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Anarcho Capitalism vs Government



  • Is bubbler used outside of wisconsin? Those Milwaukee peeps are crazy...
  • The first step for the United States is the abolishment of this industrial age education system we have. I live in the wealthiest town in my state and attend the public highschool which is considered a good school, but the way the teach us here and many other places in the United States, is archaic. And they try to modify it like every two years yet all this does is cause more problems. They need to completely redesign it. It is honestly sad how misinformed the youth are becoming, and if you stray out of my town it only gets worse.
    Michigan has a wealthy town?
  • I'm having a discussion with someone who believes in ACapitalism, and thus far I've realized that there are now 3 types of dumbasses in this world. Does anyone believe in this shit?
    i love the idea but i think the eventual outcome is that some charismatic lunatic assembles an army with the millions he/she has made and establishes a dictatorship.
  • I am from Rhode Island, we are under the impression we are the only state that says bubbler instead of water fountain. Didn't know Michigan did too

  • I assume you are talking about Massachusetts, Because Mass is really the only state in new england with very strong accents. I am from new england and in my state no one has accents unless they are from somewhere else lol

    Maine, NewHampshire, Vermont, etc no accents ;)
    I think you've spent too much time in New England. How do you say water? Water or wuda?

    I say water, i pronounce my R's properly, I am not a masshole. But yes I have spent far to much time in newengland, going on almost 30 years
  • hahaha masshole. I cant wait to meet someone from boston so I can call them that.
  • Not as bad as the leafers from ny that come in fall!(an example of a word from old English used in only American English)
  • Did someone say N.Y.
  • I'm having a discussion with someone who believes in ACapitalism, and thus far I've realized that there are now 3 types of dumbasses in this world. Does anyone believe in this shit?
    i love the idea but i think the eventual outcome is that some charismatic lunatic assembles an army with the millions he/she has made and establishes a dictatorship.

    My thoughts exactly. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  • so your fear of living in a stateless society is that it MIGHT end up being exactly what we have right now?
  • Basically. The only difference is that we've got a founding document which pretty much gives us a guideline for when to rebel. The latter does not.
  • ah yes, that magical piece of paper. lemme know how that works out for you.
  • well, so far Jimmie, not well... Not well at all.
  • I maintain my belief that democracy is a stepping stone towards human potential, not an end to that journey. There are great ideas in the Constitution, but someday humans will grow beyond the need for a security blanket. Just as a child cannot imagine a world without his bottle, we cannot imagine one wit real freedom.
  • We need post-scarcity communism!
  • Stop existing, please.
  • Stop existing, please.
  • edited April 2015
    I'm sure you'd be yelling "I want to spend most of the day working because hard work is worth it, fuck communists and socialists!" in a post-scarcity world. Where the means of production of all consumer goods is completely automated and so effective that all people can have them at no cost.

    People can still create art, music, a computer program, anything individual is of course still available. But anything basic one may need based on social norm is available free.

    I believe if governments tried hard enough this could easily be achieved with the technology we have today. Greed would be eliminated as people would lose connection to material objects as they knowing that if something they own is destroyed it could be replaced for free. Of course this would not apply to things with sentimental value.

    How does this now sound good to you?
  • But where would the profit be if everything was free?
  • edited April 2015
    There doesn't need to be, if machines create all goods on the market besides individual goods, why do you need profit? What is profit? It's making money. What do you need money for? Buying goods. No need for money when everything you need is free.
  • The only 'market' that would theoretically exist would be a gift-exchange economy. Say I'm out and about, I've got say a watch. You come up to me and you for whatever reason don't have a watch. You should, because it would be free, but maybe you left it at home. But you need the watch so you can know when to go to work later that day. So I can 'gift' you the watch knowing I can simply get one later for free, or perhaps you have something I need, which you also can get for free, and so we 'exchange'.
  • Property rights do not exist in a communist society. So, no thank you, I do not want others coming in to take what's mine. Also, there is no such thing as post scarcity. The earth has finite resources
  • The earth has plenty of resources for all of us to be post scarcity until we can colonize other worlds and harness the power of stars
  • edited April 2015
    Everyone would own the means of production aka the factories and machines. They don't own your property, everyone has their own and it is all free.
  • Then it isn't communism
  • Not to mention you can recycle the goods
  • It would not be the exact definition of communism no but similar. There is also the idea of post-scarcity anarchism , what are your thoughts on that ?
  • Communism is literally the idea that the community owns everything.

    Anarchy, in my view, would be a given in the world you describe, because what need would we have for government in such a place?
  • Hopefully this system would be world wide with a single Earth state. The state is democratically elected and simply handles distribution of many of the products and services. It would protect the right of guaranteed want from any good, and of course all other freedoms. It also ensure that production and recycling systems are never halted or otherwise restricted. The state would also run the process of exploring other planets and beginning colonies.
  • edited April 2015
    Imagine if our economy was run by this

    Of course we are not at this level yet, but even with our technology today I believe we would be able to give all people the goods they need. With freedom from want we would be able to research technologies such as this.
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