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Kill me quick



  • Haha! Good job lynog.
  • Sir Yes?
  • completely one sided fights ey? is that all i have? wonder why all i ever do is die really early? wonder why im NEVER in the dominating alliance? also please dont count yourself as an enemy. You have to be a threat to be considered an enemy
    Last rnd yes you died, but your alliance did dominate.. Quite well

  • yeah last round. and it certainly wasnt cripple fights we were involved in. hard fought warsssssss we won. btw if you didnt know that was my ONLY alliance ive ever led on s1, Well proper alliance anyway. regardless i die every round bcoz i will fight for whoevers alliance iam in. calling me a pussy is just laughable
  • you are a pussy, your sector left LG the moment we warred the alliance you were in :-p
  • hmm you mean when you guys where killing me ? that was tactics my little nooby friend. no war status on me made it harder for your bunch of faggot noobs to kill me. i remember all the suiciders on me though was hilarious. didnt we kill like 4 of your guys coz of that? i remember atmos pms like. yeah fuck you i got you back punk rawrrr. my reply was. well done only took numerous huge fails tonnes of suicided probes and THEN you had to suicide. you must be pro! lol
  • using the alliance and then running away, I told LG AL whats up but he still decided to defend your sector when it was obviously going to make its own alliance :-p
  • i think your wrong nigga, after i died that sector went back to LG and stayed there till the end. Your memory is playing tricks on you in your old age flaznoob :)
  • dont be silly, that sector hopped in and out of LG so often. Only reason they lasted that long was cause LG's leadership was full of tards with semen spillin from their lips :p

    If I were the AL of LG I'd have KT'd the entirety of that sector for the shenanigans they pulled, many would have agreed haha.
    Once a legit alliance came around (whatever Moogle called his alliance) they hopped ship to it permanently. Along with the guys in Sauce that never helped and mysteriously got active once they were fighting for a certain crew... interesting ;)
  • lets also not forget tex with his multies that round also helping out :-p
  • no really your wrong qwjs sector never got to moogles alliance you guys please stop smoking. I was always guna fight for LG i had no idea moogle was even playing nvm ALin. Flaznoob killed me and i was a huge turtle at the time. whatever that sector done after i left was none of my business but while i was there we where always in LG and after i left they never joined moogle atall all round.
  • are you drunk Lynog?
  • no mate why do you ask?
  • Just seem like it.
  • hmm i could say the same for you the amount of shiiiiit you have posted recently :P

    you musta been hitting the bottle hard :D
  • oh you know ;)
  • Maybe im mixin rounds but i do remember them not fighting for lg and them leaving lg quite often, thats a fact
  • you are a pussy, your sector left LG the moment we warred the alliance you were in :-p
    Sounds similar to a 3 rounds or so ago when Lynog left his alliance when war broke out. Formed sparta. Sparta started being threatened for war. Left his own alliance to go the the number one alliance. Made deals all over the place saying wouldn't fight in war if left to live. How is that always dying for your alliance??

  • You just don't get illuminate. No one does. That's kinda the point
  • you are a pussy, your sector left LG the moment we warred the alliance you were in :-p
    Sounds similar to a 3 rounds or so ago when Lynog left his alliance when war broke out. Formed sparta. Sparta started being threatened for war. Left his own alliance to go the the number one alliance. Made deals all over the place saying wouldn't fight in war if left to live. How is that always dying for your alliance??

    You mean when i went to the underdog alliance and got like 16 first breaks on there KTs? yeah i remember that round well the hofster they called me that round B-) my point is screaming im no whore and i never fight in one sided fights. Callin me a pussy is just hilarious. i know Dank is your buttbuddy and your guna stick up for him which is cool but atleast think of some better insults maybe ones that hold some truth
  • You just don't get illuminate. No one does. That's kinda the point
    Yo you should play again so we can revive the dead
  • You should login so we can goddamn leave.
  • Yo I'm dead.
  • Yea well our VAL was being KT'd too. I don't know who Binary is but he's absent. Nexus never joined in. I'd have to say AuntJemima was a good exercise in regrouping but this shitball is just rolling down a mountain.
  • Yea that's why i quit.

    You didn't get the memo did you?
  • No I did the 2 minutes of reading required to see that we counted on unreliable people to back us up in a war we restarted after losing the prior war.

    Grand plan.
  • Yo I got KT'd for posting a suicider as free land.

  • What do you think the strongest alliance is going to do? You've been hating on these people since the start of the round, you thought you'd get away with that?

    Maybe if SK still have 7 galaxies, the game would be big enough to ignore a whole alliance going after one big dumbass.
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