How am I talking out of my ass when thats what happened first even if you say its just goc. In goc Holo checked for bank and probe farms. Funny how you always look down on GOC because when no cheating is involved, you got your ass handed to you.
How am I talking out of my ass when thats what happened first even if you say its just goc. In goc Holo checked for bank and probe farms. Funny how you always look down on GOC because when no cheating is involved, you got your ass handed to you.
Goc had shady shit when I played... Questionable cases of holo overcompensating players for disadvantages, the game being catered to whoever was most vocal etc.
Not a bad game all things considered but it was essentially a simulator with 7 other players.
Goc had more or less the same playbase as sk minus the multis created. There really wasnt much difference. You didnt rule shit, the difference was I was getting probed by you and not small probe farms.
The only thing you ever got over me were some hardcore trains and you need others for that. By yourself you are just average and never stood up to me
I don't worry bout lineups with these festivals haha you know its gonna be loaded to the tits with class. I might do it next year... love me some Vegas though
Goc had more or less the same playbase as sk minus the multis created. There really wasnt much difference. You didnt rule shit, the difference was I was getting probed by you and not small probe farms.
The only thing you ever got over me were some hardcore trains and you need others for that. By yourself you are just average and never stood up to me
I don't worry bout lineups with these festivals haha you know its gonna be loaded to the tits with class. I might do it next year... love me some Vegas though
Hahaha true dat.
Edc Vegas is on my to do list defo just wanted to get to ultra that bit more haha
Maybe true for you I've played for years with most of "the best"
Doesnt make you on their level buddy. I played with secret, does that make me as good as him? No. You can say I'm a lower player than you, doesn't mean you are right about yourself. Sounds like you are aware you play with the best, and that means nothing about you.
I can't remember any round you kicked my ass Val. You are certainly not a person I would consider to be a top player, even with the low standards we have now.
@Sky I share the same surname, so Jones > Barricade doesn't work.
I ruled it where it mattered and it made you cry coz u wasted 2 weeks tryna get me hit, and I turned it all on you in 1 day hahahaha
Not a bad game all things considered but it was essentially a simulator with 7 other players.
The only thing you ever got over me were some hardcore trains and you need others for that. By yourself you are just average and never stood up to me
Edc Vegas is on my to do list defo just wanted to get to ultra that bit more haha
Lynog > JonesL
Darius > Barricade.
Remind me abit of a slanty eyed lovsan
If I am a farm named Valhahaha, then i am a farm that kicks your ass every round. Mr Bararararsahaha.
@Sky I share the same surname, so Jones > Barricade doesn't work.