The point is proven that anyone who " breaks rules that is not apart of the alliance" its an automatic rage butt rape them immediately by moogle. The double standards he always shows is the problem. They are trying to get him to stop using double standards, aka put up or shut up.
what double standards? all i see in here is people raging about how he hasnt done this or that yet he isnt the only AL playing you know, SK never changes, noobs will always put more effort into crying than actually trying to achieve something. Less QQ more Pew Pew and maybe you wouldnt be sittin there worrying about what Moogle will do next, maybe he would be worrying about what you guys will do.
As I said not saying you can't kt nor would I start a war to defend him would throw away my creditability. Pls read everything before u talk digital u seem to be putting ur foot in ur mouth a lot.
haha, please stop living double standard. They are in your alliance, they are YOUR alliance, they were pointed out for you to deal with. But if the moogle cant profit, or farm because they didnt suicide and they sit in his sectors then its okay. However if moogle can profit, or farm hes all over that like a fat man on cake. Has nothing to do with foot in mouth, i could give a shit less, i find it humorous how much of a bitch you are for all the shit you talk that is all.
So what? Did ThunderDome KT neg? If uni thinks that two guys that work at the same place can't try to get a SOM or SOK when obviously 10 other kds are trying at the same time, then we're not gonna stop them, but we sure as hell ain't gonna help.
Fact is some alliances have allready stated they wouldn't KT them so you can go ahead and KT or you can keep on comming here and rage and rage and rage.
whoever this digital guy is he talks major asshole, yes they are in moogles alliance but they interacted on a guy in Arsons alliance. If Moogle doesnt want to waste resources killing them then so be it, hes not stopping anyone else killing them so i dont see a problem, just stop talking shite.
Ur obviously as dumb as neg digitial we have hauled the heavy weight of kt'n cheaters this round I have many large kds that rather than whore have hit for 10 land on a kt that had nothing to do with my alliance. But hey again it quite obvious ur biased and really don't know what goes on in the game. When u have something promising to say I might listen till go crawl back up negs ass and make a home there
OH really its strange how during those kts as you so called them and during wartime, GoM kingdoms war abuse all over the universe hitting everyone regardless of kts. Its quite obvious you are biased and have no idea whats going on in your own alliance.
Ur obviously as dumb as neg digitial we have hauled the heavy weight of kt'n cheaters this round I have many large kds that rather than whore have hit for 10 land on a kt that had nothing to do with my alliance. But hey again it quite obvious ur biased and really don't know what goes on in the game. When u have something promising to say I might listen till go crawl back up negs ass and make a home there
OH really its strange how during those kts as you so called them and during wartime, GoM kingdoms war abuse all over the universe hitting everyone regardless of kts. Its quite obvious you are biased and have no idea whats going on in your own alliance.
That's why we raped everybody and had more activity than anybody else, KKNOOB, keep prooving to us you have no idea of what's going on in the game. Needless to remind you we got declared war on, not the way around, so if there was war abuse, blame Rev and BF former ALs if we managed to rape everybody and still war abuse, means we are that good and you can only rage and rage and rage about it .
You and neg could make a UA xRAGERx, that whay you wouldn't be alone anymore
The point is proven that anyone who " breaks rules that is not apart of the alliance" its an automatic rage butt rape them immediately by moogle. The double standards he always shows is the problem. They are trying to get him to stop using double standards, aka put up or shut up.
what double standards? all i see in here is people raging about how he hasnt done this or that yet he isnt the only AL playing you know, SK never changes, noobs will always put more effort into crying than actually trying to achieve something. Less QQ more Pew Pew and maybe you wouldnt be sittin there worrying about what Moogle will do next, maybe he would be worrying about what you guys will do.
As I said not saying you can't kt nor would I start a war to defend him would throw away my creditability. Pls read everything before u talk digital u seem to be putting ur foot in ur mouth a lot.
haha, please stop living double standard. They are in your alliance, they are YOUR alliance, they were pointed out for you to deal with. But if the moogle cant profit, or farm because they didnt suicide and they sit in his sectors then its okay. However if moogle can profit, or farm hes all over that like a fat man on cake. Has nothing to do with foot in mouth, i could give a shit less, i find it humorous how much of a bitch you are for all the shit you talk that is all.
So what? Did ThunderDome KT neg? If uni thinks that two guys that work at the same place can't try to get a SOM or SOK when obviously 10 other kds are trying at the same time, then we're not gonna stop them, but we sure as hell ain't gonna help.
Fact is some alliances have allready stated they wouldn't KT them so you can go ahead and KT or you can keep on comming here and rage and rage and rage.
Your anger fuels us
You guys seem to miss the point, i dont care if they are kted at all, i just dont, game filled with cheaters every round. I just find the double standards hilarious that is all.
Ur obviously as dumb as neg digitial we have hauled the heavy weight of kt'n cheaters this round I have many large kds that rather than whore have hit for 10 land on a kt that had nothing to do with my alliance. But hey again it quite obvious ur biased and really don't know what goes on in the game. When u have something promising to say I might listen till go crawl back up negs ass and make a home there
OH really its strange how during those kts as you so called them and during wartime, GoM kingdoms war abuse all over the universe hitting everyone regardless of kts. Its quite obvious you are biased and have no idea whats going on in your own alliance.
That's why we raped everybody and had more activity than anybody else, KKNOOB, plus we got declared war on, not the way around so if there was war abuse, blame Rev and BF former ALs
Oh you mean, you sat and mashed DW kds into AT status after 10 hits, declared them ATs and continued to kt them and expected them to not war you? That is laughable.
Ur obviously as dumb as neg digitial we have hauled the heavy weight of kt'n cheaters this round I have many large kds that rather than whore have hit for 10 land on a kt that had nothing to do with my alliance. But hey again it quite obvious ur biased and really don't know what goes on in the game. When u have something promising to say I might listen till go crawl back up negs ass and make a home there
OH really its strange how during those kts as you so called them and during wartime, GoM kingdoms war abuse all over the universe hitting everyone regardless of kts. Its quite obvious you are biased and have no idea whats going on in your own alliance.
That's why we raped everybody and had more activity than anybody else, KKNOOB, plus we got declared war on, not the way around so if there was war abuse, blame Rev and BF former ALs
Oh you mean, you sat and mashed DW kds into AT status after 10 hits, declared them ATs and continued to kt them and expected them to not war you? That is laughable.
Once again: Clueless. Rev KTd AT DWs in GOM too. War was declared because we had to drop nap so people would stop crying about "top two alliances naping & farming the uni" and people where mad about DWs in both sides. BF participated on KTs on both GOM and Rev side before jumping GOM at the end of the war and loosing eventually.
Ur obviously as dumb as neg digitial we have hauled the heavy weight of kt'n cheaters this round I have many large kds that rather than whore have hit for 10 land on a kt that had nothing to do with my alliance. But hey again it quite obvious ur biased and really don't know what goes on in the game. When u have something promising to say I might listen till go crawl back up negs ass and make a home there
OH really its strange how during those kts as you so called them and during wartime, GoM kingdoms war abuse all over the universe hitting everyone regardless of kts. Its quite obvious you are biased and have no idea whats going on in your own alliance.
That's why we raped everybody and had more activity than anybody else, KKNOOB, plus we got declared war on, not the way around so if there was war abuse, blame Rev and BF former ALs
Oh you mean, you sat and mashed DW kds into AT status after 10 hits, declared them ATs and continued to kt them and expected them to not war you? That is laughable.
Once again: Clueless. Rev KTd AT DWs in GOM too. War was declared because we had to drop nap so people would stop crying about "top two alliances naping & farming the uni" and people where mad about DWs in both sides. BF participated on KTs on both GOM and Rev side before jumping GOM at the end of the war and loosing eventually.
Clearly you are clueless as to why the war got started after the NAP. GoM started to kt Rev kds calling them "AT's" when they were not until being gang banged into the ground. That is the only reason war got declared. Because Rev didnt sit there having GoM farm them like that. Perhaps you should get off GoMs scrotum and open your eyes with your biased opinions.
they were ATs, please stop talking shite. GOM had its own ATs too, both sides where able to have silly ATs due to the nap.
You cant just declare someone is an AT and it is so. Yes GoM had some pure AT's and even Rev did as well, however GoM, declared NON AT's as ATs, hit them 15 times to they became ATs and tried to justify their actions. Stop being ignorant to what occured. Oh wait i forgot its okay for moogle crew to bitch about cheats, yet sit there and cheat. the double standards too funny
War game qq more both sides did the same thing their first kt wasn't a at till he was broke a few times also. Jest was defended well but sent out tanks so was called an at.
they were ATs, please stop talking shite. GOM had its own ATs too, both sides where able to have silly ATs due to the nap.
You cant just declare someone is an AT and it is so. Yes GoM had some pure AT's and even Rev did as well, however GoM, declared NON AT's as ATs, hit them 15 times to they became ATs and tried to justify their actions. Stop being ignorant to what occured. Oh wait i forgot its okay for moogle crew to bitch about cheats, yet sit there and cheat. the double standards too funny
lol we don't bitch about cheats, we do something about it and fast , you won't see moogle making a PF post to cry about some cheat, he'll just post the KT and be done with it.
Only ones bitching here are neg and you (aka prolly same person), and not only do you bitch, but you are also completely clueless about what you talk about . All KTd kds where AT at some point , the ones that werent ATs where just active high offense DWs that got killed after war was delcared.
more proof that the game has gone to shit with stupid double standards
GG moogle and your romanian retard friends
thanks for killing any joy that that the game had left
gotta lol at them all going quiet when i mention lovsans private scanner which is exactly like moo
i have not created a scanner, the scanner has existed for years and it is nothing like moo that was automated, skhunter is free for all and it is really bugged shit :P
its not hard to find if you know how to use google
they were ATs, please stop talking shite. GOM had its own ATs too, both sides where able to have silly ATs due to the nap.
You cant just declare someone is an AT and it is so. Yes GoM had some pure AT's and even Rev did as well, however GoM, declared NON AT's as ATs, hit them 15 times to they became ATs and tried to justify their actions. Stop being ignorant to what occured. Oh wait i forgot its okay for moogle crew to bitch about cheats, yet sit there and cheat. the double standards too funny
lol we don't bitch about cheats, we do something about it and fast , you won't see moogle making a PF post to cry about some cheat, he'll just post the KT and be done with it.
Only ones bitching here are neg and you (aka prolly same person), and not only do you bitch, but you are also completely clueless about what you talk about . All KTd kds where AT at some point , the ones that werent ATs where just active high offense DWs that got killed after war was delcared.
There it is, will kt cheats that oppose them, will do nothing about cheats that work for them. There is that double standard I am talking about.
they were ATs, please stop talking shite. GOM had its own ATs too, both sides where able to have silly ATs due to the nap.
You cant just declare someone is an AT and it is so. Yes GoM had some pure AT's and even Rev did as well, however GoM, declared NON AT's as ATs, hit them 15 times to they became ATs and tried to justify their actions. Stop being ignorant to what occured. Oh wait i forgot its okay for moogle crew to bitch about cheats, yet sit there and cheat. the double standards too funny
lol we don't bitch about cheats, we do something about it and fast , you won't see moogle making a PF post to cry about some cheat, he'll just post the KT and be done with it.
Only ones bitching here are neg and you (aka prolly same person), and not only do you bitch, but you are also completely clueless about what you talk about . All KTd kds where AT at some point , the ones that werent ATs where just active high offense DWs that got killed after war was delcared.
There it is, will kt cheats that oppose them, will do nothing about cheats that work for them. There is that double standard I am talking about.
I don't see you crying about the fact thunder is not killing the bank that matched IP with the multis and did not help kill neg
they were ATs, please stop talking shite. GOM had its own ATs too, both sides where able to have silly ATs due to the nap.
You cant just declare someone is an AT and it is so. Yes GoM had some pure AT's and even Rev did as well, however GoM, declared NON AT's as ATs, hit them 15 times to they became ATs and tried to justify their actions. Stop being ignorant to what occured. Oh wait i forgot its okay for moogle crew to bitch about cheats, yet sit there and cheat. the double standards too funny
lol we don't bitch about cheats, we do something about it and fast , you won't see moogle making a PF post to cry about some cheat, he'll just post the KT and be done with it.
Only ones bitching here are neg and you (aka prolly same person), and not only do you bitch, but you are also completely clueless about what you talk about . All KTd kds where AT at some point , the ones that werent ATs where just active high offense DWs that got killed after war was delcared.
There it is, will kt cheats that oppose them, will do nothing about cheats that work for them. There is that double standard I am talking about.
I don't see you crying about the fact thunder is not killing the bank that matched IP with the multis and did not help kill neg
Im to busy watching atmo shit on viva in the thunderdome, viva called in support as well.
Fact is some alliances have allready stated they wouldn't KT them so you can go ahead and KT or you can keep on comming here and rage and rage and rage.
Your anger fuels us
You and neg could make a UA xRAGERx, that whay you wouldn't be alone anymore
Again see my first two words of this post.
Only ones bitching here are neg and you (aka prolly same person), and not only do you bitch, but you are also completely clueless about what you talk about
its not hard to find if you know how to use google
There it is, will kt cheats that oppose them, will do nothing about cheats that work for them. There is that double standard I am talking about.
I don't see you crying about the fact thunder is not killing the bank that matched IP with the multis and did not help kill neg
You ll realize its all useless noobie
Make ur own ua and al if u care that much