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Nice Farmin' Bra



  • so, Sped / Viva / TheNobody

    any of you have balls to accept my proposal?

    guess not, accusing better players of cheating and trying to get them killed is your speciality afterall
    Why are you playing DW if you're so good?
    Wait!! WHAT? How the fuck is DW so easy to play? #1 its only advantage is hitting, #2 EVERYBODY and EVERY PROBE farm hates you and is constantly pulling your som! Easier PTs are BY FAR Mounty and FW!
    Able to maintain same D as every other planet type yet pump out ridiculous amounts of offense.
    You know every time you post I realize how clueless you are! DW = you die and it's still not the easiest planet to play, it's fun starts but that's bout it
    Players killing is a decision made by players. It doesn't negate the fact DW is op.
  • All having cheap O does is make it easier for the non dw to roll the under defended schmucks. .. LOL
  • yeah, DW is an art
  • There is no real evidence of cheating, just pure speculation. Maybe he did maybe he didn't but unless you have REAL proof such as matching IPs or this happening CONSISTENTLY quit trying to crucify the guy. It very well could have been coincidental that he hit him right before the kd deleted. I swear sometimes I wonder if people don't just imagine up reasons to KT other players to keep themselves interested.

  • Playing DW and being #1 is like bringing a gun to a knife fight.

    If I have 4000 tanks, and a DW has 3900 tanks, that 112500 money that he hasn't spent on tanks can purchase 3629 goons.

    Playing DW is hard.
    actually, you have to take the soldiers into calculation, which means only 770 goons =100 tanks

    also this calculation ignores the pop factor for a kd at 1k lands.

    no wonder you accuse everyone bigger than you cheating, you cant even do a simple grade 3 maths
    Grade 3's don't do multiplication.

    3rd graders do multiplication. I am baby sitting 3 kids at the moment, 1 is 3rd and one if 4th and I help them with their homework.
  • DW is OP, doesn't make it easy. Easy implies every one can do it... which is not remotely true. Most of the people that say DW is easy either don't play it, or they do and they fucking suck.

    Just the "cool" thing to say?
  • 16 top 20 are DW.

    Cool bra.
  • those are players who would be in the top 20 regardless of what planet type they chose. its the players, not the planet type.
  • DW is OP, doesn't make it easy. Easy implies every one can do it... which is not remotely true. Most of the people that say DW is easy either don't play it, or they do and they fucking suck.

    Just the "cool" thing to say?
    16 top 20 are DW.

    Cool bra.
    All those guys know how to play SK
  • ime one of those guys!!! im one of those guys!!!!!
  • ChefGreg just complimented me. Very nice
  • those are players who would be in the top 20 regardless of what planet type they chose. its the players, not the planet type.
    Facts? None? ok.
  • im not in top20 :(
  • those are players who would be in the top 20 regardless of what planet type they chose. its the players, not the planet type.
    Facts? None? ok.

    not to toot my own horn but im usually top 20, and the ones i know in top 20 are there every round

  • Neverendingstoryofsk. To be continued ...
  • Pussyboiis crying every round
  • those are players who would be in the top 20 regardless of what planet type they chose. its the players, not the planet type.
    Facts? None? ok.
    what more facts do you want? its a fact that those kingdoms are played by players who, for the most part, are there every round.
  • There you go Roll Time build some D chump. Nobody out.
  • 1. Ok, heres the spradsheet i took 1 tick before my hit.It's not hard to find he's inactive when that sector didnt have solar/nano for a few ticks prior to my hit

    The Sector Of: [Delirium] (1:14)

    Kingdom Name (Sector Coords) Planet Type Planets Networth Honor Tactical
    Open Open Open Open Open Open
    AntiMatter (X:6,Y:10) Desert Wasteland 600 92,771 1,324
    Maker35604 (X:5,Y:1) Forest and Wilderness 277 25,552 1,200
    Open Open Open Open Open Open
    Star Fox (X:8,Y:9) Forest and Wilderness 477 89,499 1,242
    AK47 (X:2,Y:9) Volcanic Inferno 383 52,904 1,170
    TitzAndTwatz (X:6,Y:1) Mystical Lands 474 72,201 1,213
    The Crater (X:3,Y:8) Forest and Wilderness 228 31,271 1,151
    Lotus Island (X:9,Y:1) Mystical Lands 673 102,053 1,229
    Speedy Lamborghini (X:7,Y:10) Terra Form 453 58,257 1,256
    Cold (X:10,Y:4) Mystical Lands 498 73,883 1,217
    Open Open Open Open Open Open
    Open Open Open Open Open Open
    Instant Classic (X:5,Y:5) DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD
    Open Open Open Open Open Open
    Newells (X:9,Y:8) Terra Form 538 86,973 1,200
    Grondo (X:6,Y:7) Terra Form 521 79,530 1,252
    Endymion (X:1,Y:5) Mountainous 8 13,461 802
    Open Open Open Open Open Open
    Jueday (X:9,Y:9) Multiple Terrain 304 25,407 1,200

    I can spam all 20 Galaxy1 sectors for you if you want to see them.

    2. Also,

    Hiccup (X:8,Y:5) Desert Wasteland 442 70,128 1,200

    This kd in 1:18 now show as inactive, was on my list of possible hits back then too.

    September 5, 22:46:20 Hiccup (1:18) Spy on Kingdom The probes have come back with a report that is 100% accurate:

    Name: King Hiccup

    Planets: 442
    Networth: 71,358
    Honor: 1,200
    Platinum: 1,205,942
    Power: 29,000
    Population: 4,403

    MA Protection: 0%
    Planet Type: Desert Wasteland

    Soldiers: 455
    Troopers: 0
    Dragoons: 636
    Fighters: 0
    Laser Troopers: 0

    Tanks: 1,592
    Scientists: Unknown
    Probes: Unknown

    Yet noone find him for the next 12 hours

    September 6, 11:43:24 Hiccup (1:18) Spy on Kingdom The probes have come back with a report that is 100% accurate:

    Name: King Hiccup

    Planets: 363
    Networth: 63,781
    Honor: 1,175
    Platinum: 1,211,131
    Power: 25,500
    Population: 3,906

    MA Protection: 0%
    Planet Type: Desert Wasteland

    Soldiers: 411
    Troopers: 0
    Dragoons: 636
    Fighters: 0
    Laser Troopers: 0

    Tanks: 1,420
    Scientists: Unknown
    Probes: Unknown

    3. Wetwork or w/e the kd Biohazard owned also showed as banks and hits, i'm sure Bio can verify us about his deletation

    So, Sped, where is your kd that's going on popkilled? :)
  • What exactly does that prove?
  • Why am i even playing this round, anyway.

    This doesn't really prove anything at all honestly just yea
  • Just mass goons have war
  • What exactly does that prove?

    Shit proof posted, no response back?

    Tired of getting ROLLED? Lawl
  • September 3, 22:40:37 Our brave kingdom Ruckus (1:14) attacked Angry Bee (2:10) and conquered 10 planets.
    September 3, 22:40:41 Our brave kingdom Ruckus (1:14) attacked Angry Bee (2:10) and conquered 10 planets.
    September 3, 22:41:08 Our brave kingdom Ruckus (1:14) attacked Angry Bee (2:10) and conquered 10 planets.
    September 3, 22:47:06 Our kingdom Ruckus (1:14) bravely defended against Pew Pew Pew (1:1) and lost 40 planets.
    September 3, 22:47:10 Our kingdom Ruckus (1:14) bravely defended against Pew Pew Pew (1:1) and lost 34 planets.
    September 3, 22:47:12 Our kingdom Ruckus (1:14) has entered trouble mode. Aid will be accepted for 12 hours
    September 3, 22:47:12 Our kingdom Ruckus (1:14) bravely defended against Pew Pew Pew (1:1) and lost 29 planets.
  • Lol dat farmin.
  • Pew Pew Pew should update his Kingdom Information to the follow:

    E-Mail Address: None
    ICQ Number: suicides by multi - 3
    MSN Address: None
    Yahoo Pager: None
    AIM Address: farms farmed - 1
  • I want a Farmin Bra... Would go well with my Ho'n Underwear.
  • They don't make bras in your size!
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