To all the haters about domination because there is plenty. I announced my return and I said I would do it as I always do in a organized fashion. This is what old skoo sk was an al who came with nothing but domination for two months on mind. But that is all sk is a strategic game that last two months. After that other than ur close friends which we all have made if doesn't matter who u fucked over. GoM was not a stand out just bc of me though it was the ppl inside it who gave their all. Essentially I am saying to the new guys who hated that GoM dominated this rd. don't be a pussy come out guns a blazing and kick our old grumpy ass. Bc when I al it's always domination my friends. If u wanna try to talk shit look at that last archived alliance near this big it was mine in r41 and I did it bc I inspire ppl. Today has been the most fun I have had in since 41. Ty GoM each and everyone of u did amazing and made this round amazing boring for everyone outside r alliance but hey it's not ur fault you were just to much

Okay time to hate only multi in GoM was meadows but props to her she was more active than most sectors we fought against and that was with her main kd. Yea the
#1 kds bitchs so suck it
Shout out to Tiesto too bc wo him and the ppl who he brought to the alliance clay,Ron, murph, Somoa, rowdy and many more hitsquad for life u need me to roll some one I'll be there.
And deleting this thread would be a step in the right direction for a better forum tmonsta
I'm in the top sector in the uni, by many millions. And we didn't join GOM till halfway through the round. So if it was stacked, it was a poor stack.
And tbh idk if it was. Just putting this out there
Name: Sir Rami
Land: 1,953
Networth: 516,202
Honor: 2,096
Money: 454,100
Power: 644,759
Population: 10,375
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Volcanic Inferno
Soldiers: 3
Troopers: 0
Laser Troopers: 2,760
Tanks: 17,393
Scientists: 646
Probes: 56,747
Damn it, can't make it to top100
I have no words for that. nothing it is I guess..
John Gustafson (X:9,Y:7) Mystical Lands 25,156 7,947,018 2,399
Didnt cha know
You sound slightly bitter
unlike you qwj i dont waste my time replying to people like darius 100 times in a day about whos lying about the size of their cock
i signed up and joined a random sector. saw lots of stacks & dead premis that killed my sectors potential to be amazing.
i played either way despite the obvious destroying of competition by cheaters like moogle & co
get back to comparing cock sizes with darius and leave us the fuck alone u gronk
John Gustafson (X:9,Y:7) Mystical Lands 20,711 7,447,084 1,921
This is the fate of this browser game, only one person can do something about it, and we all know he won't. So why cry about it every round. Quit the game if you can't handle the fact that the obvious multi users will never play legit. If they say they do you know its a lie.
Only way to show you don't care is to not feed the trolls.
Be happy, find a new game to play.
Just fucking with neg too.
Only troll rage