arson/619 trev and amay zamerano and that other chick, everyone knows this and they still dont interact. Nobody even knows these two but you, They should die end of.
As for you assdragon you got killed for pyramid farming on that pathetic kd of yours. The worse farming ive seen in recent history tbh, Your a joke you just need to leave and go elsewhere, everything that falls out of your face stinks
Amy and Trev openly admitted later that they account shared. Everyone knew, anyway. Just no one cared.
SkyFaggot you understand you'll never be welcome back to this game again if you continue your Ghosting? And then the only way you can exist within the game is to ghost, and so trying to get all of Bcarts attention will backfire on you if/when he finally sees there's a ghost problem.
Sky.. There is a difference with what we do, and what you are doing.
We do things knowing full well that we are accountable for our actions. You do things knowing that there isn't anything that anyone can do about it, not because they don't want to, but because there is actually no way to do anything.
No disrespect intended Scars, but as stated a few days ago, I'm not even doing anything except targeting MOO and other multi kingdoms most of the time. Think I've only hit two active kingdoms in the last week or so, and one of those was crazy open.
Half the Uni was against taking any action on Alex/Venus, but Dom/HB still PK'd Venus. In a round where illogical and strange things are happening, I might as well go nuts.
Whats really happening assdragon is your showing how much of a sad cunt you are, just like you have been allround except you have been in here acting like jesus, talking utter shite. I dont even wanna pull up some of your older posts coz they will just make you look really stupid. Fuckoff back to wherever you was before lastround you pos
all wanting to join, asking me when we are going ahed with it etc
You are taking in 1 side of the story, which is that of their own AL which will obviously be biased, a guy who protects 2 cheats and has in his prefs that he will bash for robs
An AL, saying he will bash, nice example
If you keep going with your bruce wayne style shit you are going to get him and other innocent kingdoms killed
So these AL's asked when you're going to go ahead with it, but then didn't get involved when the time came? I got told Dom/HB were preparing at least 12 hours beforehand. Plenty of time for the other AL's to also prepare. Wonder what happened? ;-)
Doesn't matter anyway, because I gave that kingdom away last night after Venus went down. Taking a two week break from this game. I've done all I can to unghost that kingdom, but nothing worked so might as well go out and have some fun instead of discussing the finer points of morality here.
It's all being done for Jones, that's why I'm out for two weeks. Bruce was likely contained for his benefit as well, just like this whole debacle concerning Alex and Venus (Two potential threats to Jones). Me, Shadowspace, the AL's and I'm sure there are others as well, all fell for it. But it's never too late to fix things ( ;-) @ AL's, while pointing at Optical)
if you think for one minute any of those KDs are a threat to jones then you need your head testing, i love the excuses people come out with though. they are brilliant!
a full turtle with 20k less land is a threat now! who knew HAHAHAHAHA
Haha you are questioning why I helped get bruce under naps when you are the one that went and did the exact same thing he was doing afterwards with your own ghost kingdom. Lucky its such a small kingdom or you would probably be suiciding on top kingdoms too
Those 2 joke kingdoms wer no threat, as was proven when he rolled the biggest one twice.
Bruce was contained to stop him abusing bugs to hit kingdoms that he considered deserved hitting. Yet afterwards you move in to fill his place considering yourself judge and jury and hitting those you think cheated or did something wrong, whilst yourself protecting rule breakers.
Sorry to show that I sided against you on this one sky, but pretty sure I was in on the planning, but unfortunately due to scheduling and computer issues I was not able to paricipate.
No need for apologizing for following the rules mate.
Haha you are questioning why I helped get bruce under naps when you are the one that went and did the exact same thing he was doing afterwards with your own ghost kingdom. Lucky its such a small kingdom or you would probably be suiciding on top kingdoms too
Those 2 joke kingdoms wer no threat, as was proven when he rolled the biggest one twice.
Bruce was contained to stop him abusing bugs to hit kingdoms that he considered deserved hitting. Yet afterwards you move in to fill his place considering yourself judge and jury and hitting those you think cheated or did something wrong, whilst yourself protecting rule breakers.
No offense Qwj, but you're wrong.
Remember? I was the one who tested how to create Ghost kingdoms and successfully managed to create one. If I was a bad guy, I'd have kept it to myself and raped the SK player base with 100x ghost kingdoms next round, but didn't. I messaged BCart, wrote a detailed guide in these forums and have even spent the last two weeks trying to find ways to unghost the kingdom. I would appreciate it if you would not talk about things as if I'm the bad guy.
And on the topic of hitting active kingdoms, it was only 2-3 kingdoms. One threatened a kingdom in my alliance. The other two times, I was testing something which didn't work. But this whole thing is irrelevant now, because I don't have that kingdom anymore anyway. Anyone looking at this logically would see that Bruce was out of control, and my one wasn't. If I didn't care, I'd have tapped every kingdom I could regardless of whether it was active. An example is that I had attacked around 50 times over two weeks, but only 2-3 were on actives, the rest were on multi's and MOO's. I'd say that's a very good track record for someone with a ghost kingdom.
And I still believe that you did everything for Jones, whether you'll admit it or not.
Haha you are questioning why I helped get bruce under naps when you are the one that went and did the exact same thing he was doing afterwards with your own ghost kingdom. Lucky its such a small kingdom or you would probably be suiciding on top kingdoms too
Those 2 joke kingdoms wer no threat, as was proven when he rolled the biggest one twice.
Bruce was contained to stop him abusing bugs to hit kingdoms that he considered deserved hitting. Yet afterwards you move in to fill his place considering yourself judge and jury and hitting those you think cheated or did something wrong, whilst yourself protecting rule breakers.
No offense Qwj, but you're wrong.
Remember? I was the one who tested how to create Ghost kingdoms and successfully managed to create one. If I was a bad guy, I'd have kept it to myself and raped the SK player base with 100x ghost kingdoms next round, but didn't. I messaged BCart, wrote a detailed guide in these forums and have even spent the last two weeks trying to find ways to unghost the kingdom. I would appreciate it if you would not talk about things as if I'm the bad guy.
And on the topic of hitting active kingdoms, it was only 2-3 kingdoms. One threatened a kingdom in my alliance. The other two times, I was testing something which didn't work. But this whole thing is irrelevant now, because I don't have that kingdom anymore anyway. Anyone looking at this logically would see that Bruce was out of control, and my one wasn't. If I didn't care, I'd have tapped every kingdom I could regardless of whether it was active. An example is that I had attacked around 50 times over two weeks, but only 2-3 were on actives, the rest were on multi's and MOO's. I'd say that's a very good track record for someone with a ghost kingdom.
And I still believe that you did everything for Jones, whether you'll admit it or not.
Demo, don't worry about it.
you did all that after you made 20 plus kingdoms and a bot and ruined a few players round, but oh sorry your a good guy i forgot, You then hit a legit guy with your ghost kd after he tried to hurt a proven cheat, BUT your a good guy. You have now given away your ghost kd to one of the proven cheats. HAHA
you are comedy gold assdragon. You really do tickle my pickle. As for the jones shit your spouting, Lets just say you dont know jones very well. He needs nobody's help in anyway shape or form. The man is the best player on the game and has never give a shit whether he lives or dies. Never ranking a kingdom will tell you this. So please go back to campco and co and make up another excuse. This one isnt guna fly
The ghost kingdom was given away to one of my old AIM contacts, not a "proven cheater". She wanted to try playing SK again for a round or two, and I gave it to her for the fun of it.
Hitting NSG was worth it considering the circumstances and that he wanted to KT Alex & Venus because they were given permission to hit an inactive in their OWN alliance. I think this whole fiasco is the result of imbeciles and war-mongering AL's with nothing better to do than try and make an excuse to go to war for easy land, regardless of the moral implications. Can't be a coincidence that Optical decided to tap Alex at the same time.
At the end of the day they shared ips and hit the same target. Doesnt matter if its 10 land, an inacitve or a legit kd. They shouldnt have done it.
If they had nothing to hide how come as soon as they got posted they suddenly stopped matching ips?
Everyone knows Me, qwj and lynog are all different people from the same city. If we even matched ips we would be killed for cheating nevermind needing to interact in anyway...
Haha you are questioning why I helped get bruce under naps when you are the one that went and did the exact same thing he was doing afterwards with your own ghost kingdom. Lucky its such a small kingdom or you would probably be suiciding on top kingdoms too
Those 2 joke kingdoms wer no threat, as was proven when he rolled the biggest one twice.
Bruce was contained to stop him abusing bugs to hit kingdoms that he considered deserved hitting. Yet afterwards you move in to fill his place considering yourself judge and jury and hitting those you think cheated or did something wrong, whilst yourself protecting rule breakers.
No offense Qwj, but you're wrong.
Remember? I was the one who tested how to create Ghost kingdoms and successfully managed to create one. If I was a bad guy, I'd have kept it to myself and raped the SK player base with 100x ghost kingdoms next round, but didn't. I messaged BCart, wrote a detailed guide in these forums and have even spent the last two weeks trying to find ways to unghost the kingdom. I would appreciate it if you would not talk about things as if I'm the bad guy.
And on the topic of hitting active kingdoms, it was only 2-3 kingdoms. One threatened a kingdom in my alliance. The other two times, I was testing something which didn't work. But this whole thing is irrelevant now, because I don't have that kingdom anymore anyway. Anyone looking at this logically would see that Bruce was out of control, and my one wasn't. If I didn't care, I'd have tapped every kingdom I could regardless of whether it was active. An example is that I had attacked around 50 times over two weeks, but only 2-3 were on actives, the rest were on multi's and MOO's. I'd say that's a very good track record for someone with a ghost kingdom.
And I still believe that you did everything for Jones, whether you'll admit it or not.
Demo, don't worry about it.
Yes, you did a good thing finding out the process, highlighting it to bcart...posting it in the forums is arguable whether its good or bad.
You can test things on inactive kingdoms, not on actives, so i dont believe that excuse in the slightest.
And about protecting your alliance mates, you are protecting cheats, whether you agree with the rule personally or not, it was set by bcart so you are wrong. As you can see all NORMAL alliances dont agree and those guys are dying as we speak.
I am not saying you are the bad guy, but hitting people for what YOU believe is wrong means you are doing bad things, because you view this instance of rule breaking as fine because your 1 AL allowed it.
About Jones KD, if you have really played for as long as you say and arent a newbie you would know those kingdoms werent even close to a threat to Jones, he doesnt need me to do anything as you can see hes perfectly capable of dealing with any other player. 20k land and several million nw difference, along with being unbreakable to them even if they fully suicided all their mili Them dying means nothing to him
No problem, mate. But we can argue about this until the end of the round based on what we each believe is right or wrong. I don't really feel like doing that, so let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Our sector has left the [Tomorrowland] alliance. August 5, 18:46:45 Our kingdom Fojji (2:9) bravely defended against Final Apocalypse (2:13) and lost 2,520 planets. August 5, 18:46:48 Our kingdom Fojji (2:9) bravely defended against Final Apocalypse (2:13) and lost 2,154 planets.
Doesnt look like we really need to argue about whats right and wrong after all, I wonder who you was protecting this time when you decided it was fair to create multies to steal SL, and pull a kingdom out of his alliance so the ghost could roll, then farm him on your ghost :-))
What was the point helping nap bruce up to then just be an even worse idiot yourself...nice work
Everyone knew, anyway. Just no one cared.
We do things knowing full well that we are accountable for our actions. You do things knowing that there isn't anything that anyone can do about it, not because they don't want to, but because there is actually no way to do anything.
Half the Uni was against taking any action on Alex/Venus, but Dom/HB still PK'd Venus. In a round where illogical and strange things are happening, I might as well go nuts.
I wouldn't go that far..
I personally messaged ALL ALs and had
all wanting to join, asking me when we are going ahed with it etc
You are taking in 1 side of the story, which is that of their own AL which will obviously be biased, a guy who protects 2 cheats and has in his prefs that he will bash for robs
An AL, saying he will bash, nice example
If you keep going with your bruce wayne style shit you are going to get him and other innocent kingdoms killed
I learned my lesson on just killing a big KD (outside of war) without making sure others were on board last round.
Doesn't matter anyway, because I gave that kingdom away last night after Venus went down. Taking a two week break from this game. I've done all I can to unghost that kingdom, but nothing worked so might as well go out and have some fun instead of discussing the finer points of morality here.
They weren't needed because the PK went so swiftly :-))
Still time though when alexander goes down
Im in a blast with HB, MC and dom ALs, ill get em to post here if you want?
a full turtle with 20k less land is a threat now! who knew HAHAHAHAHA
Those 2 joke kingdoms wer no threat, as was proven when he rolled the biggest one twice.
Bruce was contained to stop him abusing bugs to hit kingdoms that he considered deserved hitting. Yet afterwards you move in to fill his place considering yourself judge and jury and hitting those you think cheated or did something wrong, whilst yourself protecting rule breakers.
Remember? I was the one who tested how to create Ghost kingdoms and successfully managed to create one. If I was a bad guy, I'd have kept it to myself and raped the SK player base with 100x ghost kingdoms next round, but didn't. I messaged BCart, wrote a detailed guide in these forums and have even spent the last two weeks trying to find ways to unghost the kingdom. I would appreciate it if you would not talk about things as if I'm the bad guy.
And on the topic of hitting active kingdoms, it was only 2-3 kingdoms. One threatened a kingdom in my alliance. The other two times, I was testing something which didn't work. But this whole thing is irrelevant now, because I don't have that kingdom anymore anyway. Anyone looking at this logically would see that Bruce was out of control, and my one wasn't. If I didn't care, I'd have tapped every kingdom I could regardless of whether it was active. An example is that I had attacked around 50 times over two weeks, but only 2-3 were on actives, the rest were on multi's and MOO's. I'd say that's a very good track record for someone with a ghost kingdom.
And I still believe that you did everything for Jones, whether you'll admit it or not.
Demo, don't worry about it.
you are comedy gold assdragon. You really do tickle my pickle. As for the jones shit your spouting, Lets just say you dont know jones very well. He needs nobody's help in anyway shape or form. The man is the best player on the game and has never give a shit whether he lives or dies. Never ranking a kingdom will tell you this. So please go back to campco and co and make up another excuse. This one isnt guna fly
The ghost kingdom was given away to one of my old AIM contacts, not a "proven cheater". She wanted to try playing SK again for a round or two, and I gave it to her for the fun of it.
Hitting NSG was worth it considering the circumstances and that he wanted to KT Alex & Venus because they were given permission to hit an inactive in their OWN alliance. I think this whole fiasco is the result of imbeciles and war-mongering AL's with nothing better to do than try and make an excuse to go to war for easy land, regardless of the moral implications. Can't be a coincidence that Optical decided to tap Alex at the same time.
If they had nothing to hide how come as soon as they got posted they suddenly stopped matching ips?
Everyone knows Me, qwj and lynog are all different people from the same city. If we even matched ips we would be killed for cheating nevermind needing to interact in anyway...
You can test things on inactive kingdoms, not on actives, so i dont believe that excuse in the slightest.
And about protecting your alliance mates, you are protecting cheats, whether you agree with the rule personally or not, it was set by bcart so you are wrong. As you can see all NORMAL alliances dont agree and those guys are dying as we speak.
I am not saying you are the bad guy, but hitting people for what YOU believe is wrong means you are doing bad things, because you view this instance of rule breaking as fine because your 1 AL allowed it.
About Jones KD, if you have really played for as long as you say and arent a newbie you would know those kingdoms werent even close to a threat to Jones, he doesnt need me to do anything as you can see hes perfectly capable of dealing with any other player. 20k land and several million nw difference, along with being unbreakable to them even if they fully suicided all their mili
August 5, 18:46:45 Our kingdom Fojji (2:9) bravely defended against Final Apocalypse (2:13) and lost 2,520 planets.
August 5, 18:46:48 Our kingdom Fojji (2:9) bravely defended against Final Apocalypse (2:13) and lost 2,154 planets.
Doesnt look like we really need to argue about whats right and wrong after all, I wonder who you was protecting this time when you decided it was fair to create multies to steal SL, and pull a kingdom out of his alliance so the ghost could roll, then farm him on your ghost :-))
What was the point helping nap bruce up to then just be an even worse idiot yourself...nice work