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Random Threats



  • edited October 2012
    Lets not forget when sky makes these multi's to "fix" the problems, he then gets bored and ruin's other players games then lol's about it in the pf's.
    You know, it's times like this that you read a dumb comment like that, sit back in your chair, and think why you bother trying NOT to kill off this fucking game..

    Should've kept the ghost exploit to myself and raped everyone with a million ghost kingdoms last round. Then sit back and laugh as SK dies because a few dumbasses couldn't keep their mouths shut.

    And JohnG, pretending to show up at their house? It's called "trolling" you tard. And what in the hell are you on about that I claim to have "single handedly killed more multis/cheats then anyone else EVER"? Where? I don't give a flying fuck about multi's or cheats unless some specific mentally impaired scouse douchebags do so. Back to the original question, where did multi's show up to stop me when I was a ghost kingdom? Whoever would've been behind them wouldn't have had the balls to do so. And while we're here, please tell me when the following happened? I couldn't respond to it earlier because it was such a stupid thing to say:
    Just like when skydragon cheats and then gets mad cuz someone out cheated him rofl...
    When did someone "out cheat" me? You're an even dumber individual than DogTown because you make shit up as you go along.. Oh wait, but you're a supposed 'felon' who has been "stabbed" and "jumped" and is "never scared" so I don't want to fuck with you, right? Pussy. Go stab yourself. :-))
  • edited October 2012
    When did you get mad someone out cheated u? The last time you bitched about anyone else's cheating you tool, which I see you do daily.

    And write me another book explaining this "trolling", while I reel you in... Lmao
  • edited October 2012
    So when I mention someone elses cheating, it means I got "out cheated" by them, and not because they probably are? What messed-up bullshit logic is that?

    So if I say Lynog cheats, it means I've been "out cheated" by him, and that's why I'm talking about it? Lol wtf :-))

    And nice one ignoring all the other points I mentioned, as is usual when it comes to your type. All mouth, and lacking the ability to back up anything you say. Good luck with your 250 lander, pussy.
  • Yea that's about right... Since you do nothing but whine like someone took your cock shaped lolli and threw it on the ground you raging vagina.

    My 250 lander > All ur multis

  • Evading everything again. You're just a pussy who talks a lot of shit.
  • edited October 2012
    Since your a bleeding vag your point is moot.

  • edited October 2012
    He probably got stabbed because he deserved it. I can paint you a picture. HG gets his ass beat every weekend over a one month period. Finally he shows up and the guy is nice and drunk. HG starts saying he's beat this guy up for two months straight. Next thing he knows there is a knife in his stomach and he's being shoved out the door and thrown down the steps. He proceeds to go to his moms house and say that he stabbed himself to make the fight fair.
  • Since your a bleeding vag your point is moot.
    Still not addressing the points? That's right. Now shut the fuck up and make sure you back shit up next time before spouting lies, pussy.
  • edited October 2012
    So the police arrive on the scene, look at the knife, listen to HG's urban ninja story, and take him to jail.
  • Yeah. He's probably in the list of the Top 10 dumbest criminals around. :-))
  • The police probably share his story every time they are drinking and bust out in laughter... then he said he stabbed himself to make the fight fair, lol.
  • Weird. HG vs SkyDragon is like Dank vs Anyone, but here HG has taken Danks role.
  • See things change when it's not just your UA jocking each other. When a real person with a brain shows up all of a sudden your idiotic banter is fail cuz someone else sees it.
  • Oh get over yourself tinman, Ive called the people out in "my UA" for doing shady shit in the pfs a dozen times. You bore me :p
  • Yeah but you do it on aim
  • edited October 2012
    Everything I've said has been either confirmed true in these very threads or witnesses have come forward, Skyfaggot can have his delusions but the community has eyes lol they see you run your mouth about cheating and then get caught cheating to name one thing you and Bubbles have in common.

    Both wounds are on my right hand, comes from controlling the blade in the fight (cuz I'm a ninja ofc) "Nig tried to front seat me" and it was over a lb of tree. No arrests were made Bubbles u FCKin snitch.

    If I say it I've done it, or its about to happen.
  • edited October 2012
    It upsets you that even though you guys create 300 accounts we can still create a handful of multis and rape a few of them. Since you spend so much time consolidating things into one huge cheater account over time it hurts. Well that's life buddy you can't always have it every way that you want it.
  • You posted pics and still feel you can lie? You created 12 multis once and rolled me outta noob, then randomly fail suicided on a few ppl and then all your kds were dead before you had 3 cycles of wls lmao.

    Your a clown, get over it.
  • You snort meth the entire time you're talking to me, am I right?
  • Everything I've said has been either confirmed true in these very threads or witnesses have come forward, Skyfaggot can have his delusions but the community has eyes lol they see you run your mouth about cheating and then get caught cheating to name one thing you and Bubbles have in common.
    Oh, really? "Confirmed true" or "witnesses have come forward"? Well, to start with, let's put the two scouse spastics to the side for being unreliable douchebags. Now, tell your "witnesses" to step forward, and show me these threads where I:

    - Got mad because someone "out cheated" me.
    - I had a ghost kingdom and "multis showed up to stop" me.
    - Stated I stalked anyone. (Like wtf?) :-))
    - "Pretend to show up there house, kick in their doors and fake like u punked em".
    - Claimed that I "single handedly killed more multis/cheats then anyone else EVER".

    However, I do acknowledge the whole "Going to Liverpool to fight" thing, but I really was trolling as I have stated in multiple past threads.

    You state that you "believe everything you're told/read about me". Considering most people around here are biased against others to some degree, that's hardly the best thing to do. But then, weak and pathetic people hardly have any other choice but to owing to lack of basic comprehension skills and general mental retardation.
  • *CRYING*

    /a re-enactment of this thread
  • I dont mind dank.
  • edited October 2012
    Ok sky here we go then...

    First point : Why else would any CHEATER bitch about other ppl cheating unless they were mad cuz they got beat.

    Second point : First of all I said " unless I'm mistaken" story goes you were ghosting and multis got involved or someone multied and you flipped out like your cheating is any different.

    Third/fourth point : Did you not claim to have gone to lynogs house and punk him? Sounds like some fake stalking and wannabe tough guy BS to me.

    Fifth: You said "Imma find farmers and do something about it" I loled and trolled you and you bit. But point stands what makes you think your cheating is better for the game then hmm not cheating?!?! Cuz all you do is perpetuate the cycle. And dank said your the SK police, so I trolled on that too like no other alliance leader in 12 years killed multis...

    The facts about Dank being a all talk ,no walk, half assed cheat and you being a egocentric, cheating, hypocrite, along with past events have all been proven by both of you in these threads not to mention the witnesses to post there points since I started trolling you guys lmao

    But yea keep doing tricks for me, By the time I'm done, you won't wanna play SK anymore... bet. Not publicly anyways you will hide like the rest of the cheats.

  • edited October 2012
    I love that Lynog faked waiting for him at the fake address and your friends said it was true. Hilarious.
  • edited October 2012
    What you expect anyone to go to jail for beating a grown man half to death over SK!? Amazing how retarded you two really are.

    Hilarious is if the idiot showed up....
  • edited October 2012
    Yet he did not. So you pretended you waited.
  • edited October 2012
    NSG, the thread is titled "Random Threats", so I don't know what else you was expecting.
    Ok sky here we go then...

    First point : Why else would any CHEATER bitch about other ppl cheating unless they were mad cuz they got beat.
    So wait, since I think I only ever complain about Lynog and Qwj cheating, does this mean you are saying that they "out-cheated" me? Regardless, this is a strange comment to reply to simply because it depends on your own definition of what constitutes "cheating", and everyone will have a different reply. Let's take last round as an example where Lynog, Qwj and Jones all tapped 400+ land kingdoms within seconds of leaving newbie mode. I pasted it in the AF's and talked about it in the PF's, but nothing was done. So, I created a number of accounts and grabbed them several times. Was I cheating at the time I "bitched" about them? No. I cheated to resolve a farming problem. Even when I had the ghost kingdom, I was actively looking for ways to unghost that kingdom. I didn't bitch about others cheating, cheaters were bitching about me cheating. And that's how it is most of the time.
    Second point : First of all I said " unless I'm mistaken" story goes you were ghosting and multis got involved or someone multied and you flipped out like your cheating is any different.
    And yet you talk like it's fact without verifying anything. I'm a straight up guy, you ask me something and I'll tell you the truth whether I like or dislike you. You even say so later on that you believe everything that's said about me. Make up your damn mind, lol.
    Third/fourth point : Did you not claim to have gone to lynogs house and punk him? Sounds like some fake stalking and wannabe tough guy BS to me.
    It was an attempt at trolling, and it worked very well considering it got most members talking about it and made this place interesting again, if only for a brief time.
    Fifth: You said "Imma find farmers and do something about it" I loled and trolled you and you bit. But point stands what makes you think your cheating is better for the game then hmm not cheating?!?! Cuz all you do is perpetuate the cycle. And dank said your the SK police, so I trolled on that too like no other alliance leader in 12 years killed multis...
    You may have trolled me later, but I trolled you before you even knew what was happening by making the original comment. I only have one account this game. I bet Lynog and Qwj are jumping with joy over that admission. No third time annihilation for them this round. Well, unless I get bored.
    The facts about Dank being a all talk ,no walk, half assed cheat and you being a egocentric, cheating, hypocrite, along with past events have all been proven by both of you in these threads not to mention the witnesses to post there points since I started trolling you guys lmao
    Trolled me? Sorry, but you couldn't troll me if you tried because I just don't care enough about you to care too much about what you have to say. True, you could say that I care enough that I'm posting an essay in response to your post but it's simply because I'm bored today. I've just been moving between forums all day talking about random things and responding helps me pass the time. Fuck these work holidays.
    But yea keep doing tricks for me, By the time I'm done, you won't wanna play SK anymore... bet. Not publicly anyways you will hide like the rest of the cheats.
    I'm not hiding. Anyone with at least half a braincell knows where I am. And no, I won't leave because of you. Last time I left, I got bored of raping Sephiroth every round and left quietly for several years. Same thing will happen again, but I'm hoping I somehow kill this game off before leaving this time. For the lol's.
  • I've got at least one full braincell and i dont know where you are, but i havent been looking.
  • edited October 2012
    HG thinks you have to be rank 1 on every multi. There seems to be a complete disconnect on how a multi KT actually works without a bot. Kids these days.
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