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most awesomest country!



  • Why Finland besides of the fact you live there? :D
    its not on the list because i live here, i actually dislike the weather etc. Those countrys are on the list because of how they threat their citizen, social security, school systems, work system etc, we also have lots of ppl working here that come from estonia, russia and poland, same as Germany, Usa has mexicans... :)
  • i heard the nordic countries pay 50% plus in taxes but everything is free
    yes we pay huge taxes, but school is free (study, food), healtcare is "free", they gotta threat u if something happens to you. so many things not gonna list in here.

    but some negative sides, food is really dam expesive, cars are expesive, gas... you name it :P
  • The uk used to have a good army never had the numbers but was very good, economic is very poor nhs is in shambles and cuts in the military all the time
  • I don't know how it is nowadays in the US or if this is exaggerated, but I heard that some hospitals won't take a wounded person in if they don't have insurance.

    In Europe even you don't have ID, they are forced to take you in and take care of you so you don't die like a dog on the streets...
  • I don't know how it is nowadays in the US or if this is exaggerated, but I heard that some hospitals won't take a wounded person in if they don't have insurance.

    In west Europe even you don't have ID, they are forced to take you in and take care of you so you don't die like a dog on the streets...
  • in poland everything is quite cheap compared to the other European countries I've been to. Transport's really cheap and you get student discounts on practically everything
  • its a crime not not give healthcare in finland, in USA its shitty deal if u got no insurance lol.
  • All this flack about Germany needs clarification, I grew up in that country and the reason it's has a strong economy is because it has a robust manufacturing sector. And it's the EU, if people want to move from Eastern Europe and work in Germany that's fine. They are still subject to Germany's high income tax (not quite as high as norway, about 40% I think).

    I will say that while the German education system is poor on an academic level, for vocational schooling it's pretty good.

    @Aza that's just pride talking. The fact that they insist on the youth being educated in a neutral environment by people with actual teaching qualifications is effective and is obviously going to be in place because don't forget, a couple generations ago they were all buying into fascism. By forcing the children to go to school and be educated in an environment with no lingering sentimentality towards that, it's a step forward. It's illegal to put a child in any sort of clothing that can be construed as a 'uniform' in Germany
  • edited January 2014
    If any country ever tops the US, it will most definitely be China. China has the strongest military by manpower, the fastest growing economy and great education. Right now though, no matter how much the US's power has been declining, the US will still remain as the most influential country.
    you are overestimating china far too much

    are you aware of the high amount of students that cheat and even riot when cheaters are caught?

    they are a country with a lack of natural resources, they need to rely on other countries to supply them. You can be sure that USA will be keeping a track on their reserve levels as well.

    If anything their strength will come from the communist party controlling and motivating their people to fight for them if a war breaks out.

    The Western countries have been becoming more "free" that it will only hurt them in the future. Everybody thinks they are somebody special and not a grunt that countries need to thrive.
    With the NSA wiretapping the entire world, the loss of habeus corpus, right to a trial, right to bare arms, all politicians being spied on for blackmail including Obama who spun 180 in office, searches without warrants, the embracing of if you have nothing to hide we should put a microphone and tracker in your car or up your fucking ass and in your washing machine, the creation of a private army to serve the president, admitting we are Al Qaeda, selling news and Hollywood to China, Russia dick slapping us in the mouth on Syria, China dick slapping us on Japan, TSA, Snowden, crackdown on whistle blowers, Michael fucking Hasting, banker bailout, drones in the skies monitoring you, camera on every corner, telling everyone they need govt health care the insurance companies wrote while sucking off rx companies and excluding themselves from it, Obama pretending he signed up for it, fuck your rights searches in Boston, and endorsing Japans approach to lock up anyone that speaks out of line please explain "free".
  • Oh man I am not reading all this.
  • Yeah cuz I can go on for a long time but this dude says freedom is spreading... naw people are brain washed by TV.

  • @Aza that's just pride talking. The fact that they insist on the youth being educated in a neutral environment by people with actual teaching qualifications is effective and is obviously going to be in place because don't forget, a couple generations ago they were all buying into fascism. By forcing the children to go to school and be educated in an environment with no lingering sentimentality towards that, it's a step forward. It's illegal to put a child in any sort of clothing that can be construed as a 'uniform' in Germany
    there is no such thing as a neutral environment and the first step towards tyranny, something the german's should know plenty about, is being able to indoctrinate children. its a simple concept.

    also, whats wrong with having a little pride? in a year i'm going to graduate with 2 degrees from an expensive private school. do you really mean to tell me that someone who barely got through a community college is more capable of teaching my children than i am?
  • Yeah cuz I can go on for a long time but this dude says freedom is spreading... naw people are brain washed by TV.
    dank, shut up dude! duck dynasty is on!
  • I don't know how it is nowadays in the US or if this is exaggerated, but I heard that some hospitals won't take a wounded person in if they don't have insurance.

    In Europe even you don't have ID, they are forced to take you in and take care of you so you don't die like a dog on the streets...
    I'm pretty sure every first world country forces hospitals to accept people.

    Example: I was wheeled into a hospital one time and they didn't check to see if I had insurance until after I had received treatment.
  • edited January 2014
    I don't know how it is nowadays in the US or if this is exaggerated, but I heard that some hospitals won't take a wounded person in if they don't have insurance.

    In Europe even you don't have ID, they are forced to take you in and take care of you so you don't die like a dog on the streets...
    Its against the (U.S) law for any hospital to refuse treatment to anyone, however it is not for them to pump you full of morphine and kick you to the curb. They don't have to admit you and speaking from personal experience, this country has some of the most heartless Doctors in the world -- as far as privately (non state funded) owned goes. Which is like 97% of our hospitals.

  • @Aza that's just pride talking. The fact that they insist on the youth being educated in a neutral environment by people with actual teaching qualifications is effective and is obviously going to be in place because don't forget, a couple generations ago they were all buying into fascism. By forcing the children to go to school and be educated in an environment with no lingering sentimentality towards that, it's a step forward. It's illegal to put a child in any sort of clothing that can be construed as a 'uniform' in Germany
    there is no such thing as a neutral environment and the first step towards tyranny, something the german's should know plenty about, is being able to indoctrinate children. its a simple concept.

    also, whats wrong with having a little pride? in a year i'm going to graduate with 2 degrees from an expensive private school. do you really mean to tell me that someone who barely got through a community college is more capable of teaching my children than i am?
    You automatically assume that every teacher barely got through community college. Way to have an open mind.

    And the fact that you think that school tries to indoctrinate children just shows exactly what I'm on about. You have to teach your children YOUR way. Which is exactly what Germany wanted to avoid ex-nazi's doing.

    But hey, if you think that 3% of the first world population is better educated by getting taught at home then that's your right to think so.
  • edited January 2014
    Yeah cuz I can go on for a long time but this dude says freedom is spreading... naw people are brain washed by TV.
    dank, shut up dude! duck dynasty is on!
    What no counter argument just bs right? Wake up. You took the time to make this thread but can't hear anything outside your bs opinion. You should be embarrased and people die while you stick your head up there.

    Don't even try that natonal pride propaganda con shit on me. We are all human beings bought, sold, and divided so we can not rise above our masters. The war is bs bring our troops home and arrest these liars.
  • America got the title and has held the title as most powerful, influential, innovative, etc... because other people (yes in other countries from all over the world) have given us that title. I may be biased because I was born and have lived in the US my entire life but I truly believe it's the greatest nation on earth.

    Yes, it has its flaws but what country doesn't? America will remain as the land of opportunity for as long as Immigrants wish to move here. There's a reason why the US leads the immigration charts year after year. No one's forcing people to come to America, in fact people have lobbied for years for making immigration rules tougher but despite all that, people flock to America in herds. We're a nation of immigrants and that's what truly makes us so powerful.

    Just my 2 cents. No offense to any other person or country out there. We'll never get a definitive answer because questions and statements of personal opinions. And you know what they say about opinions right? Everyone's got one..
  • My comments are not opinion but fact. Saying we are the best is an opinion.
  • My comments are not opinion but fact. Saying we are the best is an opinion.
    True, you listed many facts. However the conclusion you reach after evaluating said facts, is your opinion. There is no one universally accepted measurement that evaluates how powerful/strong/great a nation is. Sure we have the GDP which evaluates a strength of an economy but is in no way a representation of how "powerful", "strong", or "great" a nation and it's people are.

    It's an endless debate which will go on and on forever.

    -I'm only arguing for the sake of arguing, am at work and have a headache today and don't feel like working :/.
  • Yeah cuz I can go on for a long time but this dude says freedom is spreading... naw people are brain washed by TV.
    dank, shut up dude! duck dynasty is on!
    What no counter argument just bs right? Wake up. You took the time to make this thread but can't hear anything outside your bs opinion. You should be embarrased and people die while you stick your head up there.

    Don't even try that natonal pride propaganda con shit on me. We are all human beings bought, sold, and divided so we can not rise above our masters. The war is bs bring our troops home and arrest these liars.
    dank, your sarcasm radar is broken, i was agreeing with you newbstick

  • You automatically assume that every teacher barely got through community college. Way to have an open mind.

    And the fact that you think that school tries to indoctrinate children just shows exactly what I'm on about. You have to teach your children YOUR way. Which is exactly what Germany wanted to avoid ex-nazi's doing.

    But hey, if you think that 3% of the first world population is better educated by getting taught at home then that's your right to think so.
    i'm being a bit of a dick with the community college joke, but lets face it, it doesnt take much to be a teacher. in schools around here they cant pay coaches to just coach (budget reasons) so they have them teaching history or art. (sometimes spanish, if the person is a native speaker.) so a degree in coaching gets you a job teaching a class that will help shape the philosophical outlook of 20-50 students every year. because i was homeschooled, my history teacher actually had a masters in history with a focus on middle eastern and north african studies. my physics teacher had a doctorate.

    now i realize there are people who are doing it wrong and have their children out of schools for crazy reasons, but to pretend like parents are more likely to indoctrinate children than the government is silly.
  • edited January 2014
    Short post for now since I'm at work. It's generally your peoples attitude that makes us want to hate you. I won't say all americans are bad but in my travels they have easily ranked as the rudest. I liked Australians the most tbh, they were pretty muh Canadians with a different accent.

    None of this matters though since you guys ij particular didnt cause your country's success, so I tune folks out when they say "we are better." I would accept uou saying "its a great country to live in" cause i know little about life in the US.
  • edited January 2014
    Sorry Aza I took you the wrong way. I was thinking wtf the whole time why is aza so pro nwo. In my job I fight conspiracies all day now so I am getting burnt out pretty heavily.

    It feels like all this bs is what is aging me not time. Feel it just sucking life and feeling out of me lol.
  • edited January 2014
    Zeal, I read two sentenced ITT now that you posted :)

    Canada is pretty awesome, but I think america is a good place to live too. I try to avoid the big picture nonsense and just try to enjoy my time in life.
  • there was a time i was a dirty republican...i took a mind bath and came out an Anarcho Capitalist
  • Zeal, I read two sentenced ITT now that you posted :)

    Canada is pretty awesome, but I think america is a good place to live too. I try to avoid the big picture nonsense and just try to enjoy my time in life.
    But cory that makes you a sheep! /sarcasm.

    I feel bad for the folks that can't enjoy life for what it is. Power to them though :)
  • Whatever floats your boat! Gooooo hockey!
  • edited January 2014

    Welcome to the hood.
  • If any country ever tops the US, it will most definitely be China. China has the strongest military by manpower, the fastest growing economy and great education. Right now though, no matter how much the US's power has been declining, the US will still remain as the most influential country.
    you are overestimating china far too much

    are you aware of the high amount of students that cheat and even riot when cheaters are caught?

    they are a country with a lack of natural resources, they need to rely on other countries to supply them. You can be sure that USA will be keeping a track on their reserve levels as well.

    If anything their strength will come from the communist party controlling and motivating their people to fight for them if a war breaks out.

    The Western countries have been becoming more "free" that it will only hurt them in the future. Everybody thinks they are somebody special and not a grunt that countries need to thrive.
    With the NSA wiretapping the entire world, the loss of habeus corpus, right to a trial, right to bare arms, all politicians being spied on for blackmail including Obama who spun 180 in office, searches without warrants, the embracing of if you have nothing to hide we should put a microphone and tracker in your car or up your fucking ass and in your washing machine, the creation of a private army to serve the president, admitting we are Al Qaeda, selling news and Hollywood to China, Russia dick slapping us in the mouth on Syria, China dick slapping us on Japan, TSA, Snowden, crackdown on whistle blowers, Michael fucking Hasting, banker bailout, drones in the skies monitoring you, camera on every corner, telling everyone they need govt health care the insurance companies wrote while sucking off rx companies and excluding themselves from it, Obama pretending he signed up for it, fuck your rights searches in Boston, and endorsing Japans approach to lock up anyone that speaks out of line please explain "free".
    Wow. Might be a little overboard, but I think you are spot on with this one. It ain't getting any better that's for sure.
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