Well, here are my thoughts. BCart, mak e round 50 awesome! Do. Some sweet planet type changes and like 3 multie scansz!!!!!
Mystical lands- I like mystic. I think it is the most balanced type ATM. I would say no change( unless someone has a cool idea???)
Desert waist lands- let's face it. This type is solo op that it is bad. It gets killed off and cant end the game. I thought about a bunch of options, but the one i settled on is drastic. It would make for a crazy round. Keep DW the same as it is, but have the option for 600 platinum to train dragoons straight from population. I am not sure if it would be too much to also train soldiers at the same time, so the $ amount could be moved a little. Either to 400 ish, or allow soldiers to be trai ned at the same. Time and make the dragoon cost like € 750, also remove the fdc thing. Its needed elsewhere
Forrest and wilderness- you can't keep nerving the attack time. Its not working. The star mine boons needs to go away, or be decreased, and f&w need -10% power. Its to easy to turtle ftw! With these nerds, lets increase the pop boons to 25 or 30%. Shae it up.
Mountainous- the thing with mount is you always get robbed. And the poer nerf makes you an easy kill... I think it would be neat if mount gets dw's fdc always maxed, also, it would be cool to give mount 5-10% probe shields all the time. This helps with !them being an easyish kt
Terra fourm- it seems to me that terra has no long game. Idk how to fix that, Maybe terra should get 10% extra probes, or they could get 18 hour explore times in mob? That might be to op tho... Idk i don't have a good answer for tf, seems like an ok plan net type, but not good in the long run.
Multiple terrain- Sucks! Its so strong at the start but so bad at the end... Hmmmm MT gets 20% extra honor on all hits. Tis will help its late game
Oceanic- idk the building cost need to go up. It's by far the biggest advantage of oceanic. Perhaps a small nerf in attack time/power? 5% maybe in both???? Idk if this is good, but ocean has been the top kd for a few rounds now...
Volcanic inferno- also needs its nerf cut by 1/3 The pop requirements for vi are crazy! I also think vi should always have RWC maxed as soon as the unlock it.
Shadow lands- this one is for LoXiE. Probe factories produce 30% more probes. Defenseive strength is -10%. Attack speed -5%. Idk if the extra stuff is right, but the probe factories would be cool. Make it a hard nerf, so they don't get abused to much, but it'd be neat.
Ok thats all. Ha. Troll away
every one of them
Oceanic is NOT overpowered and you should know that it only gets top kingdoms because they usually explore turtle for the whole round and everyone above them dies.
MT is a great PT
the PT of winners
To discredit a PT for being known as the key to a defensive game start is a joke. You might as well complain about DW going anti turtle. Or mount supporting a strong income strat. Or VI for RR (which I support).
Lews, quit sucking his cock, he is no one to look up to.
all the good turtles run no pfs because their fucking useless. why would they need to probe for soms when they arent attacking lmao
extra sms is better for sure
Im 1/8th choctaw, buddy!
DW: + 15% Offense -35% Goons/Trooper cost, -5% pop, start with goons
VI: -50% power req, PPs store 3k power, -5% pop, start with fusion
ML: -25% attack time, -15% power req, -5% offense, start with scouter
Mount: +20% income, +35% honor, +25% power req, start +100k plat
Oceanic: +15% defense, ALL shields always maxed, +15% research required, start LDs
TF: +25% research efficiency, max Bonus +10%, income -5%, start 300 sci
MT: +15% probe production, +10% probe success rate, -5% defense, start with Goons, LDs, Fighters & TFs
other then that looks good