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Dank's Appology



  • edited December 2012
    Pie always acts like he doesn't care then the tears begin to flow. That is why I chose him. Xmas eve you die.
  • I'm taking bets ladies and gents! Will Danks trash multis last till Xmas eve?
  • PiePie
    edited December 2012
    Not concerned.

    Next story?
  • Stop with the meth comments. Seriously, attack his gameplay, stop getting personal with him. It's bullshit.
  • Serious Jayr? That fuckhead started with shit about my son and a serious, almost fatal accident. The first time he posted the shit, I took the high road. Didn't say shit to him except do go there. He does it again... Sofucl him. He wants to get personal... It can stay that way. I'm not the one calling him a multi or saying just how fucking retarded he is... In fact I usually don't say shit to him, yet he attacks my personal life and you defend him? Fuck you.. youre no better than dank. Go suck his cock moar... Or at least Lrn2read before you post. Dickhead.
  • Chill out, I know what he's saying to you and it's fucking awful. I've already said something about that though; I'm not trying to pick sides but you both need to cut it the fuck out.
  • The first time you said something... Second time? Nope. Just waited until I responded with posts like his and then came down on me... Whatever Jayr.
  • I didn't see it. Chill out; I think it's horrible behavior. Who the fuck wouldn't? But still, two wrongs don't make a right and all that. Ya'll been getting too personal with each other for no reason. To be honest, I had no idea the drug references bothered Dank all that much until recently. We as human beings tend to try to one up on the insults, especially when it hits close to home. Be it on the internet or not, I think you two should be a bit ashamed of the things you're saying to one another.

    And from the sounds of it [in the other thread], you have a very intelligent child. Congrats :)
  • edited December 2012
    He wants to associate with people saying terrible things to me and convincing others of this lie. I asked politely for a year and a half while at the same time meth destroyed my bros family. It stops now I am done listening and I told his so called friends each time they say it I will hand it back. Maybe his lying friends are not worth this they showed no care at all beyond propaganda. Is it worth it Pie?
  • Tbh, I am. This isn't me. I don't attack anyone personally and while I may feel like shit... I'm trying to figure out just what fucking way works. I tried being nice, didn't work... So this is the option now.

    And thanks... That kid just reads EVERYTHING! He is smart and because of his intelligence and adaptability... He doesnt qualify for disability even though he's deaf in the right ear and his face is paralyzed on the right side.
  • Dank... You are a tool. I don't do shit to you. My friends are just that. They don't speak for me. Attack the ones attacking you.
  • edited December 2012
    Jay you are the only one to tell them to stop. Sorry I was rude to you on your return. You came back at the moment I was declaring jihad on this crew. Thank you.
  • You two are alright; you both crossed the line so it's awesome if you two stop.

    non-related : I'm still looking for a group.
  • Ninja edit on... Done here. I've dumbed myself down to your level enough dank. Have fun and good luck.
  • edited December 2012
    In their own words I have done nothing to them. My kingdoms were legit and no multi rapes. They call me a cheat and say I use meth so that I leave and nobody mentions their bot use and double standards. I will not cease until they cease. Each time they say it I will come at you more ruthless than the last. If you freak out thank your "friends". If I can not rationalize with them and they badmouth people to the extreme then I have no pity. Look how they treat Sky, Pos, Viva, or for that matter Jay before recently. Anyone against them they tag team and just make shit up. You associate with habitual liars and pricks. They have been caught doing everything I accuse them of and try to say oh that doesn't apply. Only applies if others do it.
  • stop smoking meth you cocksucker
  • Lynog just loves feeding the flames :-p

  • edited December 2012
    Yes I know he will and people will line up to follow him. I feel no remorse for saying these things.

    Pie your wife didn't reallly forgive you. Women never do. Only with you for the kids sake she hates you buddy.
  • I just wonder why you chose Pie? I don't think hes affiliated with Lynog. Be better off picking on someone like Qwj, he deserves it haha
  • Your Junkie brother will never forgive you
  • Had nothing to do with me he lived on the other side of the country. Nice try though.
  • I wish you and you're family well. I truly hope things work themselves out for you guys.
  • edited December 2012
    I just wonder why you chose Pie? I don't think hes affiliated with Lynog. Be better off picking on someone like Qwj, he deserves it haha
    You guys all love to claim no affiliation. HG does it. You do it. Qwj does it. Random people I don't even know of do it. I see it in convos on aim. I see it in alliance chat and sector chat. I can relate to how it must look to Jay. What are the odds dank stayed legit and all of this is made up? Even he believed it because it is everywhere. It didn't help that I attacked him but listen... it pissed me off that he is chill with them. Besides trolling pfs I haven't cheated any of you. The crap I say always turns out to be true and yet I still get this shit. Of course some things are random I like to fish for info and stir the pot. The people making up lies, getting caught on the bot, matching ips, stacking entire galaxies for food and banks, etc you ignore. Unless of course they are this guy Lynog's enemy. So to those people running to group with them, join their alliances, post on their behalf, and do this knowingly while just making things up about those that try to stop them... I am done humoring you types. I will attack you on the same level as the person you admire and benefit from. Pie and HG are tied at the hip. HG is always up Lynog's ass. So neither of these guys are worth attacking to stop what is irritating me. However turning my attention to Pie provokes an immediate response. I like Pie I agree what I am saying is terrible but... nobody gives a fuck if it happens to the rest of us. If you are pro Lynog better steer clear of me.
  • edited December 2012
    So your saying no ones allowed to be friendly with anyone else if your not in the group? FCKin hell you are a man child Dank.

    First of all, I haven't talked to pie in length since like round 44. Second, I talked to lynog for all of about 15 minutes all together last round. Your delusions of these "Affiliations" are now actually creating them if anything. Just because grown folks are civil and we tend not to attack/probe each other don't mean we're all in cahoots against you ( Besides the fact we all think your a jackass) well now we are likely to team up cuz your forcing the naps via multi threats lmao...

    Like I said before Dank, Your the best player on my team. I haven't used aim to network for SK like I used too, and thanks to you I won't need to :)
  • So according to dank's own statement and set of rules... He part of my crew too... Which means he is part of HG's and the Scouse Crew as well. Because aside from a suicide on him when I was a KT... I didn't probe, attack, talk negative to him or anything else. When we add 1+1+3... It equals dank being Scouse.
  • edited December 2012
    By getting angry you're buying into his rouse. He finds enjoyment in fucking with people, and he's doing it now to you. Just ignore him and he goes away. The more time and effort you put into showing him attention feeds his ego. Even now as he is reading this he is probably stroking himself. Pay him no mind.
  • edited December 2012
    Idk Barren... You haven't spoke to him via phone or had a drink with him lol. This is pretty much his temperament and mentality. Would like to give him troll cred, But I find my self considering the Convo in which we had about 0.08 seconds of a meaningful Convo then he started on his nonsense.

    Most forum trolls can hold a conversation outside of SK PFs without spazing and hanging up/blocking ppl lol

    Giving him this attention is definitely getting his whorish snatch wet tho, I agree. But fck man when we ignore him he spams PFs with threads lol, at least we can focus his stupidity in one thread this way?
  • I'm past the anger. While I admit it did piss me off him bringing my son into this long before I said shit to him about his brother, I do realize I was acting childish and dropping down to his level. I know I am better than that and have actually gone through my posts (recent ones at least) and editted out all comments I made concerning dank and his meth addiction or talk of any of his family. I don't know if any is true, but its not my place to say anything like that.
  • sorry, just tl;dr'd it
  • Not much longer than yours... But w/e if you complain and I respond and then you choose not to read... Don't complain.
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