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  • dank

    Listen to me for a second. I know you don't care about this game but still leave it up for your legacy. Let us have access to it and we'll stay within whatever guidelines you lay out for us. We don't want to change your game or do anything to it beyond making it playable. You won't have to do a thing. I've always been here. I have always told you of issues. Let me help you to help me helping you!

    February 10
  • SongSi

    Rock and roll, my friend.

    January 12
  • dank

    You do not speak and I do not know what has happened but I have not let your legacy die. It can live on with the community. Sell me the domain name and join us. Name your price but please be reasonable and let's come to an agreement.

    January 2023
  • Cya

    Sir, I have been around this game in one way or another for Close to 19-20 years now. I started shortly after the original Betas.I was just a teenager. You had a great thing going here, and a dedicated following. I am not going to chastise you other then to say I am disappointed you let this game die. I know that they were people who were willing to purchase this game from you as well. It’s a shame you never took them up on their offer. I do want to say thank you though, I’ve met a lot of good people through this game and become friends with them outside of the gaming world. The people that I met through this game I helped bring me through some really rough times in my life. I have you to thank for bringing us together. I hope someday that Will find a way to re-launch this game. There’s a large group of us still playing together in other games now, and we would love the opportunity to come back someday. Good luck, best wishes, and a good life to you.

    April 2020
  • Veii

    i still can't log in, sir! please help?

    December 2018
  • AlexElectric
    There are so many multis BCart. Don't you care about SK anymore?
    September 2017
  • nigelgoo
    Good Hockey Private Leagues are not working where there are any inactive players.New seasons are not starting up . perhaps you want to fix this -perhaps not. Jamragia
    April 2017
  • jamragia
    Good Hockey 1 Most Important - since season start many games have been replayed once or twice with all games counting. This needs fixing. 2. Can we have our forums back - or some sort of forum . Thanks.
    October 2016
  • jamragia
    There's a problem with Good Hockey today. Morale and fatigue increases for the day haven't taken place.
    June 2016
  • jam
    Good Hockey has a problem again . Players are not gaining experience like they should be , even Poor experience players with L9 are not gaining. Thanks for looking into this.
    May 2016
  • str8ocastr
    Hello BCartfall. I've been expecting you. *insert insidious grin here*
    May 2016
  • Hazza
    Hi, just tried to long in, but found my password had been changed. I have reset it to make more secure. but all my military has been disbanded... Can you add security to the login so that password/email changes must be approved via a email link to prevent this happening in the future.
    April 2016
  • jamragia
    Good Hockey has a problem. Games took place yesterday but, loans trades and training didn't . Regards
    March 2016
  • SpedSK
    Be useful for once and freeze these multies.
    March 2016
  • Viva
    Let me buy this game off you, message me with the price you want.
    October 2015
  • Veii
    I did this for my fantasy league and it was awesome! --------------------------------------------- The Ocean Challenge is thus: Finish the Round as Ocean KD with the highest NW and win 50 dollars in whatever is legal. No booze to youngsters, porn, that kinda of stuff. Your ticket to play is using an ocean so no gambling! Rules: +Register your Ocean with me when you start playing it. +At registration the Ocean planet must be between 250-275 land. +Your score is your Ocean's Networth at end of round. +Register anytime (start of round, midround, etc.) +Multies are not eligible.
    July 2015
  • Veii
    please run the scan, like 1 time an hour until this is fixed. i'll do it for free! bcart = they are taking over everything, we've been pulled from our alliance, the forums are spammed, enhancements are not bought, we need the scan or some hard core intervention!
    January 2015
    • TMonsta
      So BCart is Obi Wan Kenobi. I wonder who is Luke Skywalker?
    • TMonsta
      You are totally Chewbacca.
    • TMonsta
      Vader...Vader never fully embraced the dark side. He was replaced.
    • TMonsta
      Darth Revan was wise, yet could not hold firm to his hatred.
    • TMonsta
      So, you do know my name. But are you aware of my power?
    • TMonsta
      Silenced by the dread you feel when you think of my's normal.
    • TMonsta
      So frightened you passed out. Still normal.
  • Forlorn
    IPvSK2: 863-E6-D4-77 run a scan and delete all the kingdoms with this IP please, you lazy fucker.
    January 2015
  • jamragia
    GOOD HOCKEY ========= Trading still isnt working - been about 2 months . Headlines are now that showing. IF you are too busy c'est la vie - but at least make an announcement about if or when you may fix these problems. Oh your mail box there has stopped working too. Thanks
    December 2014
  • ZxBiohazardZx
    we NEED a rollback. the 36h downtime of all servers during newbiemode is NOT acceptable and will provide a very messed up game experience to all.
    October 2014
  • ZxBiohazardZx
    Please fix the Apestrophe bug/glitch in the Starkingdoms game. Any message containing an apestrophe will not be shown
    October 2014
  • AMOG
    Please remove the double exploration from last round
    January 2014
  • Jesarubbi
    hahaha nice
    January 2014
  • SkyDragonX
    BCart, please buff Desert Wasteland to +75% offense and even cheaper Dragoon costs. They keep dying too early in every round!
    January 2014
  • Dogtown
    The mods you have chosen for the public forums are abusing their powers, ruining forum games and being uncooperative with the community. A change is suggested. I feel nimrod is a community member worthy of being mod. good day sir.
    December 2013
  • SkyDragonX
    BCartFall - Tyrsis is being mean and saying DW should be nerfed. I disagree and think it should be buffed even further because those who choose DW hardly ever survive until the end of the round. It's so unfair. I think you should give DW some defensive boost such as +50% defense, max military research with no scientists needed or maybe even +50% offensive strength. Hoping you help us out here, mate. All the best. SkyDragon.
    December 2013
  • Rohan Castle
    Dear Bcart, I am apologizing for my past behaviors and unprofessional acts of child like immaturity. I think I have learned my lesson and I would really like to have my old account again if you don't mind. Yours truely, Rohan Castle.
    October 2013
  • Viva
    Inbox me. I have a proposition you may be interested in
    September 2013
  • WallsOfFire
    while you are resetting the game, can you fix the poploss parameters u set earlier where minimum poploss is either 5% of a kingdoms total population or if land <1000 /4, land <5000 /8, and land < 15000/16 because it's getting really hard to run pk's, especially with the low amount of kingdoms, so we have a very restricted amount of probes in the game. or adjust the game to account for the low amount of players, like gaining 2 pa's per tick instead of just 1
    September 2013