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  • Nope, cant be assed spending 400 quid to play its 1 game.
  • Door hinge u la
  • Agreed Q, I'm waiting a year or two for some decent games.
  • Agreed Q, I'm waiting a year or two for some decent games.
    Edit: that I can't get on ps3
  • Door hinge u la
    hahah that doesnt even make sense mate

    I could spend 400+ and play BF4 or spend 30 and play a better version of BF4 on PC
  • ^^^^

    Yep. And everything else is still coming out on the triple for the time being anyway.
  • Give er time. I havent bought one but im sure i will. You guys are like the beta testers, yours will break, theyll modify it and then I'll buy one :D
  • I'm enjoying my PC for the time being, but could see myself getting a new console instead of a new PC in a year or two.
  • edited April 2014
    earning the appreciation of old ass sk players that can't even build a decent KD without getting rolled the first month of the game...equivalent to being king of the lollipop kingdom
    One of the reasons this game is so small is because of this attitude that you share with others your age. I'd say it is unique to your generation because in the past we didn't characterize people by their kingdom size. We respected that they could attack our kingdom and put a lot of time/energy into their kingdom but that is where it ended. It's not just here either I run into it on Dota and even CounterStrike. Over there they twist it a bit they say that once you are in your late 20's you just can't click as fast on the mouse, or react as fast. It's all ridiculous mind you. People simply have other things that take priority over gaming. Unless you come from some kept family with a nice trust fund paying out each month you have to get out there and pay your bills, deal with your woman/kids, etc. Even if you really strived to be #1 like Seph did for a bit you'll grow out of it and realize it's all pointless anyways. Impressing somebody you don't even know in some land you've never even visited seems a bit pointless when you take a step back and examine the situation. The one thing I am curious about is when someone will show up in esports to blow their stereotype out of the water. I think it's only a matter of time.

    Stereotypes exist temporarily only to be shattered. People need to take their head out of their ass. There is an old saying if everyone jumped off a cliff would you? I know it's a played out statement but it is always relevant. Herd conformity is the cancer of this world and will one day destroy it, because you're just a dumbass animal when you react with the flock and follow.
  • earning the appreciation of old ass sk players that can't even build a decent KD without getting rolled the first month of the game...equivalent to being king of the lollipop kingdom
    One of the reasons this game is so small is because of this attitude that you share with others your age. I'd say it is unique to your generation because in the past we didn't characterize people by their kingdom size. We respected that they could attack our kingdom and put a lot of time/energy into their kingdom but that is where it ended. It's not just here either I run into it on Dota and even CounterStrike. Over there they twist it a bit they say that once you are in your late 20's you just can't click as fast on the mouse, or react as fast. It's all ridiculous mind you. People simply have other things that take priority over gaming. Unless you come from some kept family with a nice trust fund paying out each month you have to get out there and pay your bills, deal with your woman/kids, etc. Even if you really strived to be #1 like Seph did for a bit you'll grow out of it and realize it's all pointless anyways. Impressing somebody you don't even know in some land you've never even visited seems a bit pointless when you take a step back and examine the situation. The one thing I am curious about is when someone will show up in esports to blow their stereotype out of the water. I think it's only a matter of time.

    Stereotypes exist temporarily only to be shattered. People need to take their head out of their ass. There is an old saying if everyone jumped off a cliff would you? I know it's a played out statement but it is always relevant. Herd conformity is the cancer of this world and will one day destroy it, because you're just a dumbass animal when you react with the flock and follow.
    tldr: dank meth ramblings
  • edited April 2014
    TLDR is why your generation will enter ww3 oblivious to what is in store when it ends. I still remember people here laughing when I said China will overtake the US as a world power over a decade ago. Anyone still laughing?

    On a side note you should know that being proud of your stupidity and lack of attention span is exactly what your masters desire. Things conveniently have up and down votes for you herd conformists to be molded. Just remember... the only opinion that counts is the one that gets you up votes. Up votes are good!
  • Dankula, you're a fool if you think you know anything about my ability to play this game. I'll make you and your crew quit with tears running down your face.

    Every other post you make is a cry for attention. You're making my eyes bleed by having to read your thoughtless garbage. Put some fucking effort into it. At least with Darius I get a laugh at how many people he pisses off.

    Also; Don't try to pretend to be Dank, he is far, far more entertaining then you to read and occasionally informative. Whether he does drugs or not, I know for a fact he is more mature and intelligent compared to You.

    You will very seldom see me lash out on someone here, so take the hint.
  • edited April 2014
    He's also blindly poking fun at someone in your family and not me at all. He is just so removed from what he is parroting that he doesn't realize he is reciting a Lynog phrase meant to irritate me by confusing me with someone else that posted that about themself in the forum. In reality I actually got mad about the people he was hanging with and kept telling him to stop. Unfortunately someone had to die first.. but hey wtf ever call me the meth head. With my name dank clearly I smoke weed so this Nancy Reagan wannabe of course assumes I do all drugs constantly.
  • Keep your garbage out of this thread folks.
  • Keep your garbage out of this thread folks.
    Fuck off darubian you got pissed as hell because I said your gf had chubby arms and this kid is indirectly making fun of arsons family member who apparently got mixed up with meth.
  • edited April 2014
    I've taken it to the extreme to make my point to stop calling me that but people want to keep doing it. Maybe a few remember me getting into it with Pie and how obscene it became. Downright evil and beligerent. I will give him a friendly warning then I will come at his throat. I would vastly prefer that he just stop as I don't want to mess with any youth that is just wrong itself. I'll have to find an acceptable yet irritating method to resolve it. Please stop thanks.

    Characterizing someone as a person with a serious drug issue who is in reality a family man because you want to hold them down in a forum or game is kind of fucked up.

    Pie didn't even do anything I just grabbed hold of him because his friends talked shit and just pulled him down the rabbit hole with me. Sorry bout that Pie but it was the only way to make my point with these types. I'm sure I'll burn in hell for it. As assholish as it was it did produce quick results for a prolonged period. Now Lynog and this guy want to go another round.
  • just beat dust: an elysian tale, so I am installing hotline miami to start playing
  • Cod ghost
    A ton of don't starve(hardcore hooked on this game)

    Waiting in destiny and dying light to come out and maybe the division.

    also I just got a vita so a bit of uncharted
  • the vita looks pretty great, but i barely have enough time to play pc and console games while wrapping up the masters....
  • Pokemon Y get out of here with that x crap
  • Pokemon Blue ftw
  • The vita is fun for remote play on ps4 too.

    And in my eyes there are only 151 pokemon.
  • Red was my game of choice.... remote play is boss
  • I liked the first 251. I played a lot of silver and gold (more than once filled out that pokedex)

    I wish I was playing saints row 4, last of us, mgs5gz, or hotline miami right now :(
  • Ive been thinking about playing the last of us again, I was ranked pretty high in multiplayer there for a while. They are releasing it remastered on the ps4 but I can't justify spending 60 bucks on a game I already own...I still might get it though.
  • Ff4 on tablet is pretty good like the upgraded graphics
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