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Anarcho Capitalism vs Government



  • What's the motivation to work then? If you get everything you want/need without paying, then why contribute anything? Why educate yourself to be a doctor? Would machines be doctors, etc.?
  • You should be a doctor if you have interest in medicine, the human body, etc. There's nothing stopping you from studying to be a doctor. If you want to be a doctor you still can, but do not expect to be payed as there is no money. You don't need money because you and everyone else gets whatever good they want. People may choose to come to you over a machine who knows ; but yes ideally machines would perform surgeries, could diagnosis illnesses, etc. And this would be available to all people.

  • I assume you are talking about Massachusetts, Because Mass is really the only state in new england with very strong accents. I am from new england and in my state no one has accents unless they are from somewhere else lol

    Maine, NewHampshire, Vermont, etc no accents ;)
    I think you've spent too much time in New England. How do you say water? Water or wuda?

    Over Easter dinner, the accent was apparent. Some family members from Boston were on the crowd.

    When she said "Hows Ian? "...she was actually asking "Hows Anne? ". It took me awhile wondering who is Ian, when someone said she was referring to Anne. That is really heavier than my accent. LOL
  • Hopefully this system would be world wide with a single Earth state. The state is democratically elected and simply handles distribution of many of the products and services. It would protect the right of guaranteed want from any good, and of course all other freedoms. It also ensure that production and recycling systems are never halted or otherwise restricted. The state would also run the process of exploring other planets and beginning colonies.
    Anything totally state run is a form of socialist state.

    Anything that you put power to the populace in selective governance can be considered democratic - if that term is still real in this day and age.

    The premise of capitalism is giving credits for those who have potential to become best of whatever they can be: a doctor, a scientist, explorers, manufacturers without government regulation that stop/minimize/hinder their pursuits in any forms of regulations or excessive taxation I'd say environmental damage should be a separate omnipotent clause.

    A capitalistic state should give the man's quest for achievement a greater value, than asking him to pay taxes for those who don't desire to work. There should be no penalty for hard work, but a celebration of being able to achieve and contribute one's talent, for one's purpose of mere living among us and the pursuit of his own happiness.
  • Hopefully this system would be world wide with a single Earth state. The state is democratically elected and simply handles distribution of many of the products and services. It would protect the right of guaranteed want from any good, and of course all other freedoms. It also ensure that production and recycling systems are never halted or otherwise restricted. The state would also run the process of exploring other planets and beginning colonies.

    Honestly, fuck your single state nwo bullshit

    come and try to take my guns, i promise to first give you my bullets at very high rates of fire ;)

  • Imagine if our economy was run by this

    Of course we are not at this level yet, but even with our technology today I believe we would be able to give all people the goods they need. With freedom from want we would be able to research technologies such as this.
    and btw your fantasy world will forever remain fantasy, because Humans are fueled by greed, the 1% will NEVER allow the 99% to be equal to them. Keep dreaming bub
  • Hopefully this system would be world wide with a single Earth state. The state is democratically elected and simply handles distribution of many of the products and services. It would protect the right of guaranteed want from any good, and of course all other freedoms. It also ensure that production and recycling systems are never halted or otherwise restricted. The state would also run the process of exploring other planets and beginning colonies.

    Honestly, fuck your single state nwo bullshit

    come and try to take my guns, i promise to first give you my bullets at very high rates of fire ;)

    You'd be welcome to have guns man. What's wrong with a single state if it is democratic and you have all rights?

  • Imagine if our economy was run by this

    Of course we are not at this level yet, but even with our technology today I believe we would be able to give all people the goods they need. With freedom from want we would be able to research technologies such as this.
    and btw your fantasy world will forever remain fantasy, because Humans are fueled by greed, the 1% will NEVER allow the 99% to be equal to them. Keep dreaming bub

    Yeah that mentality is what lets the greedy win. I believe humans have the ability to eliminate greed if we lived in a post scarcity world
  • i don't think it is greed. Greed is when you steal from someone to get you better.

    Capitalistic mentality is about exploring your own potential, proving your worth and earning every your own meal.

  • You can explore your potential much more in a world where you don't need to work and you have everything you need to survive. There's no bigger thing humanity can do to prove our potential then enable , finally after thousands of years of bitter strife , every human being on earth everything the need to live, and finally begin to explore the universe and learn about life's true questions , not the question of how one is going to afford to put food on the table for his family.
  • It's time to put aside individual sovereignties, all human beings are equal and every single one should have their human rights protected by a democratic government. There of course should be 'states' such the United States which elect sub representives and still preserve their own traditions and customs. Everything would be the same there would just be no borders to kill eachother over. Everyone would have basic human rights which includes food and shelter, etc. How you want to live is then up to them , and no one can discriminate against what one believes or how they live their lives, unless that infringes on another's rights.
  • A government is incapable of protecting that. Democracy is really just mob rule.
  • A government is incapable of protecting that. Democracy is really just mob rule.
    Sad but true.
  • A single state government with a strong police force to enforce people's rights would be capable. It's really not that difficult once everyone got their heads out of their asses.
  • We've all contemplated Utopia, but that is so incredibly far away from where we are today that it is almost not worth discussing.

    Not all conflicts are ressource based, the ruling elite sure as hell won't give up their luxury and our population just isn't sustainable. Have you seen what the megalopolis' of the third world look like? We would need to revamp the cities of what... 4 billion people? Maybe more.

    I really don't see a solution short of population control. We don't have the technology today to sustain what we already have, sadly enough.
  • Zeality: Tragedy of the Commons - Gareth Hardin

    "add more that herd, and we know the quality of life of the herd is going down".
    I'm glad you pointed that out.
  • Power corrupts, we have seen this throughout history. You would be giving government the power over every single human on earth. If you honestly think that this will not be a problem, we have nothing more to talk about. Your understanding of human nature is far to lacking for this conversation.
  • ah yes, that magical piece of paper. lemme know how that works out for you.
    mmm, money!
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