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  • edited October 2011
    Sleep stuff:
    As the brain begins to relax and slow down, slower waves known as alpha waves are produced. During this time when you are not quite asleep, you may experience strange and extremely vivid sensations known as hypnagogic hallucinations. Another very common event during this period is known as a myoclonic jerk. If you've ever startled suddenly for seemingly no reason at all, then you have experienced this odd phenomenon. While it may seem unusual, these myoclonic jerks are actually quite common.
    ^This happens a lot if I start dozing off in a chair.

    Your link isn't working for me MG :(
    Extreme Golf? :P
  • That first link still won't work for me. Oh well I guess.

    -_- @ over-regulation.
    Whistle blowers, that scroll out into a a long coloured paper tongue when sounded – a party favourite at family Christmas meals – are now classed as unsafe for all children under 14.
    ^This is too old to enjoy the stupid things.

    "These bans diminish the experience, both of having fun and learning, by turning play into a danger zone with rules that stifle life and adventure for children."
    All this banning stuff really irritates me. It's bringing on a rant, but I'll restrain myself. =P But seriously, how do they plan to enforce this? Have the cops come knocking on the door for every birthday party in town? Them making stupid rules isn't going to stop people from doing what they want.

    Past methods of smuggling have included catapults that launch bales of drugs across the border fence.

    How about now? Try Googling the headline if you have to, it is quite an interesting story. Shame the Reuters site is so slow to post it's own articles...

    And lol, i must say that using catapults is quite creative really...
  • It worked this time!
    I think this is more amusing because it's the french, rather than if it had happened anywhere else. It does make me wonder though... I mean, some places you go there knowing you're going to be getting frozen/prepared stuff, but you go to someplace nicer, and you expect they're actually cooking their own food. I can't believe France is the only place to take shortcuts at a high level though. Some things don't seem bad to me though, like bakers getting pre-separated egg whites and yolks. I actually like buying dried egg whites, it's really convenient, and I bet for them it's a real time saver, as well as cheaper. Can you imagine how many eggs you'd have to separate every morning in a bigger bakery? You'd have to hire an extra person, or you wouldn't have time to get much done.
  • Hence why i think they should use a certification process, it'll be more lenient and allow for such exceptions. I can see some justification for prepackaged goods like you mentioned, but there's no real excuse for whole meals in my opinion.
  • edited October 2011
    Agreed. Some components could (and probably should) be bought predone, but once you take it even to the level of, here's the whole sauce in one manufacturer's squeezy packet, you're basically the same as Mc. Donalds, and I don't care what food you're selling.


    I love how people get so defensive when they get caught. maybe he should have thought of these things in the first place..
  • It uses a set of sensors to tune into electric signals produced by the brain to detect player thoughts, feelings and expressions

    They make it sound wonderful, but I wonder how it actually stands up in usage. I have a hard time imagining that detection of electric signals = I know exactly what you're thinking. Although, I have seen articles in the past about earlier prototypes of this kind of device for the disabled, and it's pretty cool what it allowed them to do. It'll be interesting to see how this keeps developing in the future.
  • Why *face/palm*? Seems like a reasonable enough response...

    I saw that one about that marathon runner elsewhere, and my exact reaction was: Ha! Busted! :p

    And that headset is quite interesting, it's applications hold great potential. Though i will confess that i'd much rather have a controller or keyboard for my gaming, it wouldn't feel right playing something with my hands idly doing nothing.
  • The husband, wife and their two children were actually only about 25 or 30 feet into the maze

    ^This. That's roughly 9 meters in, come on. Turn around and go back the way you came, not too hard. They probably could have even seen the edge if they tried. I know corn is tall, but it's not -that- tall. On top of that, as long as you walk straight in any direction, you'll hit an edge eventually, then you can just follow it around.
  • edited October 2011
    Just like when the earth was declared flat, the technology wasnt around to disprove it until much later.. But when that technology became available, a new fact was created.
    Plenty of civilizations knew the Earth was round. The Sumerians charted it way back in the day before any of the flat Earther's showed up. It was in somebody's interest to keep the people stupid. To anyone that cared to look up in the sky or the horizon, it was pretty damn obvious that the Earth wasn't flat. The Egyptian's, Incans, and Myans managed to align everything perfectly with the stars based off a flat Earth theory? Fact is that the slaves don't need to know there is anything else out there. What they need to do is fear God, stfu, and wait for their super happy after life full of hot chicks and whipcream frosted cupcakes. You're going to be a huge star when you die and everything will revolve around you. Now... push that damn rock up that hill before I whip you again.

    A former NYPD narcotics detective snared in a corruption scandal testified it was common practice to fabricate drug charges against innocent people to meet arrest quotas.
  • I hate the idea of arrest quotas anyway, but framing innocent people to meet them just really violates every standard for morality and justice. I can't even think of words bad enough to describe this right now. it's just really depressing overall that the system gets filled with people who want to just play power games, or are just as bad as the people they are supposed to be protecting others from.

    This doesn't relate to the article, but this train of thought does remind me of when I had to go visit a max security prison from a crime and justice class I was taking in college. Some of the stuff they showed us and told us about the inmates was pretty scary, but what really hit me as we were going through with our tour was that the guard showing us around thought that most of the most terrible things were really funny, and he said a lot of things that were very questionable. In our post-tour class discussion, a lot of people all said they thought the same thing, if he hadn't been the jailer, he probably would have been behind bars himself.
  • My god... Here in NZ cops here have (had?) quotas for issuing speeding tickets and the public was upset over that, but to frame people? That goes beyond corruption... Drug charges are no little things...
  • Indeed. Its cliche to say cops here are crooked but my god they are not doing their jobs the way it is meant to be. I've been given a ticket for driving the speed limit, but i gave the cop lip because i told him i wasnt speeding... later the same day, I got a ticket for having too dark of tint (and he proceeded to scratch a big 'X' on my drivers side window). The tint was legal :p

    To their credit though, I've noticed from time to time, whether its monthly or quarterly, they have a quota to fill. They put up big ass signs that say "BIG TICKET EVENT", so if you speed, you are a handicap. And you still see hundreds of people pulled over, like really? Are people THAT dumb?

    ps. Lux how about that sky rocketting murder rate haha, feelin safe yet?
  • I came back to this forum thinking for sure there would be a discussion somewhere on here about all the recent protests all over the world. Tch, how boring.
  • edited October 2011
    I can't speak for the rest of the world but I know here in America they tried occupy Wall Street. Before that it was the Tea Party. The Tea guys got infiltrated and taken over by the Republicans. Then the occupy Wall Street guys got infiltrated and taken over by the Democrats. It's kind of a bad joke at this point our protesting is fail. The anti banker crowd got pissed off when the banks weren't getting their funds to them fast enough to continue their protest.

    "Occupy Wall Street is anxiously waiting to find out if it will recoup $144,000 in credit card donations that were rejected over three days when the group’s online account, which is handled by an external fiscal agent ( dank translator - owned by the same banks who gobble everything up like pac man on a power pellet ), was temporarily frozen due to human error."

    Filled with massive irony...

    "Everyone's favorite petulant rapper and producer — he of Lanvin, many necklaces, and the mutilated Maybach — made a pilgrimage with demonstration regular Russell Simmons today to see how the other 99 percent lives."

    Which turned into a circus...

    "Rep. Jesse Jackson Calls on Government to Hire All Unemployed Americans for $40,000 Each"

    Causing people to eat each others brains...

    The lazy sloth at work that everyone wants fired... may actually make more than you if that happens, plus benefits. Obviously the best thing to do in this case is to kill all of the unemployed people, yes! So and so was layed off at some company today. Later found beaten to death with a bat. Laying next to them the broken 72 inch flat screen TV they had just purchased, an xbox, a playstation, personal lubricant, every overpriced DVD in the store, 12 bags of family sized cheetos, 22 steaks, a new laptop, a PC, frozen fries, and 6 cases of Diet Cola.

    "Has Ron Paul been wearing fake eyebrows?"

    and not even Humpty Dumpty could be put back together again.
  • I can't stand yahoo news. More specifically, I can't stand the commentators on their articles. It's like a collection of the most hateful, ignorant people of the world... It's like 4chan, except they're not trolling.

    I do find it rather funny how the two protests have been politicized like Dank pointed out, but all the propaganda surrounding the protests is largely why we're not reporting on it, it would be quite unproductive and only serve to raise tempers more than anything else.
  • Jackson said the government’s direct hiring of the nation’s 15 million unemployed Americans would cost $600 billion.

    “It could be a five-year program,” he said. “For another $104 billion, we bail out all of the states. For another $100 billion, we bail out all of the cities.”

    1 more trillion into debt won't hurt us, right? I'd have to hurry up and get unemployed if they did that though, it'd be more than I'm making right now...

    lol @ fake eyebrows though.
  • There's an "occupy" protest in a park in my city. I almost die laughing every time I walk past it.
  • edited October 2011
  • I like this guy.
  • Wow, that just made my bday 3x better haha, its funny bc its true and maybe I'm just crossfaded too much but I almost dare to say I concur after the 1st watch, u can tell thats been boiling inside him for a while
  • edited October 2011
    Ron Paul. The only candidate consistent in his views. The only candidate that saw the current economic situation coming and has (and HAS HAD) the best proposal to truly fix the economy. The only candidate that wants to bring home the troops from unconstitutional wars. The only candidate who plans to cut spending, balance the budget and get rid of the unconstitutional taxes. The only candidate who wants to shift the power back to the states (the PEOPLE) rather than the federal government. The candidate with the most active military support.

    Simply put, the only candidate that makes sense. If you have any questions concerning Ron Paul, please feel free to express them.
  • My only concern with Ron Paul is the devotion of his followers. It gets kind of eerie sometimes. Reminds me of cultists, and I don't trust cultists.

    Other than that, I don't have a problem with the man personally.
  • It is passion for liberty and freedom which Ron Paul sparks that cause it. Ron Paul's message is straightforward and transparent. His ideals are hand in hand with that of the founders of the United States of America and this is why, when properly educated on the issues, people avidly support him.
  • Anguis, I'm not sure where and idc too much on politics unless I'm bored but I'm pretty positive. I read somewhere he wans to remove the seperation of church and state, and if this true u are completely wrong because the founders of america knew religion was problemtic and are quoted saying it and gov should ALWAYS remain seperate. Not that I don't like ron paul, idc about any of that because I have no influence and no tv to watch debates or nething, ill care in a few months maybe.. who knows, always remember, no matter what you think or "know", in america, it doesn't matter
  • Sorry, but you're completely wrong.
  • The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. ---> Ron Paul does not want religion regulated by the federal government. Instead, the states and local government should handle any situations arising from religion.
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