Let me guess? One of those hippies that criticize the government for being too heavy-handed or not giving enough to the poor?
You people make me sick. There is a reason we are successful countries and it has nothing to do with giving away something for nothing.
Go and live with your Romanian cheater pals. You won't be missed.
My political beliefs and beliefs in general really have nothing to do with this game. I stated facts. I do praise the active KDs in Phantomz. You can not blame the guys without multis or knowledge of who run the multis. These guys (myself included) sacrificed a lot. One day three fails and I personally took out 30% of a kds defense. That wasnt a damn multi. If you had any sort of intelligence I would suggest you reading the first war thread and see my exact opinion on these multis. If you dont want to play, good we dont need sniveling little bitches. Dont blame me when all Ive done is praise the actives.
Let me guess? One of those hippies that criticize the government for being too heavy-handed or not giving enough to the poor?
You people make me sick. There is a reason we are successful countries and it has nothing to do with giving away something for nothing.
Go and live with your Romanian cheater pals. You won't be missed.
1) Sooo multies tried to take over our own sectors aswell, 2) I've yet to see real proof of multies hitting our KTs. maybe on on ocasion on a dick that prolly angered the multi maker 3) You're a racist mother f*cker and a total retard if you think the governments are actually doing sh*t for the population
"There is a reason we are successful countries and it has nothing to do with giving away something for nothing." <== Please tell me you are not talking about USA lulz.</blockquote> Why are you attempting to talk to me as if you have some power in this community? You are nothing of significance. Just a random commenting in this thread by defending a cheating alliance. Even more ridiculous is your claim that there is no proof despite the sheer amount of news posted in every war thread and even admissions from members of the cheating alliance that the cheaters were on their side.
You reek of east european as well. I'm guessing Russia? If you want to find humans more barbaric than the nazi's then go to Russia.
I had a good laugh at your post claiming that Stunner and Disney were run by noob leaders or war generals. It's almost as if you think using hindsight makes you an amazing player/leader yet I've never heard of your name or seen you step up and run a legitimate alliance. Even more ridiculous from all of you cheaters is your insistence that by leaving a kill target alive with 500 land when he only has TF offence and weak probes was a mistake? Unlike Phantomz, Stunner and Disney don't rely on multis to finish off kill targets and resources were better served elsewhere.
So where are you going to attempt to take a dig next fusorman? "There were no multis" or your "The other alliances were run by noobs" argument? You've been proven wrong on every point you've tried to make. If only the moderators of this forum had any respect for the community and banned your cheating ass you ruskie scum.
Let me guess? One of those hippies that criticize the government for being too heavy-handed or not giving enough to the poor?
You people make me sick. There is a reason we are successful countries and it has nothing to do with giving away something for nothing.
Go and live with your Romanian cheater pals. You won't be missed.
My political beliefs and beliefs in general really have nothing to do with this game. I stated facts. I do praise the active KDs in Phantomz. You can not blame the guys without multis or knowledge of who run the multis. These guys (myself included) sacrificed a lot. One day three fails and I personally took out 30% of a kds defense. That wasnt a damn multi. If you had any sort of intelligence I would suggest you reading the first war thread and see my exact opinion on these multis. If you dont want to play, good we dont need sniveling little bitches. Dont blame me when all Ive done is praise the actives.
I'm sorry what? You've dodged a perfectly legitimate argument about your beliefs when it was a acceptable reason that you cannot see a problem with what is happening here.
You are defending the actives that weren't hitting multis during the designated multi wars? You are defending the actives that have said numerous times that they see no problem with the multis when they are on their side?
And to sum up your argument you even tell me to get on and leave the game already. I'm here because the general consensus of a "HIGH" amount of people is that we aren't happy with how your alliance has conducted itself this round. It isn't just me as you claim. How many legitimate players do you think are left in this game? Do you think it can afford 10 or 20 players leaving every round you want to use multis to win wars?
I have to agree with Pie, looking back on it... this is a good round for multis. The Vintage round even, multis were just slaughtering top kingdoms... that shows a different calibre of multiman.
We all know viva is shit, he has war'd with piles of fresh multis in the past. This suits him, whereas two rounds ago was more like Moony/Lovsan.
Let me guess? One of those hippies that criticize the government for being too heavy-handed or not giving enough to the poor?
You people make me sick. There is a reason we are successful countries and it has nothing to do with giving away something for nothing.
Go and live with your Romanian cheater pals. You won't be missed.
1) Sooo multies tried to take over our own sectors aswell, 2) I've yet to see real proof of multies hitting our KTs. maybe on on ocasion on a dick that prolly angered the multi maker 3) You're a racist mother f*cker and a total retard if you think the governments are actually doing sh*t for the population
"There is a reason we are successful countries and it has nothing to do with giving away something for nothing." <== Please tell me you are not talking about USA lulz.</blockquote> Why are you attempting to talk to me as if you have some power in this community? You are nothing of significance. Just a random commenting in this thread by defending a cheating alliance. Even more ridiculous is your claim that there is no proof despite the sheer amount of news posted in every war thread and even admissions from members of the cheating alliance that the cheaters were on their side.
You reek of east european as well. I'm guessing Russia? If you want to find humans more barbaric than the nazi's then go to Russia.
I had a good laugh at your post claiming that Stunner and Disney were run by noob leaders or war generals. It's almost as if you think using hindsight makes you an amazing player/leader yet I've never heard of your name or seen you step up and run a legitimate alliance. Even more ridiculous from all of you cheaters is your insistence that by leaving a kill target alive with 500 land when he only has TF offence and weak probes was a mistake? Unlike Phantomz, Stunner and Disney don't rely on multis to finish off kill targets and resources were better served elsewhere.
So where are you going to attempt to take a dig next fusorman? "There were no multis" or your "The other alliances were run by noobs" argument? You've been proven wrong on every point you've tried to make. If only the moderators of this forum had any respect for the community and banned your cheating ass you ruskie scum.
1) Power in this community: Lulz, 300 people community that is nothing like what it used to be, lulz lulz lulz even if I had some "power" it wouldn't mean shit xD.
2) It's not a cheating alliance since as Pie pointed out we where active, also victim of multies and if some guys multi rape big mouths like your sorry self, then it's not my problem. I don't care what multies did, I didnt cheat, Zx didnt cheat. Soooo :x stop crying lil kid
3) I don't live in Russia, I live in western Europe and once again who cares about countries you racist piece of shit?
4) You've never heard my name, oh wait I'm not popular? I'm gonna cry , wait no, I don't care , FYI tho, I used to play this game since beta and I left more than 5 years ago so it's normal a noob like you never crossed me b4, real interesting thing is, I haven't heard of you either, but seeing how ur an idiot crybaby and prolly a noob who died it doesn't surprise me
5) I have not been proved wrong by sh*t only thing you've done is say: I dont know you, blabla bla *insert racist comments* bla bla bla, cry, bla bla bla.
6) Alliance leaders did a lousy job, I'm not the only one thinking that and any old player will agree. Even Phantomz made mistakes , we should have joined war vs Disney when Stunners declared on them and then finish off stunners or at least have a good war. As for the multies i don't say there aren't, I said Phantomz was way more active than DIsney and Stunners during the last war, that we did get a lot of totally legit kills and that the multies aren't from Zx.
I don't know if Viva cheats like you all claim he does, I don't know him .
As for banning people, if mods had any common sense, the'yd ban racist pricks like you .
That is the general consensus. That and underground alliances are what annoy players.
You have a lot of people that join a random sector and are loyal to that sector and usually alliance. This is how the game should be played. There aren't a lot of players and it isn't uncommon for underground alliances to be split into different alliances. These underground alliance members will never hit each other and it goes against the goal of the game and average player. Case in point: This round and the romanians.
The multis are a problem for multiple reasons. The multi wars that are bound to occur where everyone NAPs up for a week will only annoy the normal player since they want to be playing the game not hitting some kingdoms that shouldn't even be alive. Then you have the problem this round where wars were influenced by the multis and lots would argue the unjust result has occurred with the cheating alliance apparently coming out on top.
Let me guess? One of those hippies that criticize the government for being too heavy-handed or not giving enough to the poor?
You people make me sick. There is a reason we are successful countries and it has nothing to do with giving away something for nothing.
Go and live with your Romanian cheater pals. You won't be missed.
1) Sooo multies tried to take over our own sectors aswell, 2) I've yet to see real proof of multies hitting our KTs. maybe on on ocasion on a dick that prolly angered the multi maker 3) You're a racist mother f*cker and a total retard if you think the governments are actually doing sh*t for the population
"There is a reason we are successful countries and it has nothing to do with giving away something for nothing." <== Please tell me you are not talking about USA lulz.</blockquote> Why are you attempting to talk to me as if you have some power in this community? You are nothing of significance. Just a random commenting in this thread by defending a cheating alliance. Even more ridiculous is your claim that there is no proof despite the sheer amount of news posted in every war thread and even admissions from members of the cheating alliance that the cheaters were on their side.
You reek of east european as well. I'm guessing Russia? If you want to find humans more barbaric than the nazi's then go to Russia.
I had a good laugh at your post claiming that Stunner and Disney were run by noob leaders or war generals. It's almost as if you think using hindsight makes you an amazing player/leader yet I've never heard of your name or seen you step up and run a legitimate alliance. Even more ridiculous from all of you cheaters is your insistence that by leaving a kill target alive with 500 land when he only has TF offence and weak probes was a mistake? Unlike Phantomz, Stunner and Disney don't rely on multis to finish off kill targets and resources were better served elsewhere.
So where are you going to attempt to take a dig next fusorman? "There were no multis" or your "The other alliances were run by noobs" argument? You've been proven wrong on every point you've tried to make. If only the moderators of this forum had any respect for the community and banned your cheating ass you ruskie scum.
1) Power in this community: Lulz, 300 people community that is nothing like what it used to be, lulz lulz lulz even if I had some "power" it wouldn't mean shit xD.
2) It's not a cheating alliance since as Pie pointed out we where active, also victim of multies and if some guys multi rape big mouths like your sorry self, then it's not my problem. I don't care what multies did, I didnt cheat, Zx didnt cheat. Soooo :x stop crying lil kid
3) I don't live in Russia, I live in western Europe and once again who cares about countries you racist piece of shit?
4) You've never heard my name, oh wait I'm not popular? I'm gonna cry , wait no, I don't care , FYI tho, I used to play this game since beta and I left more than 5 years ago so it's normal a noob like you never crossed me b4, real interesting thing is, I haven't heard of you either, but seeing how ur an idiot and prolly a noob who died it doesn't surprise me
5) I have not been proved wrong by sh*t only thing you've done is say: I dont know you, blabla bla *insert racist comments* bla bla bla.
6) Alliance leaders did a lousy job, I'm not the only one thinking that and any old player will agree. Even Phantomz made mistakes , we should have joined war vs Disney when Stunners declared on them and then finish off stunners. As for the multies i don't say there aren't, I said Phantomz was way more active than DIsney and that the multies aren't from Zx. I don't know if Viva cheats like you all claim he does, I don't know him .
As for banning people, if mods had any common sense, the'yd ban racist pricks like you .
So in conclusion you resort to already proven-wrong arguments about the leaders being bad and Phantomz multis not making that much of an influence on anything.
Thanks for proving to me that you have no legitimate argument except for your hindsight (except as has been proven you are a nobody in this game so why should we care what wise words you have?).
Don't bother replying to me again unless you can come up with something coherent you ruskie scum.
Get back to making multis since it's become apparent that is the only skill you can offer to this game.
I've yet to see proof I've been proven wrong and once again, AL's did do a lousy job in last war, only people that can deny that are themselves an idiots like you.
The idiot|IDontHaveAClueAboutThisGame force is great in this one. Useless to argue with retards.
You obviously know nothing of this game and yet you make a Pf account and spread ur ignorance
You don't know forums crashed like 2/3 years ago and all accounts had to be recreated, do you Mr Smartmouth?
As for the proof, Stunners activity just after the war, the fact Marci took days to die even tho he was main KT and the fact that Disney's is almost inactive (as said by their own AL), prooves war decision and KT choices where poor ones .
Edit: You should stop embarrassing yourself and stop giving more arguments to guys that say people crying about mutlies are just crybaby noobs by shutting up
You don't know forums crashed like 2/3 years ago and all accounts had to be recreated, do you Mr Smartmouth?
As for the proof, Stunners activity just after the war, the fact Marci took days to die even tho he was main KT and the fact that Disney's is almost inactive (as said by their own AL), prooves war decision and KT choices where poo ones .
So you haven't played this game for a long time and think that just because you used to play in beta it gives you some special reputation over the active players of today? I think you'll find we couldn't give a fuck when you started playing the game and it's a bit embarrassing you are still clinging onto that as if it makes you someone special.
I'd reply to your second point but it's been explained 3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 times now. If you're too slow to understand the tactics of better war generals than you then there is nothing we can do for you here.
Now i'm off to enjoy a beer and laugh at you east europeans that waste your time making multis in this game as if winning is the only positive thing at the end of your day. Don't forget to pay your rent to your local slumlord haha.
Not really no. people left because this game didnt have enough to offer. Multies just finished it.
And about this round(from what i can gather from phantomz side): Start with 4 possibly interesting alliances, Stunner, Disney, Phantomz and Fenris. Well Stunner was pre-planned alliance so it was the powerhouse(and did really well, gj cobras and anyone who was involved) but the early 2v1 took its toll, multis or no multis. After that the Disney war and later on the Phantomz war...Do i need to say more? No alliance can handle that with this playerbase. Anyway cobras did great, gj.
Disney was just an alliance, i dont think there was much organization going on there. Atleast in the round start. Yet they did become rather powerful during the wars.
Phantomz had some leadership trouble(rather large ones actually), activity during wars wasnt great...actually it was shit. Phantomz did redeem itself in these last wars, but with no real competition left its hard to compare(Its just my opinion, feel free to criticize).
Fenris(in the start) I was interested to see if anything from the old Fenris had survived, but didnt get the chance to find out so please fill this one up for me
forums did not crash 2/3 years ago and even back then you were a nobody
Well my 2001 account is deleted soo servers did crash and data was lost, and I at least made my own alliances that managed to be Top 1 and actually win wars without backstabbing allies unlike source noobs
Edit: And as you pointed out yourself in an other post, back then no mather what alliance I went to, I was War General or officer, so less of a nobody than you IN game at least Jealousy is such an ugly feeling . I did have less time to waste on PF than you, clearly.
Ok no crash, just new PFs sorry cuz Bcart couldn't migrate a Database? lulz.
As for jealous, dunno you're the one who has a problem with me complaining because I joined alliances and officered everywhere calling it "sucking cock" . I couldn't care less about you, I hardly remember anything you ever did, when there where lots of players, that mattered in game. I seem to remember you where in Source, and I know for sure Source where backstabbing noobs, betraying alliances that they where supposed to be allied with round after round just because they didn't want to die: for the score .
The pfs needs more sk players that talk about the old days. We are really lacking in players who know dick size is equivalent to seniority around here.
I really want u to al next game and if u can play a rd legit and not use multis I'd massacre u just so u would shut up. What did u have to do with this war? Did u have a large kd guessing not. Were u part of any leadership? From what I can tell no you weren't. So pretty much u were a nobody but u lecture Plp about their playing styles....get over urself viva w/o multis ur not shit
Myself and nml where both the leaders you stupid noob
You have repeatedly claimed you weren't a leader of Phantomz. I've never seen someone be so blatantly bad at being two-faced.
The pfs needs more sk players that talk about the old days. We are really lacking in players who know dick size is equivalent to seniority around here.
Prime your not that intelligent are you. I said previously that I was leading with nml but after I got killed I have just done my own thing and crushing havoc in a few sectors which I landed it, obviously while backing phantomz. But since I got killed I haven't been involved with phantomz much but obviously depth in touch with friends.
Hey zeality don't tard me with the same brush as you. You where the one who caused the initial war with your multi poptart
Bad players arguing with bad players while viva multis and deems himself the authority on killing cheaters. LOL sk.
You are defending the actives that weren't hitting multis during the designated multi wars? You are defending the actives that have said numerous times that they see no problem with the multis when they are on their side?
And to sum up your argument you even tell me to get on and leave the game already. I'm here because the general consensus of a "HIGH" amount of people is that we aren't happy with how your alliance has conducted itself this round. It isn't just me as you claim. How many legitimate players do you think are left in this game? Do you think it can afford 10 or 20 players leaving every round you want to use multis to win wars?
We all know viva is shit, he has war'd with piles of fresh multis in the past. This suits him, whereas two rounds ago was more like Moony/Lovsan.
Just an interesting observation
You have a lot of people that join a random sector and are loyal to that sector and usually alliance. This is how the game should be played. There aren't a lot of players and it isn't uncommon for underground alliances to be split into different alliances. These underground alliance members will never hit each other and it goes against the goal of the game and average player. Case in point: This round and the romanians.
The multis are a problem for multiple reasons. The multi wars that are bound to occur where everyone NAPs up for a week will only annoy the normal player since they want to be playing the game not hitting some kingdoms that shouldn't even be alive. Then you have the problem this round where wars were influenced by the multis and lots would argue the unjust result has occurred with the cheating alliance apparently coming out on top.
The idiot|IDontHaveAClueAboutThisGame force is great in this one. Useless to argue with retards.
You obviously know nothing of this game and yet you make a Pf account and spread ur ignorance
Noob haters gotta hate ^^
There is plenty of proof but it's not my fault if you're too stupid to use the search function and find relevant threads.
On second thoughts please keep spreading your wisdom. I'm having a laugh at the wise words from a person with 50 posts.
As for the proof, Stunners activity just after the war, the fact Marci took days to die even tho he was main KT and the fact that Disney's is almost inactive (as said by their own AL), prooves war decision and KT choices where poor ones
Edit: You should stop embarrassing yourself and stop giving more arguments to guys that say people crying about mutlies are just crybaby noobs by shutting up
I'd reply to your second point but it's been explained 3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 times now. If you're too slow to understand the tactics of better war generals than you then there is nothing we can do for you here.
Now i'm off to enjoy a beer and laugh at you east europeans that waste your time making multis in this game as if winning is the only positive thing at the end of your day. Don't forget to pay your rent to your local slumlord haha.
And about this round(from what i can gather from phantomz side):
Start with 4 possibly interesting alliances, Stunner, Disney, Phantomz and Fenris.
Well Stunner was pre-planned alliance so it was the powerhouse(and did really well, gj cobras and anyone who was involved) but the early 2v1 took its toll, multis or no multis. After that the Disney war and later on the Phantomz war...Do i need to say more? No alliance can handle that with this playerbase. Anyway cobras did great, gj.
Disney was just an alliance, i dont think there was much organization going on there. Atleast in the round start. Yet they did become rather powerful during the wars.
Phantomz had some leadership trouble(rather large ones actually), activity during wars wasnt great...actually it was shit. Phantomz did redeem itself in these last wars, but with no real competition left its hard to compare(Its just my opinion, feel free to criticize).
Fenris(in the start) I was interested to see if anything from the old Fenris had survived, but didnt get the chance to find out so please fill this one up for me
And as usual: Happy Holidays
Edit: And as you pointed out yourself in an other post, back then no mather what alliance I went to, I was War General or officer, so less of a nobody than you IN game at least
also they didnt crash, i like how you say it was crashed when you never were around to even know
Ok no crash, just new PFs sorry
As for jealous, dunno you're the one who has a problem with me complaining because I joined alliances and officered everywhere calling it "sucking cock"
Jerks nowadays think that they know it all.
Zeal, that has been going on since as long as I can remember.
"What round did you start playing? Round 5? V1???? Hahaha f00000b!!!!!!!!!!!"
Nothing changes.
You're just embarrassing
He was powerless and had been getting slammed with failed and successful attacks. Disbanding doesn't mean no credit for the kill.
Hey zeality don't tard me with the same brush as you.
You where the one who caused the initial war with your multi poptart
Now that's a nice move ^^