Posting first cheater for this round
June 30, 04:14:12 Our brave kingdom Higgs Boson (3:16) attacked Yourichi (1:11) and conquered 94 planets.
June 30, 04:14:14 Our brave kingdom Higgs Boson (3:16) attacked Yourichi (1:11) and conquered 80 planets.
June 30, 04:14:16 Our brave kingdom Higgs Boson (3:16) attacked Yourichi (1:11) and conquered 69 planets.
June 29, 03:09:49 Our brave kingdom Higgs Boson (3:16) attacked Famine (1:19) and conquered 52 planets.
June 29, 03:09:55 Our brave kingdom Higgs Boson (3:16) attacked Famine (1:19) and conquered 42 planets.
June 29, 03:09:57 Our brave kingdom Higgs Boson (3:16) attacked Famine (1:19) and conquered 34 planets.
June 30, 03:28:58 Our kingdom Rhythmic Harmony (3:16) bravely defended against Yourichi (1:11) and lost 56 planets.
June 30, 03:29:01 Our kingdom Rhythmic Harmony (3:16) bravely defended against Yourichi (1:11) and lost 47 planets.
June 30, 03:29:03 Our kingdom Rhythmic Harmony (3:16) has entered trouble mode. Aid will be accepted for 12 hours
June 30, 03:29:03 Our kingdom Rhythmic Harmony (3:16) bravely defended against Yourichi (1:11) and lost 41 planets.
June 30, 03:29:05 Our kingdom Rhythmic Harmony (3:16) bravely defended against Yourichi (1:11) and lost 33 planets.

Pyramid Farming, Sector full of Same IP multies, all working together, all bankfarming. If this doesn't remind you of lovsan I don't know what does
Pretty pathetic, Universe should start KTing the sector of 3:16
The aggressors are Moo and Kesha's kingdoms, and yet the Uni should start KT'ing kingdoms that seem to be minding their own business.
If anything, if I was AL, I'd be sending a message to them saying that if you help us with Kesha and Moo, we won't KT you. Then KT them later once they've outlived their usefulness. But no, the current AL's are so fucking smart that they'll take out harmless kingdoms then sort out Kesha and Moo once they're too big.. LOL.
Says it all.
fuckoff faggot, your shit at the game and your a cheating skumbag. eat shit and die
as far as moo, i would like for someone to organize of list of the kds etc.
No one here likes you. Dank is only using you to troll more. Go away skydragon there is no place for you here.
meanwhile, pyramid farmers and farming so they could claim a win by gaining an advantage. and plus, this is 6 multis in the same sector, pretty easy to take out
Seems to love following me from thread to thread like my bitch.
As much as I have enjoyed bending you over all day your just growing boring and repetitive. Please take your lonely ass someplace else.
its the bots and the inactive multies taht feed the universes/playerbase its lands and yet whenever someone is "caught" we all cry like its the end of the world... get over it, play the game, care less its only a game that about 100 real people play, the rest of the game is multies, bots, inactives and other fillups that serve a purpose. no drama no fun for at least 50 out of the 100 players, from the leftover 50 players i recon 10 dont really give a crap, 10 try to salvage whatever is left from their former glory and about 30 players only play this game because they are too bored, and sk allows them to live the life they had 10 years ago and you can afk-game while at work...
if i missed anything, let me know
tldr: care less, mind your own freaking kd, deal with it
skydragon your just a cheating little faggot now pick your dummy back up and take your Kt like a man you little bitch
But for now, I know what your plan is - Get these idiot AL's to take out your competition, and you'll slowly rise to prominence after having chosen your strongest account. If that's what it takes to make you feel good, all the power to you and your lame goal, loser.
SkyDragon, you are the only one who multies. You have a sucky plan to have several accounts and you have no balls whatsoever to make it to the top. You would also use your other accounts to sabotage your competition down. How many multies you have this round? Your 40+ wasn't enough last round so maybe you have 60?
You know why there are rules to this game? They are there to make the game playable and enjoyable for the playerbase. I guess simple things are 2 complicated for you to understand. That is why I try to make them understandable for you.
Surely you'll confirm what everyone knows, that Lynog has multiple accounts? Figures. :-)) :-)) There's no way I'm ever putting in any effort to reach the top in this crappy game now. Only really play it now to laugh at the general stupidity of most players. But good job Genz, like you always do, read what I write, then throw it back in my direction like a douche. Real clever.
Oh yeah, then claim you don't read my posts. :-)) Yes, the cheating player base.
- One rule for Kesha and his ladyboys ("itz soo he wont killz us aLLLL!!1111")
- One rule for Lynog, Genz and all the other wannabe pro's ("hey they are coool, we all get along n lynog promised us he dont multi n i believe him!!11 it wont be like last round he promises he haz no other accountz this time!!111". Two weeks later: "o fuk he had loadz!111 duh we fell 4 it again???!!!11 silly usss >:D< ")
- One rule for legit people trying to keep up with these cheaters ("if u make it obvious, we'll kt u noob!!111 n i don't care taht the top 20 cheat, u r not allowed 2 fool!!!111")
- The last rule for the gullible rest who play honestly ("do what we tell u 2 do otherwise we'll kt u for no reason 2 keep our multi overlords hsappy n so they wont kill us all!!1111 dont u get it theyll KILL US ALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ")
You trying to argue against this baffles me. I can't wait to roll your bitch ass.
P.S: Lynog > You.
I think its time someone steps up and fights for the rights of sk players. That someone will be me.
Take note dank ill stop these multis by myself. Maybe you will learn to speak for yourself instead of being in lts back pocket.