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Dank=Worst AL alive?



  • like i said your multies are shit along with everything else. how bad is it you lead an alliance 2 rounds running and cant even kill ONE kd less than 3k land. You guys should be banned from leading by cart himself your that bad
  • edited November 2011
    Lyn not only could he not kill gmt, they failed to kill Xen, who was there main target. Even tho he was a 1500 land KD haha.

    8million Net Alliance vs XEN 1500 land 250k net KD.

  • Awww why ya'll picking on i did jackall :P
  • If we don't remember your failure, then you didn't fail big enough.
  • Imo

    If people follow..
    You cant be the worst.
  • People follow because they have no choice. All the good alliances fill up fast and they get stuck with whoever invites them.
  • Agree, but rnd after rnd
  • I would prefer to go allianceless then be in his.
  • Awww, I'm not that bad. :-((

  • edited November 2011
    It's not the AL that's the problem the players just slut. They hold out for a spot after a war. This round just like the last the AL got hit up by multis and died.
  • You tell em dank
  • stfu dank your just a failure, stop blaming everybody else all the time.
  • edited November 2011
    How about you get off of your mothers tit and go find a job. You're a bad joke. Nobody here actually gives a crap how well I perform as a StarKingdoms AL. It isn't important and my charisma isn't going to cause people to trash their account in a rank 4 alliance a week into the game. Take your head out of your ass. I died because multis don't care about rank. I didn't have any and the other side did. There you have it. However, people do care that you're flushing your entire life down the drain and pretending you're important due to this game. You should listen to me because what I'm saying to you is important. Go get a job now before it is too late.
  • But.. Lynog IS the most important person in this game.. Just ask him. He will call you names and then tell you just how gooder he really is. Its funny, dank is now the lesser evil lol. I still hate you dank, but nothing personal..
  • edited November 2011
    I did trap the sectors in Atari to get raped as a parting gift. Since they did not fight for their officers I felt that it was fitting. It may have been harsh on my part but I was frustrated. I complained when BCart made alliances 40 sectors, again when it was 20, yet again when it was 10, and now it's just absolutely retarded. Anyone with a 6 pack of multis can influence the round.
  • besides you, your sixpack of multies can kill 1 kd and have no influence whatsoever on the rest of the round and Pie who are you again? i forgot
  • he is just the upmost shittest player this game
  • Everything u have said is a complete like Dank, i was msg'd over and over by the SL's of your alliance sectors, and guess what every1 of them asked me. Why we are killing them, they had NO idea what they was in war for. You declared and then logged of and didnt do anything, they had no target,no info, and no reason to fight.
  • Punish them? LMAO we was so nice to them its not even funny, we had every chance to farm there alliance to the ground, instead we told them that only people that would be KT'd was people that was still active hitting people in our alliance. No1 else was touched and they was allowed to leave. We had war status for what 3-4 days? And we had Sticky'd posts on our forums that NO ONE HITS ANY ATARI SECTORS. We killed like 2-3 players that even after there SL's told them to stop continued to do ops. Otherwise there was no war abuse hits on them.
  • Hey look, I got insulted by Lynog.. I must be psychic. Of course when you have all day to think of insults.. Your list must surely be longer than
    and Pie who are you again? i forgot
    And you forgot to tell us just how pro you are.. Maybe one of the guys who hold your balls when you pee will come along and tell us.

    Please.. Enlighten us with you Brilliance, if it hasnt dimmed.

  • ITT: Dank doesn't bother to log in and makes up a bullshit reason as to why.

    He didn't do that to punish you guys, its just a bullshit laugh for him. Either way. Who cares.
  • Aspire was the worst AL.
  • You people forget that Grimtidings was an AL.
  • You people forget that Grimtidings was an AL.
    Yea grim has dropped off the map it seems.
  • His alliance was still well worse than Aspire or Dank.
  • guy who created source has to be high up on this list
  • Oh well I'll AL next round and take the title.
  • edited November 2011
    Why we are killing them, they had NO idea what they was in war for. You declared and then logged of and didnt do anything, they had no target,no info, and no reason to fight.
    Posting to them that the officers died because they found a gigantic multi farmer and made a PF thread about it was pointless. It wasn't going to change anything in my eyes. You have to understand that we just followed PartyRacoons lead. It wasn't the OMFG I'm just going to trash my alliance that ChaoticX and Lynog would like you to believe. We had support, but we couldn't do anything to prevent the multi rapes. I didn't post the news to people because it's futile. Was I jaded at that point? Absolutely, because I watched it happen to my AL in Marvel the proceeding round. Will I ever play this game again? Not unless BCart makes major changes to the game.
  • My b Dank, we didn't have the activity to help ya out.
  • The only possible way to respond to what happened to me and Screamin was multis of our own.
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