Oh, can someone check my work for Bash report Format? Might not be useful at this point of the game, but I will try to use this for next game. Need some help for your editing/math skills. And choose of words for clarity. Thank you. Bash report format:
1. Sector news : remove sector location please 2. Show Landsize /NW : accused basher and defending kingdom (current with time stamp) 3. Calculate Land size before the attack to determine the claim for bash.
4. Simple Math: Bash Range: (attacker Land - land gain from sector news)/3
5. Check the land size of the defending kingdom (see number 3). Compare your numbers. 6. If defender landsize is equal to or less than #4, bash ratio, then contact SL, AL to stop/warning that bashing is not tolerated [insert contact/negotiating skills here] 6a. If defender size is greater than #4, then is it not a bash. Call for sector retal, alliance retal, grab a cookie. 7. Also state if both SL are informed, most SL/VSL can solve this problem within.
8. It is also important to get time stamp. The establishment of land size depends on it, because players can hit inactive kingdoms, or even explore at some point, so your numbers are not really accurate.
NOTE: if repeated bash, I think usually both SL/AL will know what to do.
And please, please, please, for the love of cookies, don't call it bash if you don't have the calculations to support your claim. It is not fair for both attacker and defender.
1. September 27, 23:20:30 Our kingdom Nabalu Trading (xxx) bravely defended against Death Palace (xxx) and lost137 planets.
4. (2868 - 137 = 2,731 Death Palace )/3 = 910 ------- 910 land and below is the range where hits are called bash.
5. 1,173 versus 910 (bash range) - yes? no?
6. Not a bash
Note: Suiciders, KT, Personal Grudges, Alliance Wars - are politically motivated thus bashing is NOT the issue there.
The above short format is only for "random grabs" and retals only.
I am not here to tell you how to play, but if you want basic guide so people have fun, and have fair play, that is just one example format that might help you. Please don't shoot the messenger.
~~ can someone review this guide? see if my calculations is correct. thanks. ~~
October 14, 02:03:43 Our kingdom Rowdy Yates (1:5) bravely defended against mercers boyfriend (2:3) and lost 755 planets.
This is the second bash on Rowdy from mercers boyfriend.
It cool how when you run the universe common etiquette is just tossed out the window. If you want more people to play SK you cant play like this. New people will never want to stay if all the veteran players say "Never bash never bash you cant bash" and them they all start bashing when they feel like it.
you have a good point. If you want new players to enjoy, let them has a little bit of fun.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that 6k land is less than 1/3 of 32k land. Doesn't matter what specifics you give. These are not in times of war nor are they grudges. This is just NA farming the universe because no one can do anything.
I know how to do the math prior to calling it a bash. I take into consideration the time spent exploring, KD stat lines. MA protection. etc etc. if it comes down to about 5 land I will call it a bash.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that 6k land is less than 1/3 of 32k land. Doesn't matter what specifics you give. These are not in times of war nor are they grudges. This is just NA farming the universe because no one can do anything.
Not all of us. I haven't bashed outside of war at all this round.
It is just political power Raeker. I am Not here full round, I don't understand all the details.
It seems that you guys need to band together to be able to have negotiating power with NA - because you said "no one can do anything". Actually, if you can organize yourselves, and put it a stop to it, i don't know how many players it need to undertake such goals, you can do something.
Medium size kingdoms were very active in my days and the can actually kill some top NW players.
~note. again and again, i was told the universe is much much smaller. So, i myself might get disappointed~
I know how to do the math prior to calling it a bash. I take into consideration the time spent exploring, KD stat lines. MA protection. etc etc. if it comes down to about 5 land I will call it a bash.
if you are running an alliance next round, I am pretty sure you will be able to teach old and new players how this thing works.
October 14, 11:03:24 Our kingdom Rowdy Yates (1:5) bravely defended against Monty (2:3) and lost 723 planets.
Rowdy 6513 Monty 33042
Even if Monty had conquered 3000 planets this still would've been a bash. Rowdy is not a KT and NA is not at war with Twilight. NA is literally just farming 1:5 because this is the best time to do it.
October 14, 05:10:36 Our kingdom Raeker (1:5) bravely defended against Catch 22 (1:2) and lost 688 planets. October 14, 05:27:21 Our kingdom Raeker (1:5) bravely defended against ZxBiohazardZx (1:6) and lost 557 planets. October 14, 09:15:06 Our kingdom Raeker (1:5) bravely defended against Seiko (1:2) and lost 564 planets.
First one I had 6.8k land, Catch 22 had ~24k land.
Second one wasn't a bash and I dont mind it so much but im still posting it because Bio is in NA
Third one was a huge bash I had 5.6k land and Seiko had ~32k land
damnit i KNEW someone beat me to my hit i honestly took SoM myself.
NA is hitting both sides, i just happened to tap 1:5 twice now. Please dont hold me accountable for how the round payed out. Im trying to respect everyone and not to bash.
Man I remember when 1:5 was farming the uni. How the mighty have fallen.
Lol 1:5 was never farming the Uni. We have never been in the biggest alliance. We've been the hopes of the underdogs, but the other underdogs keep biting back while NA sits back and farms everything. People are sheep and they will always do whats easiest until they realize they made a bad decision at which point it becomes too late. In SK and in life. It's a reminder as to why I stopped playing this game years ago... unfortunately now it seems people think it's "fun" to have all the top KDs to the extent where they can't even hit anyone outside their alliance without bashing. Where's the fun in that? It's no surprise as to why the SK community has dwindled. It seems like Alliances might need to be reduced again maybe to 3 or 4 sectors.
Seiko (1:2)
Sector Leader
Subject: Re: (Blank). Sent on October 14, 09:51:16
---- Original message received October 14, 09:36:18 from Raeker (1:5) ----
>> At least give me the courtesy of a response.
Bash report format:
1. Sector news : remove sector location please
2. Show Landsize /NW : accused basher and defending kingdom (current with time stamp)
3. Calculate Land size before the attack to determine the claim for bash.
4. Simple Math: Bash Range: (attacker Land - land gain from sector news)/3
5. Check the land size of the defending kingdom (see number 3). Compare your numbers.
6. If defender landsize is equal to or less than #4, bash ratio, then contact SL, AL to stop/warning that bashing is not tolerated [insert contact/negotiating skills here]
6a. If defender size is greater than #4, then is it not a bash.
Call for sector retal, alliance retal, grab a cookie.
7. Also state if both SL are informed, most SL/VSL can solve this problem within.
8. It is also important to get time stamp. The establishment of land size depends on it, because players can hit inactive kingdoms, or even explore at some point, so your numbers are not really accurate.
NOTE: if repeated bash, I think usually both SL/AL will know what to do.
And please, please, please, for the love of cookies, don't call it bash if you don't have the calculations to support your claim. It is not fair for both attacker and defender.
1. September 27, 23:20:30 Our kingdom Nabalu Trading (xxx) bravely defended against Death Palace (xxx) and lost137 planets.
2. 1036 Nabalu
2868 Death Palace
3. 1036+137 =1,173 Nabalu (defender)
2868 - 137 = 2,731 Death Palace (attacker)
4. (2868 - 137 = 2,731 Death Palace )/3 = 910 -------
910 land and below is the range where hits are called bash.
5. 1,173 versus 910 (bash range) - yes? no?
6. Not a bash
Note: Suiciders, KT, Personal Grudges, Alliance Wars - are politically motivated thus bashing is NOT the issue there.
The above short format is only for "random grabs" and retals only.
I am not here to tell you how to play, but if you want basic guide so people have fun, and have fair play, that is just one example format that might help you. Please don't shoot the messenger.
~~ can someone review this guide? see if my calculations is correct. thanks. ~~
It seems that you guys need to band together to be able to have negotiating power with NA - because you said "no one can do anything". Actually, if you can organize yourselves, and put it a stop to it, i don't know how many players it need to undertake such goals, you can do something.
Medium size kingdoms were very active in my days and the can actually kill some top NW players.
~note. again and again, i was told the universe is much much smaller. So, i myself might get disappointed~
Rowdy 6513
Monty 33042
Even if Monty had conquered 3000 planets this still would've been a bash. Rowdy is not a KT and NA is not at war with Twilight. NA is literally just farming 1:5 because this is the best time to do it.
damnit i KNEW someone beat me to my hit
NA is hitting both sides, i just happened to tap 1:5 twice now. Please dont hold me accountable for how the round payed out. Im trying to respect everyone and not to bash.