if vulpes tried, and if the halloween bonus doesnt end, he could try and get like 100 dark rituals from the pumpkins, which will definitely add up over time
bosses pretty much gain 2x health every 5 levels, so if you cant take down the boss within 15 seconds and no where near close to get 2x damage, might as well ascend :-p
i figured out the candies that are on the screen already have the gold implemented, so you cant metal detector when you see one on for double, need a candy to pop up with metal detector for the candy to be double
treebeast ivan and betty are probably the best ones for gilding, i have 24 gilds and only 1 is on treebeast, i have a bunch of a lot of the useless ones
0.6 s remaining, just cleared lvl 200, should not have happened lol
Right now I only have Level 1 Mammon and Level 2 Siyalatas.
probably should have but i want to see how many gilds i can get before i do my run for many souls
pretty lame i only faced one primal on all the floors, which was early on