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  • That basically the jist of monitoring the kds haha

    But it doesnt work on the top 10 kds cos they are on evrry flippin time so u need to check their login times every 3 hrs for about 2 days and u get the jist of when they are offline for 2 hrs and u tick rob em for 800k

    It kinda worked but i had shit probes so i kept on failing :(
  • I tried r/r+no probes strat on a misty one round. Was doing pretty good too, but then I went to login and was dead... worst newbie mode ever.
  • If you know how to make a spreadsheet all you do is copy/paste the top 100 scores twice a day and bank galore.

    I think I still have a top 100 SS somewhere.
  • Jones is SS kill him so says the great sci
  • This got off the topic of farming quickly.
  • If you know how to make a spreadsheet all you do is copy/paste the top 100 scores twice a day and bank galore.

    I think I still have a top 100 SS somewhere.
    I have a land one from like v1 sk that spits out land changes, twice a day sounds shit for banks though really haha
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