Listen to me for a second. I know you don't care about this game but still leave it up for your legacy. Let us have access to it and we'll stay within whatever guidelines you lay out for us. We don't want to change your game or do anything to it beyond making it playable. You won't have to do a thing. I've always been here. I have always told you of issues. Let me help you to help me helping you!
You do not speak and I do not know what has happened but I have not let your legacy die. It can live on with the community. Sell me the domain name and join us. Name your price but please be reasonable and let's come to an agreement.
Sir, I have been around this game in one way or another for Close to 19-20 years now. I started shortly after the original Betas.I was just a teenager. You had a great thing going here, and a dedicated following. I am not going to chastise you other then to say I am disappointed you let this game die. I know that they were people who were willing to purchase this game from you as well. It’s a shame you never took them up on their offer. I do want to say thank you though, I’ve met a lot of good people through this game and become friends with them outside of the gaming world. The people that I met through this game I helped bring me through some really rough times in my life. I have you to thank for bringing us together. I hope someday that Will find a way to re-launch this game. There’s a large group of us still playing together in other games now, and we would love the opportunity to come back someday. Good luck, best wishes, and a good life to you.