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WEREWOLF: O little town of 'Stella Regnum' (Day 18940) - Bunnies win. everything. always. rawr.



  • Loafery - Guilty for lying
  • I'm curious, does my vote count as 2 for the guilty/innocent votes as well? It would be awesome if it did.
  • edited December 2013

    Day 3 Lynch Mystic tmonsta loafery
    1 Tmonsta Rohan i i g
    2 Loafery rohan g i i
    2 Shining Rohan g i i
    3 Mages rohan g i g
    3 Ixtaccihuatl Mystic g i i
    4 Prime Rohan g g g
    4 Darubian Loafery g
    5 Osiris Rohan g i i
    5 Rohan Ixta i i g
    6 Phantom rohan i g g
    6 Meadows rohan i i g
    7 Tyrsis
    7 Scientology rohan g g g
    8 MysticAssasin i i g
    9 Dogtown Dead
    10 Azalieo Suicide
    11 CoryNewb rohan i i g
    11 jesterawx rohan i i g
    12 Damdred rohan i i g
    12 Ghosted rohan g g g
    13 Zeality rohan i i g
    14 SkydragonX rohan i i g
    14 TheJoker
    15 Rmagician Ghosted i i g
    15 Flazer Dead
    16 SierraNevada Dead
    Guilty = 7
    Innocent = 10

    Guilty = 4
    Innocent = 15

    Guilty = 14
    Innocent = 3

    rohan = 13
    Mystic = 1
    Ixta = 2
    Ghosted = 1

    and Azaleio commited suicide.

    DAY 3 ENds.

    The townsfolk drag Rohan and Loafery and kill them.

    The Sheriff went to house #2 to inspect for any clues that would indicate his evil nature.
    A series of traps were stored in his closet, as well as naked pictures of Azalieo.

    The only thing this man was guilty of, was infidelity to his wife!

    All that could be heard were the sobs of shining. As she, now widowed, was left to fend off whatever dangers may come....

    *Loafery the trapper was killed.

    Osiris grief-stricken at the thought of his wife being amongst the evil searched through her belongings.
    There was a letter from an unknown correspondent telling her that she could join their evil gang once she convinced enough townsfolk to die.

    If only she had brought this to him, and they could have worked something out. They could have had someone on the inside. O love of his life, what had he left to protect? Without Rohan, all was meaningless. Everything about this town sucked.

    At least he had caught one of the bad people. Rohan's death was not completely in vain. Or was it...

    off in her own home Azaleio the big breasted bearded virgin hung herself.

    ******* Day 3 Summary ********
    Darubian is no longer blessed.
    Rohan the female maniacally depressed insane man is lynched.
    Loafery the trapper is lynched.
    Azaleio the villager commits suicide.

    Osiris can either continue his sheriff position for 3 more days or if he chooses to resign, a new sheriff will be elected the next day.

    he is still 'active' sheriff tonight

  • well we know who one killer is then
  • edited December 2013
    You guys suckuckuckuck

    **Ghost talk of a grievous banshee**

    Really though, my role kinda sucked, it was just a matter of time before I got caught. Once I started voting I had no other choice but to continue voting or be caught immediately. And had I not voted at the beginning, it would have given me away immediately when I actually did. Next time, I'll just be a villager :(
  • Rohan, oh sweet Rohan, how missed you will be....soo any single ladies looking to party?

    and village...we killed our only protector. After that long paragraph loafery posted i would have assumed it would have changed some of your minds. oh well, sorry loaf I believed your innocence. Your death will not be in vain for tonight is another night and Sheriff has a bone to pick with the killers...
  • Maybe if he hadn't been saying 8 different things that all contradicted he wouldn't have been so suspicious.
  • I agree he did ramble on a little to much and I think that initial lie about which house he visited screwed him over.
  • I didn't visit a house? Waaah?
  • Missed the whole day. Anyway, you guys are all stupid for lynching Sierra.
  • It seems reason and logic wont work with u ppl

  • Okay, this is awkward because 14 people voted Loaf guilty. Loaf, you have a habit of making yourself look like a bad guy! If you had made a stronger case early on and not changed your story so often, Mystic would've died instead. Although it's still not guaranteed that Mystic is a bad guy - He could be a good guy who tried to survive by pretending to be someone important, but doubt it.

    I'm going to go spend some time checking possible links between Mystic and other people.
  • Does Stella regnum mean star kingdom

  • Well if i didnt say anything the game would dull
  • I know, I'm all for talking as much as possible. Those that only say a few words, point fingers, back up others for no real reason, lynch random people and make accusations are the ones to keep a close eye on. Then, there are those who keep changing their story. :p
  • maybe i'll become a novelist
  • It seems reason and logic wont work with u ppl

    It doesn't. You have to dazzle them with assertions and crazy ideas.
  • It seems reason and logic wont work with u ppl

    It doesn't. You have to dazzle them with assertions and crazy ideas.
    nah random finger pointing and last minute bandwagoning will do

  • Or maybe not lying about intentions and then making random claims about being a trapper when your first few posts were different in nature?
  • just trying to make the game more fun by lying :P

    i enjoyed the process of defending myself when it was against the odds.
  • edited December 2013
    Tyrsis the day before had been doing what women do. Getting angry over nothing. This led to a heated argument with sci, and he was forced to sleep on the couch that night.

    little did he know this would be his last.....

    The eastern side of the village heard a gunshot in the latter half of the night.

    O woe has fallen the village.

    Sci's body was found with multiple stab wounds.
    Tyrsis seeing the body had a heart attack and died...(was going to kill him yesterday when he spoke, but he said nothing. poophead. )

    The village awakes to find the dead body of the sheriff lying with a bullet through the skull in front of the fking town hall

    bloody paw print trails seem to lead everywhere. It looks like with the trapper dead rabbits have been busy multiplying and all this obviously happened in the course of 1 night.

    a package arrived for mysticassassin. It seems he was rewarded with a compass.

    *********Night 3 ends******

    Osiris the hunter crossed paths with evil and got shot.
    Sci the seer was knifed to death.
    Tyrsis the hunter(WHOOPS) died from natural causes.
    mysticassassin was rewarded with a compass cuz he could loosely translate stuff.

    ***** DAY 4 begins ******

    we need a new sheriff.
    and a new lynch vote.

    -sorry for crummy story. here's a bunny story instead.
  • Wait a second, did the bad guys get two kills? How the fuck did that happen?
  • Wait a second, did the bad guys get two kills? How the fuck did that happen?
    they could always do that......
    they just didn't, for reasons beyond me
  • lynch mystic Damdred for sherrif
  • edited December 2013
    Regardless of the compass mystic assassin for lynch and darubian for sheriff

    we can trust darubian because our sheriff/hunter vouched for him as a good guy.

    If we kill the guy holding the compass, does somebody else in town get it? Will it help us solve our night 1 murder?
  • Darubian for sheriff and mystic for lynch

    Don't normally vote for myself but why not. Might as well do something fun.
  • Walls, if we lynch mystic can the sheriff confiscate the Compass?
  • Walls, if we lynch mystic can the sheriff confiscate the Compass?
    if he's good, you get it
    if he's bad it's a diceroll 50% chance u guys get it, 50% he hid it somewhere
  • ghost of Osiris

    god dammit!! wtf. I was wondering where the gunman was...

    @walls, can I/you atleast let the village know what my patrolling route was?
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