back to ARAM. I only play 5v5 if with a party to troll and I quit playing ranked. People take 5v5 too seriously.....
Public: Like your Bronze IV dude, with a crap score and gold take, playing a support that NEVER drops a ward, and is always trying to farm alone to get killed, dont tell me where to take my Gold III AP carry to help YOU get blue pill.....raging for 5 min while they take 2 turrets and draggy
Ranked: called it, called it, called it, called it. now this is what you HAVE to play because meta.....wait, why you pick that champ.....rage rage, bleep, rage.....then they dodge, rage all game, or go afk.....
So I play 3v3 and ARAM, cant even play 5v5 anymore urf or not haha
you take it too seriously. I just fuck around and practice mechanics to make sick plays. The only difference between me playing in silver and diamond is how much I give a shit about vision control and constant map awareness, caring about your tier is so worthless for enjoying the game, theres no noticable difference anyways
Not really... maybe a different year/time line of playing.
The SK community I remember is the same as Glade's...they don't care whether you are in opposing alliance or not. They give you tips to be better player.
But then again, we come from the era of dial-up internet SK players.
I haven't put it down the 3 hrs since I downloaded it. So sweet. I don't even care about the micro transactions. I'm addicted.
Edit: oh.. nvm..
Trycomb smurf- Onion Soup
Im not using Cecil much atm. Being as I just got him my guys are past where he is not useful as a main. Same with Tifa
Last urf I really liked ap nasus. His e was like always up.
Like your Bronze IV dude, with a crap score and gold take, playing a support that NEVER drops a ward, and is always trying to farm alone to get killed, dont tell me where to take my Gold III AP carry to help YOU get blue pill.....raging for 5 min while they take 2 turrets and draggy
called it, called it, called it, called it. now this is what you HAVE to play because meta.....wait, why you pick that champ.....rage rage, bleep, rage.....then they dodge, rage all game, or go afk.....
So I play 3v3 and ARAM, cant even play 5v5 anymore urf or not haha
I tried to put a team together a few times to get serious, but I apparently know too many drug addicts that cant keep it together haha.
I played LoL for fun, and for awhile it always was. Not sure wtf is up with the community shift the last year or so, used to be so much friendlier.
People used to help you out, give build and play style tips. join you in a custom 'training room' whether they were your team or opponent
now its nothing but ragers
"what kind of fking dumb shit build is that? dont be a retard"
Maybe its you? I only get rage from people when im damn near blatantly feeding
Not really... maybe a different year/time line of playing.
The SK community I remember is the same as Glade's...they don't care whether you are in opposing alliance or not. They give you tips to be better player.
But then again, we come from the era of dial-up internet SK players.