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PF WW II signups Babylon 5: The Coming of the Shadows



  • btw...whoever has power to protect better use it on mages in the first night or you'll die first in the following ww

    its not a threat though
  • Writing up the main post now, still an hour (or less) to sign up!
  • There's a rule tge previous ww mod is not targeted
  • Danubian always says fuck that rule and kills ixta anyway.
  • Its cause its ixta
  • edited June 2014
    Theres also a rules against killing Pie too quickly...
  • And giving him a role and not telling him
  • edited June 2014
    You give me a role and I will own that son of a bitch.

    I just thought about it... a TRUE Roleplaying thread might be hard. Because you would only be able to lynch people based upon things seen and heard. Lets say Im a bad guy, I can think killing that busty maiden Phantom last night, feeling her life force escape her body as she reached the pinnacle of her orgasm... not knowing until the actual end that I wasn't going to stop choking her...

    But you guys wont know that unless you saw me leave with her... can find my fingerprints or trace my DNA through my sperm... idk if we can get THAT in depth, but that would be gawd damn awesome.
  • i'm almost sure at least one person here already called internet police to check this forum for criminals...

    so if you do that now, its insta-suspect for you...also, its not necessary that we see or hear that.

    unless you dispose of the body smartly, we can narrow the suspects to those without alibi and just kill all of them

    ps. that was amazingly descriptive lol
  • almost done. its taking longer to make this post than I thought (making it pretty and shit) but I'm just about to post and send out roles
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