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  • Last round I wanted a fun end war with IS but it didn't materialize because of gang bangs.

    I'll say this Hatetank is a good friend of mine he does not run bots and would rather kill lynog etc most rounds than not. Last round he was in the alliance that killed qwj for gods sake. If theres a disagreement between his AL and their sector their are much better ways to handle it then to take his officer position away, hes a resonable guy and if you tell him the truth and talk to him even when hes pissed off he will listen.

    Hate I feel deserves respect because of the hard work he puts in on kts and pks not just his kingdom. If there was problems between his sector and the alliance there were other ways to resolve, 1:11 had problems with cobras this round and it was worse then what is being discussed here lol...
  • NO i wanted to war u evenly with dank we were same size somewhat n wanted a fun honest end war bet

    ween just us NAP everyone n not all this crap uni against #1 it would have been fun matching us against u but guess fun wars don't exist on sk.

    I agree but when my 2 best players I.p interacted it wud have been no good lol
  • edited November 2012
    Tank nobody said anything about war with OS. You don't suggest dumb shit like that while I am being killed. You were an obvious spy. Also all of the tricks used by Lynog and Qwj with their version of disinfo is snitch crap. You just make up random lies like I smoke meth. You know who does that... police do that. They are snitches in real life. Ask what they do for a living. When you care more about what the enemy wants than the alliance you lead you are a snitch too.
  • Tank nobody said anything about war with OS. You don't suggest dumb shit like that while I am being killed. You were an obvious spy. Also all of the tricks used by Lynog and Qwj with their version of disinfo is snitch crap. You just make up random lies like I smoke meth. You know who does that... police do that. They are snitches in real life. Ask what they do for a living. When you care more about what the enemy wants than the alliance you lead you are a snitch too.

    he's been a rough kingdom all round for the coalition
  • Dont bother arguing with the pair of spastics tank the crackhead will just spout his constant usual shit.

    You know they wer cheating, I know they wer, everybody else knows they wer, but it doesnt matter as they are both done. BM seems to now be controlled by someone better and OS is done...and if viva tries anymore shit it will be taken care of.
  • Oooooh nice! Dinner and an ass whooping! Just let me know when :-)
  • KICK HER ASS PIE!!!!!111111

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