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you guis suxor



  • edited April 2014
    I cant decide if he wants my sausage more or lynogs hahaha

    Mans desparate for our attention
  • edited April 2014
    now i just cant stand the place and i bet im not the only person feeling that way.
    I completely feel the same way. It's come to a stage where I don't really feel like reading any posts at all most of the time knowing Darius posted somewhere.

    Or more likely, everywhere. While still saying that he doesn't care.
  • now i just cant stand the place and i bet im not the only person feeling that way.
    I completely feel the same way. It's come to a stage where I don't really feel like reading any posts at all most of the time knowing Darius posted somewhere.

    Or more likely, everywhere. While still saying that he doesn't care.
    There used to be an addon that blocked someone's posts, surely someone still has it? :D
  • Atleast dank had some random backstory or crazy conspiracy to his bullshit posts hahaha abit of imagination.

    If you've read 10 of darius posts you've read them all. Zzzzzzz
  • I get the point of trolling, i love trolling, i live for trolling but thats only to get rage responses to keep me entertained, if i ever got to the point where literally nobody enjoyed me and i knew people were avoiding even looking in here because of me i would have to have a long hard look at myself, there are only so many times i could try and boast about myself and my awesome life without a single response back to then realize that not a single person gives a fuck, trying so hard to convince everyone just automatically makes everyone think your a liar, couple that with a recent past filled with proven lies and you should really just stop, as for the game, you can see if whichever way you choose to in your own warped little world but that wont change the fact the majority of people in here will never see it that way, if you wanna boast about the game then actually do something to boast about, build yourself an out an out monster that betters any other kds, run yourself a monster alliance from day one and destroy the server, posting utter nonsense weeks after everyone dead will just fall under the lie category with more or less everything else you have ever posted in here. You dont have me raging, you dont have me in anyway angry you just have me not wanting to visit the forums because it feels mentally draining going into a topic knowing im going to be reading the same reworded nonsense i read the day before and the day before that. Have a long hard look at yourself mate and think about how you actually look to the rest of us, your disliked as a person in here not as a player, you can say its all an act and your not like that irl but i dont believe it for one minute. Your an very unlikable asshole who really needs to be banned from this place unless you change the way you are acting, you are killing he player base in the same fashion as the bot did just by posting
    utter shite in here every single day. Sort your shit out mate
  • ignore blanket is going back up, maybe someone will actually ban your boring self soon or maybe not, either way enjoy talking to yourself buddy. Bye
  • edited April 2014
    Anyone who replies to this chump from here on out gets exactly what they deserve :D
    Hello all. I am the person you all know by now as Darius.

    For the past 9 months or so on and off, I have been systematically trolling everyone on this forum. Based on the overall responses to any of the threads I've entered I've done a fairly good job.

    I have my reasons for doing this, as I've stated a couple times in the past on occasion, but never officially in in this manner.

    Part of it was merely enjoyable. If you go back and read some of the things I wrote with a more lighthearted perspective, you might find it to be funny, or its possible you have no sense of humor.

    Part of it was a test of my ability to mess with people. I passed.

    Part of it was to find a challenge. I am actually very good at this game, probably not as good as the the claims I have made here, but certainly better than most. I have found my opponent, and that is Jones.

    Part of it was to bring life back into this game. For me the charm of this game wasn't ever in in the gameplay, but the social aspect of getting to know your friends and enemies. When I first came back, I didn't see any friends or enemies; just a few elitist leftover friends who were unwilling to let the game go, and a bunch of random people who got farmed by them. Back in the day, groups like FC and LT were the universal bad guys who made the game interesting. I didn't just want to piss off 2ndc or whatever they call themselves, I set out to piss off everyone to cause drama and bring back activity to the forums. Nobody wants to post in a forum without drama, and nobody wants to play this game without shittalk, otherwise its just multiplayer excel.

    I don't know the other reasons, maybe I'm secretly a huge asshole. In real life I'm genuinely a pretty nice guy, if any of you actually believe I walk around with this attitude of a god complex in the real world, you are not very smart.

    Anyways, why are you telling us this Darius? Who cares? I cant read more than 5 words at a time!

    Because I'm announcing my resignation as Darius. I know you don't realize it, but being me is not easy. There are alot of you, and only one of me. Today has taught me that I am tired of this constant battle, and this constant troll, and this persona, and I am no longer willing to continue it.

    As for my KD, I wasn't lying about a lack of interest in the round. I have no intention of competing seriously for 2nd place against Lynog, so feel free to chase me down and kill me or whatever you want to do. I'll just be making a strong defensive KD out of boredom until someone kills me for whatever reason :)

    If you have any questions for me and would like an honest answer to them here about how I really feel or think about things in game, or how I actually am IRL, I will not tell any lies. I wont be posting in any other threads from this point onward, except the occasional ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because I think its hilarious.

    It was fun

  • i care about a few things in life, one of the things i care about is having an enjoyable time during my free times. Part of my free time is cruising star kingdoms forums to have enjoyable conversations or troll to an extent.

    I trolled viva heavily inside forums outside forums we were cordial to one another and are friends on fb (though he got hacked and he posted some fucked up stuff). me and sky used to have it out occasionally as well because I thought he was a quad parking prick (i miss dogtown :(), but really he just multi'd for multi'd sakes.

    As of now Darius is banned from forums for one month, he can create a secondary account but if he goes back on his rampage of flooding forums with the same crap and turning ever thread into this then I will delete his main and ban his ip and any other accounts that are shown to be his since mods can track ips and all that cool stuff of every ip that you logged in on ^_-.
  • Can I just say...

    Im still alive
  • edited April 2014

    Oi, rip Dogtown
  • Cheers

    Oi, rip Dogtown
    it was his bday the other day, hes always on cod on his ps4 the little sack of shit, ill tell him you were asking bout him.
  • Tell him we wished him a happy bday. I posted a thread about him missing in action. Glad he's not really a zombie though. Zogtown
  • zogtown should become a thing
  • edited April 2014
    I imagine Brits and Aussies say Oi! More often tan I say any word in the dictionary. When ever I am pretending to be like you guys, I just shout it out....Oi!

    Such a great sound to it. You can use it when you are in any kind of mood or conversation. It has so many meanings with just a change in tone....awesome.

    Also, yeah, somebody make him a zombie Dogtown avatar. Just take his current avy and make it....zombie-ish
  • Just want to point out that at the end of the day, or month, or round, nobody cares who finished first or remembers you by it. You could be rank 1 every single round, and pretty much the entire populace at this point just views you as a douche and a cheater. But hey, you were rank 1, right?! And the only person who still cares about that will be you.
  • Well said, Meadows. And excellent work, Damdred! :)
  • Darius u cheated like mad on GoC and u do here aswell. There u made bank farms and had small probe farms arson the players beating you. Here u run pop farms. And don't say your kidnapping someone who is okay with it cause that's bs All that means is someone made a pop farm for u to kidnap so u didn't mame one yourself. Cheating either way.

  • Is this sky dragon, the real sky dragon from the last few years? What happened to the angry sky dragon hahaha
  • fixed, these archaic forums and all the buttons you gotta press smh
  • Like I give a fuck Damdred

    You guys even gotta cheat to beat me on the Pfs, I run this shit and you're all my bitches

    And chaotix you know how I can prove that's all lies? I was rank 1 the entire rounds I played on goc nobody ever was beating me to even arson you fuckin idiot, I hope you enjoy my wls :)
  • Poor Darius still trying so hard to justify himself against.. well, everyone, since he's basically just sitting in the corner all alone spouting nonsense.

    You're a cheater and a random nolifer, and that's all anyone here is going to remember you by.
  • Poor Darius still trying so hard to justify himself against.. well, everyone, since he's basically just sitting in the corner all alone spouting nonsense.

    You're a cheater and a random nolifer, and that's all anyone here is going to remember you by.
    The irony of that last part is unreal
  • Difference being that I don't make up bullshit, and do it for lols and don't care that people know what I'm doing.
  • Difference being that I don't make up bullshit, and do it for lols and don't care that people know what I'm doing.
  • You're so clueless meadows, you all think you're so fucking smart but none of you ever figure out the most obvious shit

    I am everything you are except better at it, and it kills you inside. You faggots ruined the Pfs for everyone who wasn't in your little fanclub and now you cry when I do the same shit to you, except I do it 1v20 since I'm confident enough in myself to not need the constant validation you pathetic scum feed on here

    And I love showing you that every day, deep down you know I'm right and it kills you
  • Pfs are drowning in tears
  • Pfs are drowning in tears
    Of joy since i know a perma-ban is coming...
  • Pfs are drowning in tears
    Of joy since i know a perma-ban is coming...
    Try not to eat those too tubby
  • Pfs are drowning in tears
    Of joy since i know a perma-ban is coming...
    Try not to eat those too tubby
    lol, this guy seems to think we are going to remember him. Like that one dude who owes everyone in the pf's an Xbox. Way to go, you acted like an ass and will likely earn yourself a perma-ban.

    Such a legacy.
  • Poor Darius still trying so hard to justify himself against.. well, everyone, since he's basically just sitting in the corner all alone spouting nonsense.

    You're a cheater and a random nolifer, and that's all anyone here is going to remember you by.
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