Shining would be a great guy to group with if you like two faced nw whores.
This post blew my mind. Some clarification is necessary, seeing as how I've never NW-whored. Ever. Let's see...this and last round, DW(killed last round for AT, pure NW whore there). Round before that, 50/50 TF killed in War(do they kill NW whores in War?) Before that? My first round back in years, 58, in which I did nothing cuz I knew nothing and no one.
So, please, tell me who trolled you and posed as me. Has Meadows written all over it lmfao.
EDIT: If you meant before R58...then I applaud your memory and grudge-holding skills, sir. If you meant S2...bwahahaha.
Shining would be a great guy to group with if you like two faced nw whores.
This post blew my mind. Some clarification is necessary, seeing as how I've never NW-whored. Ever. Let's see...this and last round, DW(killed last round for AT, pure NW whore there). Round before that, 50/50 TF killed in War(do they kill NW whores in War?) Before that? My first round back in years, 58, in which I did nothing cuz I knew nothing and no one.
So, please, tell me who trolled you and posed as me. Has Meadows written all over it lmfao.
EDIT: If you meant before R58...then I applaud your memory and grudge-holding skills, sir. If you meant S2...bwahahaha.
Crash just pro trolled you by posting random shit. I applaud you Jeff, somehow that worked perfectly.
If I ever play again, I'll support ANY AL, that will turn a blind eye when I'll friend farm everyone on my aim list, my UA mates first. This AL and his crew must have strong bonds with multi tasker/s, the more the better. No complaints accepted over my godlike attitude. :-*
Kes you creating next round?.?.
Merle what about you? - you creating next round?.?.
My plan: Ian as VAL and Cobras as FM/WG. They will do all the work, accept all the blame, and I will take all the credit.
So, please, tell me who trolled you and posed as me. Has Meadows written all over it lmfao.
EDIT: If you meant before R58...then I applaud your memory and grudge-holding skills, sir. If you meant S2...bwahahaha.
Shyt. Ian would be proud. Meh. Changing my name to TrolledShining
although i would recommend for those of you coming for the show to not show up late as it might be over quick