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The Matrix WW (Smith Wins)



  • This is where I hate being on my phone.
  • So this town full of "good" people lynched an innocent person even after zeal claimed to be evil and acted like a dick.
  • I believe it was a very close race, then a couple people bandwagoned on Dogtown I presume... SB I believe was there to tie his vote with dogtown so it would be a tie.
  • So this town full of "good" people lynched an innocent person even after zeal claimed to be evil and acted like a dick.
    Darubian I hate to break this to you, but literally 17 of the 22 players have good roles
  • So this town full of "good" people lynched an innocent person even after zeal claimed to be evil and acted like a dick.
    Darubian I hate to break this to you, but literally 17 of the 22 players have good roles
    You're an idiot.
  • edited June 2014
    So this town full of "good" people lynched an innocent person even after zeal claimed to be evil and acted like a dick.
    Darubian I hate to break this to you, but literally 17 of the 22 players have good roles
    You're an idiot.
    At least I'm trying to play *edit* and solve the game for town. I voted dogtown so the votes on me wouldn't be the highest count, and said so in my post. Yet what have you done? Attacked and berated people. Actively discouraged discussion. If you aren't scum you're playing very poorly.
  • So this town full of "good" people lynched an innocent person even after zeal claimed to be evil and acted like a dick.
    Darubian I hate to break this to you, but literally 17 of the 22 players have good roles
    You're an idiot.
    At least I'm trying to play. I voted dogtown so the votes on me wouldn't be the highest count, and said so in my post. Yet what have you done? Attacked and berated people. Actively discouraged discussion. If you aren't scum you're playing very poorly.
    Cool, you voted for a good guy after someone claimed evil and acted like a dick.

    I've only attacked and berated you because you're an idiot. Proof? You claimed me scummy for sleeping.

    I actively discouraged the elaboration of any "plan". I've seen enough of these games fall into the hands of evil as one genius amongst you will foolishly run you all to the ground.

    I'm not scum.

    You're an idiot.
  • I called you scummy for not adding to the discussion. You've yet to add anything
  • Or did you think I meant just posting by "adding to the discussion"

    because just posting isn't always adding anything
  • I called you scummy for not adding to the discussion. You've yet to add anything
    At least I didn't vote for a good guy for a one line vote....
  • Alright Children lets play nice shall we
  • Or did you think I meant just posting by "adding to the discussion"

    because just posting isn't always adding anything
    Four inactives or there and im called out for not adding anything....
  • I called you scummy for not adding to the discussion. You've yet to add anything
    At least I didn't vote for a good guy for a one line vote....

    did you even read my good post? I voted him because If I didn't the votes were leading on me. Of course I'm going to vote him over letting myself be the lynch leader.

    I know you've got some strange vendetta over me from last game, but please stop letting it influence you this game
  • Or did you think I meant just posting by "adding to the discussion"

    because just posting isn't always adding anything
    Four inactives or there and im called out for not adding anything....
    They're inactive and adding nothing. You're active an adding nothing. Notice the difference?
  • And to further clarify, people who are active but actively discouraging discussion and not trying to figure out whos bad and whos good, are typically scum roles.
  • If we can't keep this civil i will close thread for the night.

    I'm on phone atm but unrrliables broke it i believe for dog
  • If we can't keep this civil i will close thread for the night.

    I'm on phone atm but unrrliables broke it i believe for dog
    I'm trying my very best to keep it civil
  • Y'all take this way too seriously. Darubian is clearly implicating himself as evil... he posts that I am evil based on my one post (meaning he thinks I'm telling the truth). In that same post, I said he was evil.

    You can't say half the post is true and half is wrong, that is silly logic. Sounds more like a bad guy trying to save his own skin.
  • Going out drinking. I'll check up in the morning.
  • This game is so hyphy compared to the others I tried gad dang!
  • Oh yea u didnt add jack either
  • Mistype will fix
  • Looking back it was like the same 6 ppl talking
  • Dole IS the system.
  • shh you! Mages already confused Tyrsis once lets not do it again
  • Request Received
    Not recognizable
    The system does not recognize the request, it must be an anomaly. Sending Agents over to handle the malfunction.
  • Dont make me drive down there to hurt you
  • Threat Received
    Deemed Irrelevant
    Threat issued by one who cannot damage the system.
  • God dammit dole
  • edited June 2014
    inserts floppy disk to system
    System likes

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