I agree. The reason I hate playing ranked is the douches that think they should be in Plat but the can't get out of bronze so they rage at every one else. Cuz it's my fault that they went 2-12 cuz I'm the jungle and they got camped. Dumbasses
I agree. The reason I hate playing ranked is the douches that think they should be in Plat but the can't get out of bronze so they rage at every one else. Cuz it's my fault that they went 2-12 cuz I'm the jungle and they got camped. Dumbasses
Yeah if you couldn't tell I'm a jungle main. Specifically nautilus and Zac. I used to play rammus but with the new jungle changes you can't hardly clear the jungle. And when I wanna troll I normally play nunu and just rum around fucking with the other jungler laughing with the nunu bot skin lol.
has anyone tried A nasus mid? It's pretty op against Champs or players that can't farm without using abilities.
I'm on right now if anyone wants to add me and play.
i am level 12 lol
has anyone tried A nasus mid? It's pretty op against Champs or players that can't farm without using abilities.
I call support though
btw, i added you today rayzar
I won't be on today but I'll accept next time I log in
no one loves me T_T
i meant from the new batch, we've been friends for ages now xD