Quick question for you....
Are you going to smite us all down this round because you now know we will let you do whatever you like?
I only ask this because i've noticed you haven't gone to the trouble of actually naming them this round and just simply gone with MOO 1, MOO2 etc...
Last round we left your "babies" alone and just figured you musn't care about them enough to go to the trouble of naming them this round so im just assuming your going to fck sh!t up this round for sh!ts and giggles while everyone assumes it will be the same as last round and get caught with their pants down.
There are also some that seem to have no military, so will probably be used as land farms. But there are a few that she seems to be building to a moderate degree. If only the ALs had guts and KT'd this disgusting creature right out of Newbie mode.
We did many round ago and in response he spent 2 whole round killing off the entire player base causing many to quit.