I'd prefer that he gives the access to everyone rather than his lying low and not announcing it. It's a much worse crime to me for him to be the ring leader of a grand conspiracy I have to constantly bring up and argue with Queef and Lynog about. If he just stops screwing with peoples accounts they make on it and everyone has the same opportunity to use it... it's fairer. It might not be fair to those that don't want to do it, but it's better than an unseen ass raping waiting for you around every corner and listening to Lynog say he's a great kingdom builder. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me.
He is asian. Give him time to work up his jaw muscles. The positive is half the stuff he eats prevents him from having a gag reflux! Positives for him!
Love you Lews, you know I am just playing with you
Darubian... Ever thought he might be replying for the post count??
Yeah hehe i have no qualms with anyone, he kinda didnt get Lews yet.
He is asian. Give him time to work up his jaw muscles. The positive is half the stuff he eats prevents him from having a gag reflux! Positives for him!
Love you Lews, you know I am just playing with you
Of course, if anyone thinks I'm ever serious, they should talk with me on AIM...they'd know. Just ask lynog :P
Dude you are making it to easy for me! I'm really just giving you shit. I really have no qualms with you lol.
Love you Lews, you know I am just playing with you
Of course, if anyone thinks I'm ever serious, they should talk with me on AIM...they'd know. Just ask lynog :P