Athena got gilded
  • got like 5 primals in a row after lvl 140 lol
  • hum, managed to degild treebeast i got from 140 into shinatobe...
  • edited November 2014
    You generally want the lower heroes gilded. Treebeast is actually a pretty good gild to have because once you get Frostleaf to about 125, his level ups are next to worthless, and it's worth more to focus on getting your earlier heroes to 1000. Also, Treebeast is fairly efficient dps/cost in the long run. That being said, Shinatobe's pretty good also, just not as good as Treebeast.
    Starting with hero level 200, every 25 levels gives a 4x multiplier to their damage (so it grows exponentially) and every 1000 levels gives a 10x multiplier instead.
    So, after Frostleaf's 125 or so, go back to Treebeast and your other early heroes and get them to 1000.
  • hum...didnt know 1000 gave x10 lol
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