5 rounds there has only been 2 rounds where the #1 guy did anything in war at all. The round TB dominated, and last round. The 3 rounds in between was guys that hid behind there alliance and rarely m
when we played and where top military we allways got kted just because we where liths. same happens with lynog, it does not matter hes #1 or he is #50 he will get killed because he has so many pyps wh
Lynog dies because he is usually #1, top breaker and a threat. He isnt the only one, it happens to our group every round and to certain other players. Im sure if you did only have 1 manual kingdom you
That being said, the guy whos crying over a racist joke on the internet must be new here. Lesson #1: If you can't take it, dont dish it. I make fun of Canadians as much as anyone, does that mean I hat
A #1 finish on server 1....would have been the biggest kingdom on the server ever by at least 50 million NW if i wasnt basically a uni KT for the last week + ...(was also a KT mid round) The kingdom o
Since SK needs debates other than just 'he cheats, he multies, he farms.' Will make an interesting thread so people can have a more intellectually stimulating discussion.