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■Congratulations Pie■



  • DW OP was all phantomz needed
  • No offense intended but it's easy to become a powerhouse when the competition is dead.
  • Pie, you are incredibly stupid if you thought this was a mild multi round... Take a look outside your protected alliance and see the havoc they have caused all round.
  • This is why early wars suck and tbh with holidays here most of don't care anymore...

  • about a week late...but finally the tough sons of bitches of stunners have got the job done

    Furious Styles (X:8,Y:7) @ Forest and Wilderness 43,485 10,297,671 (RANK 1)

  • was that kingdoms nw literally all land, did he have any military?
  • He had like 600k LDs, I don't think he had much/any offense.
  • gj cobras 7 or more days to finish a kt :) who was semi-active in the last 3 days
  • gj cobras 7 or more days to finish a kt :) who was semi-active in the last 3 days
    well i only had like 6 kds participating on thank you very much :)
  • I'll start believing this "multi talk" when I see some news or somebody points my lazy arse to the place they are posted :)
  • Wow i posted where delta was hit by multis and look in any war thread you will see almost all kts by phantomz finished by multis its been all round
  • All the terra news on avalon is just all fishy as hell
  • Bob... I guess Im thinking of bad rounds of multis being 39-42. In comparision to those, this is extremely mild. There were even some rounds between then and now that make this one multi free. The multis this round were 500 land kd hitting zero defense KTs for 10 lands. Where those round multis were breaking and raping the top ten with reckless abandon. So please tell me again just how bad multis were this round and I will happily laugh my stupid ass off.
  • What are we congratulating Phantomz for exactly?

    After talking to my friends and sector-mates we will not be coming back to play anymore

    So Thanks Pie/Phantomz/Multis for making at least 10 legitimate players leave the game.

    Keep doing what you're doing and maybe you can have a multi v multi round since you will be the only ones playing?
  • Uh no fucktard.. dont blame Pie, unless I rolled you then qq away...
  • You can't blame him Pie, you've been speaking for Phantomz, who the multis have been working for.
  • Not truly, I never said Phantomz won. I said Disney and Stunners lost. Im not leadership and I truly only worried about my sector. I tried to stir up a little activity, but that was designed to allow me to grab. I always give my all in war and the reason for that is I like trying to survive KTs. Its a badge of honor for me. Its fun. .
  • Oh, I never said you had anything to do with the multis, but you can't blame the people who don't know you for blaming you. As you HAVE been in the PFs speaking for PhantomZ.
  • Bob... I guess Im thinking of bad rounds of multis being 39-42. In comparision to those, this is extremely mild. There were even some rounds between then and now that make this one multi free. The multis this round were 500 land kd hitting zero defense KTs for 10 lands. Where those round multis were breaking and raping the top ten with reckless abandon. So please tell me again just how bad multis were this round and I will happily laugh my stupid ass off.
    Although some rounds were pretty bad, you can't say this one is not multi infested either. With much less kds now, you really don't need strong multis to kill the game and discourage ppl from playing.
  • And before when multis were this bad, they were their own entities, now the multies are picking sides and finishing KTs which takes all the fun out of wars. It's no fun if you can't sit and drag out your KT when cheapo multis swoop in and steal the kills.
  • 1) pie doesnt have the capacity to influence the round... whether hes on the multiside or not, the outcome would be the same

    2) why so many cares. This has been sk for most rounds in the past couple years. If they do it to troll, crying over it will just encourage them :p
  • Ive been in the PFs speaking for myself. I have never claimed to speak for Phantomz... if I were, Id be all "PHANTOMZ RULZZZZ COBRAS A NUB TYS AN ANUS... NEVER WERE ANY MULTIS YOU PHOTOSHOP SS STOP LYING TO YOUR SHEEP. PHANTOMZ!!!"
  • 1) pie doesnt have the capacity to influence the round... whether hes on the multiside or not, the outcome would be the same

    2) why so many cares. This has been sk for most rounds in the past couple years. If they do it to troll, crying over it will just encourage them :p
    1. True. Every word.

    B) I gotta care and give you 2 cares because I care so much.
  • Ive been in the PFs speaking for myself. I have never claimed to speak for Phantomz... if I were, Id be all "PHANTOMZ RULZZZZ COBRAS A NUB TYS AN ANUS... NEVER WERE ANY MULTIS YOU PHOTOSHOP SS STOP LYING TO YOUR SHEEP. PHANTOMZ!!!"
    You know pie...i have been killed 4x this rd...and not once by are letting these multis take your what you gonna do about it ;)

  • Pie is the puppet. I (cms) control all multis
  • Excuse me DW OP... thats my hand you feel up your anus. I wiggle my middle finger and you talk.
  • Why post scores when multis ninjad a sector out of disney?
  • gj cobras 7 or more days to finish a kt :) who was semi-active in the last 3 days
    Says the guy who has shit offense and does jack shit but get double n triple rolled... stfu if not for the good zx you'd be ass raped from rip

  • It boils down too these fact

    PHANTOMZ won

    1) killed most kingdoms
    2) Disney disbanded
    3) stunners are awful

    The reason phantomz won was BECAUSE cobras has acted rationally. He's took his alliance into war after war and he's picked poor kt after poor kt.

    As for tyres well the guy is a loose cannon I personally don't blame him.
  • I really want u to al next game and if u can play a rd legit and not use multis I'd massacre u just so u would shut up. What did u have to do with this war? Did u have a large kd guessing not. Were u part of any leadership? From what I can tell no you weren't. So pretty much u were a nobody but u lecture Plp about their playing styles....get over urself viva w/o multis ur not shit
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