been doing a lot more speedruns for a couple hours, got a lot of ancients, just want to get mimzee and dora and I should be set for a bit when i boost everything up
doing a lot of runs now, currently letting it bulk up for awhile, the calculator for ancients or w/e says such and such most optimal, totally wrong early on, just do it so you dont have to mass a bunch of clicks to get everything to like lvl 700 for those souls, takes too much effort :-p
can get to lvl 260 comfortably, rack anywhere between 100-200 souls each run
i did battle a kappa on lvl 160, took a screenshot as well lol
I've not bothered to move all my gilds to a single hero yet. Have about a dozen on each of the first 3 heroes and 5 or 6 on masked samurai and frostleaf. Have stoped expanding ancients for a bit to bank souls want around ~15000 . Think I have all the ancients I want or that I think are useful.
iris the one you are talking about will cost me just under 500 souls to get it from lv 59 to lv 60. Kumawakamaru lowers the number of monster for each lv. with it maxed it takes only 5 kills to move to the next lv.
Also note that starting at lv 60 like i can I cant kill the monsters there as I have no gold
can get to lvl 260 comfortably, rack anywhere between 100-200 souls each run
i did battle a kappa on lvl 160, took a screenshot as well lol
Also note that starting at lv 60 like i can I cant kill the monsters there as I have no gold