dank, america didnt borrow money from china because we intend on paying it back, if they wanna claim what they own they still have to have the force to possess it
Lol neg you read what you want to read don't you. Bless you, you bipolar little cretin. I said it's wrong for us to be hypocrites but I get that you don't understand. Kinda relevant on this thread because clearly your education speaks volumes. Bless you
Chinas infrastructure is crap. They would be easy conquered by the red white and blue.
"Easily conquered" like N. Veitnam, N. Korea and Afghanistan was ? Actually trying to remember when the last war was when USA won... Oh, thats right. WW2... With the help of others.
They cant just decide they want their money and the US will hand it over completely ruining their economy haha. They will just say errrr....No
If china tried to get that money back in a negative way and shit went down they wouldnt be getting a cent of it.