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you guis suxor



  • Have fun failing to kill someone even with 100 kds you dumb bitch

    How fuckin embarassing honestly how do you live with yourself hahahahahah

  • The funny part is how last round he was so mad at about how r/r was broken and cheesey, yet he can only climb using it. Monkey see, monkey do. He thinks he's an expert survivalist due to his ability to disband soldiers while sitting online 90% of every day(according to scans, lol).
  • edited April 2014
    Wait, is darius RR? Hahahahahahahaha this gets even better

    Atleast when meadows goes RR and abuses it she openly admits how broke it is and overpowered.

    Yet daritears claims he's the greatest using it hahahaha
  • Yeah. Last I heard he's struggling a bit with his population though.
  • Hahahahhaha bragging about a RR kd. Wow.

    This guy honestly.
  • I do have to give him credit for using the RO/MY people as tools to get where he is though. Those guys just get stepped on every round lol.
  • Brag about RR junk some more please
  • I don't think they did anything to me? idk. Still hilarious after how hard you worked to help get them all killed last round for being bigger than you.
  • Darius tell me how good your RR kd is please hahahaha
  • Your that desparate for a rank 1 you had to resort to RR after calling it out last round as cheating hahahahahah

  • And the excuses roll in.
  • Hahahaha it's adorable how desparate you are for a rank 1 that you'll resort to something you yourself classed as bullshit and cheating.

    Desparate much.

    Must hurt you so much that I have disbanded and deleted multiple rank 1s and here's you so desparate hahahahahaha
  • edited April 2014
    Tell us about your rank 1 RR kd hahahaha
  • Is there anyone who thinks Darius "won" besides himself? lol.
  • But terra>mount you had no disadvantage on pt. Both were rr the only difference is... you could hit bigger safer....

    and I'm loathe to bring up the past but you played a round seriously when you got back zeal and a few got you....but who cares.

    Though i will say its kinda sad you decry a strat as cheating then use it and act like jts the best crap ever...

    though what meadows is doing isn't cool

    keep the thread classy i won't close
  • edited April 2014
    Is there anyone who thinks Darius "won" besides himself? lol.
    Not a single person.

    Just play along with him though.

    He won sk like he won wow

  • Anyone can make a r/r kd, the income is retarded. Give 30% draft and its a lay down, no one has a chance. Bragging about taking rank 1 when all the real competition was killed off AND R/R... garbage victory.

    Enjoy slum dog. You've proven nothing.
  • Sure, winning by default is still winning. Just nobody is impressed.

    And you're right about one thing at least. It's really isn't mathematically possible for you to play better, because your brain can't comprehend any decent level of building. There's a reason you can't build a non-rr kd and hold a good rank from start to finish, and never will.

  • I rolled you 6 times this round, the first Sk round I played for real

    You was playing for real and THAT is your kingdom.....oh Darius :(

    I feel like we have been picking on a disabled kid all this time.
  • edited April 2014
  • Hahahahahhaa this was him playing REAL and he wasn't even top 50 when I was rank 1.

    Darius I couldn't care less what any of your friends think.
  • edited April 2014
    Tell us all about your rank 1 RR
  • Serious as his mind gets. There's a reason all of his arguments are him vs.. well, everybody. I almost feel bad for him.
  • I know I honestly find it hard to believe someone can be so delusional

    He got his rank 1 kd in THE WORST possible way.

    1. Killed everyone bigger then him.
    2. Explore turtle.
    3. RR

    And he's asking what he could of done better? Hahahahahhaa.
  • Tell us all about your rank 1 darius
  • Okay son, enjoy your "win"
  • Crazy mad. I feel like just tearing something up with my blind rage
  • Can you tell us about when you won on wow ?
  • Can't. It stil hurts too much..
  • if logging in every single tick every single day is your idea of having fun with sk, then all the power to you
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