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you guis suxor



  • edited April 2014
    Yeah your boring now darius, it used to be quite amusing listening to your ramblings.

    Now I just feel bad for you, no need to rub it in any longer.

    Everyone take note this is his REAL kd, after 4 rounds of observing. This is the real deal hahahah
  • edited April 2014
    This is probably my only serious reply to you in this thread. I would of honestly gave you more respect for your kd last round. It was/is better than your kd this round. That's why I'm so suprised you chose this as your attempt of a real kd haha

    Anything RR is literally a joke.

    Enjoy your rank 1 :D
  • Still struggling? The last kidnap I see in the log had you under 2200 pop :D

    If you actually didn't log in every tick, you'd be dead. We all know you care too much to let your hard work go to waste, champ. And if you think this is extreme.. lol, this was mostly just a test to see if ursu's old scripts still worked. Unfortunately they only half work. "Don't have time" is hilarious.
  • You didn't "let me". I was going to do it regardless. Enjoy having crappy pop though.
  • If you have that much time to live you put to much time into rr
  • So saaad
  • You say that like I don't know that 40k soldiers doesn't go a long way.
  • If you have that much time to live you put to much time into rr
    Meadows is throwin 700 pas at me a tick and I negate it all with one kidnap, I don't know how to put less time into any kind of kd
    lolwut. You had like 60k pop. Then a tick later you had 2k. That's not exactly negation, but once again, as we were saying what is and isn't mathematically possible, math isn't exactly your strong suit.

  • You have to sleep sometime darius.... if you change sleep schedule to survive yeeaaaaaa to much for me
  • And I personally know very well that so long as you're online at the end of every single tick, you'll never die. It isn't skill, it's free time and determination. And so long as your pop stays low, your soldier generation will go to absolute crap. Better start making some air bays.
  • You have to sleep sometime darius.... if you change sleep schedule to survive yeeaaaaaa to much for me
    Difference is you're married and have responsibilities. Meanwhile, he's an unemployed college dropout. Oh, by the way Darius, you should really be more careful about who you tell your REAL life about!
  • Which will probably be never, because let's be honest, you care WAY too much about SK.
  • I would be horribly upset if you died, mainly because then I'd have like 100 kds with no purpose anymore. If I knew you'd give up easily, I wouldn't have bothered, because it's more fun to watch you suffer through it :D
  • RR is for noobs!

    Too bad my proballer KD died.
  • Guys, go volunteer or something useful to society.
  • Guys, go volunteer or something useful to society.
  • I didn't read most of this thread but if Darius really is Rank 1, then you can bet that it's because most of the better players were killed off early in the round so his notably average kingdom(s?) can rank. Certainly wasn't because of his "God strat".
  • anger bear did it better
  • My head actually hurts reading this crap lately, its so painful.
  • My head actually hurts reading this crap lately, its so painful.
    This is why I don't read anymore.
  • Wondered why there were so many new posts
  • I didn't say that it doesn't count. I said that better players had to die so you could be Rank 1. No offense intended to poor or average players in this game, but if one of them finished the round at Rank 1, does that make them good at the game just because all the best players have already died?

    No, it doesn't. They're still poor or average at best. And when you quit this place, Darius, no-one will even remember that Rank 1 because I don't think anyone really cares, lol (Assuming you survive the round). :p
  • True. I don't think any single person has cared about scoring a rank 1 for years and years now.
  • Congrats u have not had sex with anyone but yourself n 3 months.
    Congrats when you finally get a job.
    Congrats on being a virgin.
    Congrats on the pretend life u have created for yourself including where u live the fake house you live in the fake job you say you have.
    Congrats your #1 on SK by cheating.

    These are all obviously true since u have been online every tick since the start of last round. You obviously matched with multiple people this round and have pop farms. Sex...we don't even need to talk about that one its obvious. No matter what you say you can't have a job and be online 22hrs a day like you are. And let's be honest the only time you have been to the gym was.....wait no you never been.

    Congrats on being the person I feel most sorry for on this game.
  • Ay did you all know... Liverpool are gonna win the league :D
  • I killed everyone Sky. I was always one step ahead of them the entire round.
    Even though the events of this round happen nearly every round anyway?
  • Why do you say you killed anyone when you killed literally nobody? I am confused.
  • People like Lynog and Jones die early nearly every round though. They're not in the top ranks very early in the round, but rise to the top within a week or two and take Rank 1/2 (While others struggle to keep up with them) before getting killed. There's nothing special about this round at all.

    In any case, didn't you say that you wanted to compete against them and see who could build the better kingdom in some other thread? All I effectively see is a person who couldn't win against them so killed them off (Secondary reasons include the Choo Choo last round). Hardly anyone cares when such things happen because they still won the round.

    A year from now, people will still say that they normally take Rank 1/2 in the round, build great offensive kingdoms, get killed early for being better than most and know what they're doing in the game.

    What will people say about you though, Darius? Do you reckon anyone will say that you controlled a round and attained Rank 1 (As if it's anything special that others haven't done since 2001)? Talk about your 'God strategy' in a positive light? Say Darius was a good player? Will anyone even remember you? And even if they did, are you sure it won't be because of the WoW, naked brother stuff, simulated kingdoms or Choo Choo stuff? Maybe they'll also ask whether you're still unemployed and/or making up stories about your life?

    I know you say that you don't care, but you're trying way too hard (Both in the PF's and in-game) for that to be true.
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