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you guis suxor



  • So u saying you won't remember me like the guy you still remember?

    Were u dropped as a child?
  • i like how meadows is posting srsly for once

    what the fuck has sk come to?!
  • edited April 2014
    i like how meadows is posting srsly for once

    what the fuck has sk come to?!
    Bitch is mad

    Sucks when you lose no matter what you do doesn't it meadows

  • So u saying you won't remember me like the guy you still remember?

    Were u dropped as a child?
    In two years you will be just like him. Remembered by a different premise, but like him you would require effort to look up and no one is willing to waste that.

    Congrats, you just spent your last year on sk really wasting time, what a win.
  • Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasting tubby, I get paid to do this 80% of the time I'm online, it's also a game I like playing, and I can do it as much as I want because I'm young, rich, and intelligently efficient to the point I have more free time than 99% of the world

    You're just fat and mad
  • Poor Darius still trying so hard to justify himself against.. well, everyone, since he's basically just sitting in the corner all alone spouting nonsense.

    You're a cheater and a random nolifer, and that's all anyone here is going to remember you by.
  • So mad meadows

    Sry bout u
  • Enjoy your perma-ban.
  • Enjoy your perma-ban.
    Enjoy your peanut butter
  • But I don't enjoy peanut butter.
  • Well I'm sorry to hear that
  • Well I'm sorry to hear that
    Don't pretend to know what empathy is.
  • only three words to sum up here:

    unemployed college dropout
    Thank you so much flazer now I get to prove it :) Hahahahaha god I love being me
    Waiting on this.
  • only three words to sum up here:

    unemployed college dropout
    Thank you so much flazer now I get to prove it :) Hahahahaha god I love being me
    Waiting on this.
    Tell Ian not to ban me till I get home, driving now
  • Is this sky dragon, the real sky dragon from the last few years? What happened to the angry sky dragon hahaha
    He realized that he doesn't have to have enemies to enjoy playing a game. :)

    Something that.. Oh, what was that guys name who got banned? He could learn from that simple fact instead of being a douche all the time, lol.
  • I think somebody has some daddy issues, and they are sorting them out with all of us right now.
  • I think my favorite part is just quoting something every 30 minutes, and then coming back to see he replied to it in a rage in less than a minute when I come back. He really can't put sk down, it's such an addiction to him it's sad. You'd think someone with nothing but free time in their unemployed life would at least put it into a better game if anything.
  • When did darius become unemployed? Thought he was bragging about a 60k/yr job or somethijg such.
  • When did darius become unemployed? Thought he was bragging about a 60k/yr job or somethijg such.
    70k with my bonus

    They just mad so they pretend I suck like them irl too now
  • only three words to sum up here:

    unemployed college dropout
    Thank you so much flazer now I get to prove it :) Hahahahaha god I love being me
    Waiting on this.
    Tell Ian not to ban me till I get home, driving now
    Completely horrible, but it would be hilarious if the ban hammer came down before he got home. We could all speculate on this dipshit dying in a horrible car accident because he was stupid enough to text and drive.
  • When did darius become unemployed? Thought he was bragging about a 60k/yr job or somethijg such.
    70k with my bonus

    They just mad so they pretend I suck like them irl too now
    And you are "rich"?
  • When did darius become unemployed? Thought he was bragging about a 60k/yr job or somethijg such.
    70k with my bonus

    They just mad so they pretend I suck like them irl too now
    And you are "rich"?
    My parents are loaded, brothers got about Hal a mill, I'm at about 50k no debt 25k in assets, 3 months out of college, you tell me
  • I'm proud that your family are doing well for themselves, you however sound single.
  • Lol
    Please Damdred like you can stop me

    You still want the proof rob? Took some pics for you
  • Lol
    Please Damdred like you can stop me

    You still want the proof rob? Took some pics for you
    I do. I am curious.
  • Okie comin right up, my degree is a motherfucker to take a picture of its been wrapped up so it wont stay flat haha
  • the msg delete bot thing worked on the old forums

    sanchez was the script holder for it, they stopped it cause sk slowed down from it due to all the spam bots posting
  • edited April 2014




    Here you go

    Sry you suck at SK and IRL peasants :(

    Maybe u can reincarnate when round ends
  • The irony of how I clicked on the job one and it said it doesnt exist hahahaha
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