I remember the days when newbie mode was filled with sector leader elects posting their SK resumes to get the job, and the same pitches were made for alliances. I'd you had to make up an SK resume, what would it look like and what would it say. You can opt to be serious or lolz, but this is literally the only place you can showcase it, so make it good.
Also, if you want to post somebody else's, that.could be funny too.
(I'll post mine tonight)
That's my go to
It's great to be in this place, I see a lot of old faces here (even though your hiding you know who you are). I'd like to introduce myself to those who don't know me (a few of you probably don't). My name is Damdred, I am an awesome sl. I've played for the past 10-15 rounds every round and before that I played from round 6a (old school).
I never miss nanos or solars and i've led some of the most dominant alliances of this round. I have all the contacts needed to keep this sector safe! Hell look at my group mates they are all top 10 players and protect you all!
A vote for me is a vote for our own alliance! And a world without the oppression of sl shares! Also flazer sucks
You won't know me as I change names regularly and don't spout continuous shit like some.
Vote for me if you like your nanos and solar late.
Pie posted evidence that he wanted to run Feralcats, so i disbanded and created Globalwarming.
Pm'd sectors to join again.
After newbie ended and i failed a blind hit with all WLs, razed all res/sms and quit.
Hate those nagging little cunts.
It's great.
High I am dank. Unlike the guy you were about to elect I am not a pussy and can tell you who I am. I've led countless alliances and been a general just as often. I can kill this pussy SL and he knows it. There is no way in hell they will admit to having SL in another sector but as your new leader I will find it. If for some reason this bitch nameless punk remains SL I assume your nameless bitch ass will suffer the same fate. Anyhow, I am running for SL until the time that one of you admits who they are. In all honesty I don't want SL. I don't have the time for this sector fund bullshit. Individual kingdoms should not be influenced by some nameless fuck with another account. So I hope that one of you scared little cunts says who they are soon but we all know they will drop you a hint in a message and continue to hide like cowards yet to choose an account.
Vote dank temporarily. I like to kill shit when noob mode ends and if you got a problem... yo I'll solve it.